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Radar-Equipped Drones May Protect U.S. Navy Ships From Mach 10 Hypersonic Missiles

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Russian Army drill in Black Sea

Hypersonic missiles and drones have emerged as two of the most devastating weapons in modern warfare.

So the U.S. Navy has an idea that is almost poetic in its irony: use drones to stop hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles.

Or more specifically, use drones to detect hypersonic missiles targeting American ships, thus giving those ships more time to shoot down or jam rockets coming in at speeds as fast as Mach 10.

“Hypersonic cruise missile threats operating at lower altitudes pose a unique challenge,” warns the Navy research announcement.

Forewarned is forearmed, but anti-ship missiles traveling at hypersonic speeds – faster than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound – pose a double problem. Their low-altitude flight paths – perhaps just a few feet above the waves – means the curvature of the Earth blocks their detection by radar until they are relatively close to the target.

This problem isn’t new: sea-skimming anti-ship missiles – such as the Exocet of Falklands War fame — have worried navies since the 1970s. What’s changed is the speed of anti-ship missiles. Older weapons such as the Soviet Styx and America’s Harpoon were subsonic, which meant they were slow enough to be jammed or shot down by shipboard anti-missile systems such as the U.S. Navy’s Phalanx multi-barreled cannon. Newer weapons, such as Russia’s P-270 Moskit and Kh-31, could achieve supersonic speeds of Mach 3 or 4 that taxed anti-missile defenses.

But a new generation of Russian and Chinese hypersonic anti-ship missiles — like Russia’s Zircon, with an estimated speed of Mach 6 to 9 – are a different matter. They both fly low and move fast. Not quite as fast as ballistic missile warheads entering the atmosphere at Mach 23, but at least ballistic warheads can be spotted by radar high in the atmosphere, and they follow predictable ballistic trajectories that make interception easier (though far from easy). Low-altitude hypersonic missiles offer little detection time and they can maneuver to avoid interception.

“As opposed to ballistic missile trajectories where Navy guided missile destroyers and cruisers have on the order of several minutes to detect, track, lock onto, and then launch interceptors against a hypersonic reentry vehicle, low flying missiles provide as little as 10 seconds of flight time above the ship's radar horizon before missile impact,” the Navy explains. “Some supersonic missile threats present similar challenges.”

But what if ships could launch airborne radar systems that would loiter overhead? Their elevated height would extend the ship’s detection range, perhaps far enough to give crucial extra warning time for hypersonic missiles. “An airborne platform, either manned or unmanned, with a suitable radar system operating in the vicinity of the ship could—in principle—dramatically extend the engagement timeline by providing early detection, tracking, and cueing to the ship,” the Navy says.

Drones are a prime candidate for hosting an airborne missile detection radar. “The most obvious candidate aircraft to host the radar system would be on high altitude long-endurance (HALE) and medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft,” according to the Navy.

But even with better radar detection, the physics of hypersonic weapons will still vex the defenders. The high speeds of hypersonic missiles flying through the atmosphere generate plasma clouds that absorb radar waves. “Even when a threat vector is identified so as to constrain the radar surveillance volume, the detection and tracking timeline for single or multiple inbound missiles whose radar return may be buried within a plasma envelope is extremely challenging,” the Navy notes.

Phase I of the project calls for creating computer models to determine how a drone-mounted radar might spot hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, including their flight profiles, expected radar cross-sections, and potential plasma clouds. Phase II calls for developing a working drone-mounted radar prototype.


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