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Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

whose talking the people of country in which slaughtering non-Muslims is National Sport.

Really? I never knew that, i can't remember the last time i "slaughtered" a non-Muslim in Pakistan when i last visited. Funny, this coming from an indian who's never visited Pakistan.

Shut your trap bharati.
Really? I never knew that, i can't remember the last time i "slaughtered" a non-Muslim in Pakistan when i last visited. Funny, this coming from an indian who's never visited Pakistan.

Shut your trap bharati.

No one wants to visit country of non-Muslim eaters .
I hope these hindu radicals gain more strength and popularity and increase in numbers. Would be a blessing in disguise.

Blessing is disguise for who? It wouldnt be a blessing for people of Pakistan nor would it be a blessing for moderates in India. Its like saying it would be a blessing to see taliban in power in Pakistan :disagree:
And IM is result of bajrandal's rampage in mumbai gujarat and ayodhya.

Look some one is justifying terrorism. But I guess it comes with the turf.

As regards Ayodhya, aunty, what should have been done was done.

they(shiv sena and his supporters) just bark, never bite :)

Yep, they are just expressing their freedom of speech.
And just like how you, as an Indian, retain the right to welcome the Pakistanis into India, these ''radicals" rely on that same right to question their arrival. Simple enough, eh?
no issues there. :tup: (assuming there is no violence)
There are idiots everywhere. In a country the size of India the numbers of such fools are infinitly small (<0.000000000001% of the population!!). Every nation has a right-wing elemant. Most Indians/people don't pay much attention to bigoted fools. But to be fair there are genuine greivinces that need to be addressed.
There are idiots everywhere. In a country the size of India the numbers of such fools are infinitly small (<0.000000000001% of the population!!). Every nation has a right-wing elemant. Most Indians/people don't pay much attention to bigoted fools. But to be fair there are genuine greivinces that need to be addressed.

then you will be surprised finding out about actual india and support for such people, from digging pitches in the 90s to burning the samjhota express train, these hindu extremists have come a long way

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