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Racism towards NE people in India - unbelievable!

This thread is stooping to a level I never imagined - thanks to Bhartiya casual name-calling....
First of all Perso-Arabian, there aren't Austrioloids or Negroids in India barring Andaman islands. How is calling an oriental a mongloid an insult? It's their race.

First - the word is 'Australoid'.

Second - it became clear from your 'Dehati' answer that there are way too many pseudo-educated people in India who have bypassed the 'adab-tameez' (etiquette) phase but now have a superficial education. In civilized and cultured circles (in the world that exists outside of your world in India) you cannot call people by these names (mongoloid etc.). It will take your India twenty or more years (realistically) to match what they built in China and this is not a stretch...and I hope on the way the average Indian becomes a little more civilized and cosmopolitan. Since you are calling people these racist names from the safety of the Internet then you're essentially a coward - which is typical of most of the Bhartiya posters here. When confronted with real-world challenges they fold like a cardboard box and start wetting their pants.

You remain clueless about the finesse and etiquette global citizens treat each other with and Hong Kong remains the most global of all cities. Do yourself a favor and just don't get out of India. You'll be in for a rude shock when you do.

Typical mong lies. Both Hong chong and shangai were developed by the British.

Go read up basic accounts of the British rule of Hong Kong. Shoveling any drivel that comes out of your mouth cannot work when it is not supported by accounts of history. And its very clear that you've never been to HK or Shanghai.

Developed by the British - right...:rolleyes1:
The OP is a bitter little bongoloid with no funny bone whatsoever. It's no surprise when one comes from a country like bangladesh.
Let us not use racial slurs on Bangladeshi citizens, most prefer secular Govts like the current one.

The OP is a Jamati , confused with identity and no place to accepted all over the planet.
He is hated in Bangladesh for being a Jamati traitor.
He is hated in Pakistan for being short dark Bengali
He is hated by rest of the planet for being Islamofacist. :D
Let us not use racial slurs on Bangladeshi citizens, most prefer secular Govts like the current one.

The OP is a Jamati , confused with identity and no place to accepted all over the planet.
He is hated in Bangladesh for being a Jamati traitor.
He is hated in Pakistan for being short dark Bengali
He is hated by rest of the planet for being Islamofacist. :D

That was just for the OP. I like every bangaldeshi, except for the delivery guy at school who was never happy with the $5 tip he used to receive every day. :lol:
Yes NE people are treated badly, two weeks back i was coming back to my room after dinner in bangalore... A NE guy was walking on the road side with 4NE girls, a local guy called him and told him something, then that NE guy scolded them angrily and went away. Then these local guys were laughing on him.

Definitely I won't prefer to live in this environment, no wonder still ULFA is active... To be honest, these guys are living in a pathetic environment. There is no unity in diversity, only diversity is there, its just an empty pride.

As tamil people are called madarasis all over india I guess you should start a terrorist organization called TLFA or if you have some balls join LTTE and fight against such environment
i used to call my school friend chinki coz he had small eyes.. :cheesy:


Yes NE people are treated badly, two weeks back i was coming back to my room after dinner in bangalore... A NE guy was walking on the road side with 4NE girls, a local guy called him and told him something, then that NE guy scolded them angrily and went away. Then these local guys were laughing on him.

Definitely I won't prefer to live in this environment, no wonder still ULFA is active... To be honest, these guys are living in a pathetic environment. There is no unity in diversity, only diversity is there, its just an empty pride.

Well even though i myself i agree(having seen this when i was in india myself) that they are treated like second class in India(i blame my country for not giving them their independence as they had nothing in common with India as a while to be honest, before we left india).

However though its racism, yet i think it has more to do with ignorance than racism per se. Its similar to the way the chinese regard black africans/people with darker skin. Its not like they are racist per se. Mostly ignorance(and veneration of our white skin). So we dont have to pick just on indians, we have to put things into perspective always . :cheers:
Let us not use racial slurs on Bangladeshi citizens, most prefer secular Govts like the current one.

The OP is a Jamati , confused with identity and no place to accepted all over the planet.
He is hated in Bangladesh for being a Jamati traitor.
He is hated in Pakistan for being short dark Bengali
He is hated by rest of the planet for being Islamofacist. :D

If you can call me a Jamati - what would you call a real Jamati?

I just don't like racist, women-hating, fetus killing North Indians that's all.

And look at who is calling who short and dark :omghaha:

Shovel your racist crap somewhere else. Do you even have a clue on what an upper middle class Bengali person looks like?

Not that it matters to me. All South Indians and Sri Lankans are my brothers and sisters and I have much more in common with them culturally. I have seen how they get treated by North Indians.

As tamil people are called madarasis all over india I guess you should start a terrorist organization called TLFA or if you have some balls join LTTE and fight against such environment

The South Indians have their own proud culture and should reject imposed North Indian culture.
Guess it sucks for those Indians who crawl on their belly to illegally immigrate into Hong Kong, that we "low caste" people have built a first world city for ourselves, and they need our permission to enter.
AhCha! :lol:

Damn those Indian's selling drugs,counterfeit products on Nathan Road.Somehow,I never understood their language and they would usually have a frown on their face when I told them "I'm Indian".

Those "self hating" bas-turds. :angry:
AhCha! :lol:

Damn those Indian's selling drugs,counterfeit products on Nathan Road.Somehow,I never understood their language and they would usually have a frown on their face when I told them "I'm Indian".

Those "self hating" bas-turds. :angry:

No - Indians don't illegally immigrate anywhere. They all have Ph.D's and are employed in six figure salaries...
And if you find a sub-par Indian - it has to be a Bangladeshi.

What brand of Ganja are you smoking ?

India is the world capital for Gandoo Dhokeybaaj fakers and human-trafficking.

It's your countrymen who are crawling on their bellies into the US to seek asylum as well as Hong Kong. Read the news much?

Illegal Immigrants from India Stream Into US From Mexico
By Cynthia Fagen

Hundreds of undocumented immigrants from India are taking an unusual route to the United States, illegally crossing from Mexico into Arizona to seek political asylum

Those numbers are likely to rise in 2014, the head of a D.C.-based Asian immigrant rights group told Newsmax on Tuesday.

Deepa Iyer, executive director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, said "it's not clear" why immigrants from India are using the same route as Central Americans.

One reason may be that many South American countries don't require visas, Eleanor Sohnen, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, a D.C.-based think tank, told the Arizona Daily Star. Many can pay up to $35,000 to be smuggled into the country.

Some Indians simply surrender at Nogales, Az., while others are caught by Border Partrol and detained.

Iyer said the U.S. immigration system is broken and desperate immigrants don't want to wait five to 10 years to join loved ones in the United States, while others have fled India, a country of 1.2 billion people, claiming political persecution.

U.S. asylum officers must determine whether their claims are credible. Some are set free but must show up at an immigration hearing at a later date, while others remain in detention, the Arizona Republic reports.

Some immigrant advocates are concerned that Indians are being robbed and physically harmed by smugglers during their multi-country journey to the United States, or are preyed on by unscrupulous employers once they get here.

Some border-security advocates think human smuggling gangs being used by Indians to get to the U.S. could also become pipelines for terrorists.

"They will smuggle anyone who pays them," Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank, told the Republic.


Haiti is new port of choice for Indians trying to enter the US illegally

Indian agents involved in smuggling people into the US for the 'Big American Dream' have found a new route.
A confidential government report reveals that illegal immigrants from India are now being taken to the US via Haiti, instead of the earlier Guatemala-Mexico route.
Till 2012, agents in India used to route illegal migrants to the US via Guatemala, from where they tried to cross the border to reach Mexico and then into US.


But after that route was busted by the Delhi Police, these agents have increasingly been using the Haiti route.
"Since 2013, no such case involving Gautemala has been found. It may be because of the new route, which is much better than then previous one," an official added.

The report reveals that the route, which has been in operation for over six months now and initially used by Delhi-based agents, is now being used by smugglers in other cities as well.

Seven FIRs have been filed from Delhi's Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport against "illegal travelers" trying to fly into Haiti with the aim of entering the US. In fact, it was a lead from the Haiti Consulate in Mumbai that alerted the authorities.
The Immigration Bureau in November last year found that flyers from IGI were travelling to Haiti with fake visas. An investigation into the matter revealed how Haiti was being used as a transit point to get into the US.
Senior officials posted at IGI have confirmed that agents are using this route for human trafficking.

"The route is very simple. From India, agents arrange fake documents, through which passengers reach Haiti. After living there for almost a month, they leave from the coast of Haiti to Cuba or Bahamas. Depending on the situation and patrolling by US Coast Guards, smugglers take them from Cuba to Miami and Florida," a senior official said.

The route is not devoid of dangers. Recently, the US Coast Guard warned immigrants not to use the sea route.
There are also unconfirmed reports of deaths of some Indians while crossing the border illegally, sources said.
"Miami is just 1,100 kilometers from Haiti, but the sea route is very dangerous, passengers not only have to try to evade the US Coast Guards patrols but also the ocean currents," said the official.

"Reports given by the US have also suggested that smugglers take $3,000 to $6,000 per person for the illegal trip to US.
"They have seized many migrant-packed boats trying to reach Miami and Florida. In December 2013, 30 people died after drowning while trying to reach Miami illegally," another senior official said.

In the last few years, various intelligence agencies have found that traffickers in India have contacts across various Commonwealth countries who aid them.

In 2011, when the Delhi Police unearthed the Guatemala route to US, it was noticed that agents in India contacted smugglers in the central American country.

This time too, agencies have found some evidence that hint towards similar deals, sources said. According to a top source, Haiti is very poor in law enforcement.

Almost every week, 15 to 20 boats travel from Haiti to the US. Various media reports have revealed that smugglers have asked the people to jump from the boats after being noticed by government patrols.

Importantly, the government of Haiti has seen a steep rise in migrants, moving from Haiti to US. On an average, almost 400 people were caught by the agencies every year. But last year, this figure reached almost 3,000.

Fake US visa applicants on the rise

Nine people were arrested in the last three months for trying to get US visas by submitting fake documents, the Delhi Police said on Tuesday.

Six FIRs were also registered in this connection after the police received complaints from the US Embassy.

Of the nine arrested visa applicants, the trio of Mukeshbhai Jethabhai Patel, Manoj Kumar and Jagdish Ramanlal, all from Gujarat, had posed as leaders of an affiliate wing of the BJP, the police said.

In January, the Embassy officials had handed over the trio to the police after they found that the visa applicants submitted fraud letters to get visas.

On interrogation, the three men told the police that they got these letters from one Sohil Shah, a police officer said. Shah is suspected to be a visa agent.

Two months later, the Embassy officials handed over a middle-aged Gujarati couple to the police for the same offence.
"In that case, the Gujarati couple told the officials that they were supposed to pay RS 65 lakh in cash to an agent after they reached the US," a police officer said.

The remaining arrested persons are from Punjab. Some of the arrested people had submitted fake income tax returns also.

The officer said the visa agents had asked their customers to inform the Embassy officials that they were supposed to attend a conference in the US.

"The agents in Delhi and other cities provide the fake documents to their customers. The gullible applicants, however, are easily caught by the Embassy officials during their interview," the officer said.

Read more: Haiti is new port of choice for Indians trying to enter the US illegally | Daily Mail Online
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No - Indians don't illegally immigrate anywhere. They all have Ph.D's and are employed in six figure salaries...
And if you find a sub-par Indian - it has to be a Bangladeshi.

What brand of Ganja are you smoking ?

India is the world capital for Gandoo Dhokeybaaj fakers and human-trafficking.

It's your countrymen who are crawling on their bellies into the US to seek asylum as well as Hong Kong. Read the news much?

Illegal Immigrants from India Stream Into US From Mexico
By Cynthia Fagen

Hundreds of undocumented immigrants from India are taking an unusual route to the United States, illegally crossing from Mexico into Arizona to seek political asylum

Those numbers are likely to rise in 2014, the head of a D.C.-based Asian immigrant rights group told Newsmax on Tuesday.

Deepa Iyer, executive director of South Asian Americans Leading Together, said "it's not clear" why immigrants from India are using the same route as Central Americans.

One reason may be that many South American countries don't require visas, Eleanor Sohnen, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, a D.C.-based think tank, told the Arizona Daily Star. Many can pay up to $35,000 to be smuggled into the country.

Some Indians simply surrender at Nogales, Az., while others are caught by Border Partrol and detained.

Iyer said the U.S. immigration system is broken and desperate immigrants don't want to wait five to 10 years to join loved ones in the United States, while others have fled India, a country of 1.2 billion people, claiming political persecution.

U.S. asylum officers must determine whether their claims are credible. Some are set free but must show up at an immigration hearing at a later date, while others remain in detention, the Arizona Republic reports.

Some immigrant advocates are concerned that Indians are being robbed and physically harmed by smugglers during their multi-country journey to the United States, or are preyed on by unscrupulous employers once they get here.

Some border-security advocates think human smuggling gangs being used by Indians to get to the U.S. could also become pipelines for terrorists.

"They will smuggle anyone who pays them," Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank, told the Republic.


Haiti is new port of choice for Indians trying to enter the US illegally

Indian agents involved in smuggling people into the US for the 'Big American Dream' have found a new route.
A confidential government report reveals that illegal immigrants from India are now being taken to the US via Haiti, instead of the earlier Guatemala-Mexico route.
Till 2012, agents in India used to route illegal migrants to the US via Guatemala, from where they tried to cross the border to reach Mexico and then into US.


But after that route was busted by the Delhi Police, these agents have increasingly been using the Haiti route.
"Since 2013, no such case involving Gautemala has been found. It may be because of the new route, which is much better than then previous one," an official added.

The report reveals that the route, which has been in operation for over six months now and initially used by Delhi-based agents, is now being used by smugglers in other cities as well.

Seven FIRs have been filed from Delhi's Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport against "illegal travelers" trying to fly into Haiti with the aim of entering the US. In fact, it was a lead from the Haiti Consulate in Mumbai that alerted the authorities.
The Immigration Bureau in November last year found that flyers from IGI were travelling to Haiti with fake visas. An investigation into the matter revealed how Haiti was being used as a transit point to get into the US.
Senior officials posted at IGI have confirmed that agents are using this route for human trafficking.

"The route is very simple. From India, agents arrange fake documents, through which passengers reach Haiti. After living there for almost a month, they leave from the coast of Haiti to Cuba or Bahamas. Depending on the situation and patrolling by US Coast Guards, smugglers take them from Cuba to Miami and Florida," a senior official said.

The route is not devoid of dangers. Recently, the US Coast Guard warned immigrants not to use the sea route.
There are also unconfirmed reports of deaths of some Indians while crossing the border illegally, sources said.
"Miami is just 1,100 kilometers from Haiti, but the sea route is very dangerous, passengers not only have to try to evade the US Coast Guards patrols but also the ocean currents," said the official.

"Reports given by the US have also suggested that smugglers take $3,000 to $6,000 per person for the illegal trip to US.
"They have seized many migrant-packed boats trying to reach Miami and Florida. In December 2013, 30 people died after drowning while trying to reach Miami illegally," another senior official said.

In the last few years, various intelligence agencies have found that traffickers in India have contacts across various Commonwealth countries who aid them.

In 2011, when the Delhi Police unearthed the Guatemala route to US, it was noticed that agents in India contacted smugglers in the central American country.

This time too, agencies have found some evidence that hint towards similar deals, sources said. According to a top source, Haiti is very poor in law enforcement.

Almost every week, 15 to 20 boats travel from Haiti to the US. Various media reports have revealed that smugglers have asked the people to jump from the boats after being noticed by government patrols.

Importantly, the government of Haiti has seen a steep rise in migrants, moving from Haiti to US. On an average, almost 400 people were caught by the agencies every year. But last year, this figure reached almost 3,000.

Fake US visa applicants on the rise

Nine people were arrested in the last three months for trying to get US visas by submitting fake documents, the Delhi Police said on Tuesday.

Six FIRs were also registered in this connection after the police received complaints from the US Embassy.

Of the nine arrested visa applicants, the trio of Mukeshbhai Jethabhai Patel, Manoj Kumar and Jagdish Ramanlal, all from Gujarat, had posed as leaders of an affiliate wing of the BJP, the police said.

In January, the Embassy officials had handed over the trio to the police after they found that the visa applicants submitted fraud letters to get visas.

On interrogation, the three men told the police that they got these letters from one Sohil Shah, a police officer said. Shah is suspected to be a visa agent.

Two months later, the Embassy officials handed over a middle-aged Gujarati couple to the police for the same offence.
"In that case, the Gujarati couple told the officials that they were supposed to pay RS 65 lakh in cash to an agent after they reached the US," a police officer said.

The remaining arrested persons are from Punjab. Some of the arrested people had submitted fake income tax returns also.

The officer said the visa agents had asked their customers to inform the Embassy officials that they were supposed to attend a conference in the US.

"The agents in Delhi and other cities provide the fake documents to their customers. The gullible applicants, however, are easily caught by the Embassy officials during their interview," the officer said.

Read more: Haiti is new port of choice for Indians trying to enter the US illegally | Daily Mail Online
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My post had nothing to do with Bangladeshi's!
So stop being a kunt and bugger off!
North Indian society is pretty backward and fundamentalism, radicalism (Eg. RSS-Sanghparvar) growing among them means, they are not going to recover anytime soon. NE people are pleanty in South Indian towns and cities and they are not treated badly unlike Punjabi-Haryanvi-Dehli people who are generally racist.
It is such a problem in India, they actually had to implement a jail sentence for it:

Call a Northeastern 'Chinki', be jailed for 5 years - The Times of India

See how racist they are to us on this forum, how do you expect NE Indians to get away?

Ironically, outside of India, whether it is in America (Sikhs especially), Britain, Australia (who have coined the term "curry bashing")... It is Indians themselves who are the prime targets of hate crime.

Or simple discrimination, like the "flying while brown" phenomenon, or being rejected from internships by German professors for the "rape problem".

So you would think they, being such targets of discrimination themselves, would not do the same to others. But apparently not.
But we can call chinese as chinki...
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