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Racism aganist Turks in iran

Is it true that the Turkic people of Iran are not allowed to utilise their mother tongue by law?

they are technically allowed but what I heard from many of Azeri Iranians living in US and Canada , is that even if you have a slightest accent you can forget about having any decent job in Iran , there are no schools for Iranian Azeris even though they have demanded that right for a long time.

Like I said it's not a law but they are still trying to get rid of the language.
Yeah those protests should go on so we can invade Iran.

and don't forget the 20,000,000 army of god , you can ask Soheil if you think i'm bluffing

..who are meant to put down city riots like the recent ones in azerbaijan
Do some research. Turkish Armed Forces can annihilate Iran easily. Our Air Force is enough for you no need for Army :lol: .
We lost our chance 1990 ,we were ready and agreed to join with Azerbeycan. TSK was ready , Azerbeycan wanted it but our politicians had no balls. SSCB had collapsed and severe war was on the Balcans
I am sure that WW3 is running with other tools; but it will be real in near future.

The EU will stop invaders and they can stop it only with global warfare.
ooooh ooohhhhhh...

Name the Persians, they will smel and trol...:-)

Your brethren look much persian than Mongols just like you look European and the republic of Azerbaijan look more Caucasian and armenian than Mongolian??to much for the pan turkish donkeys

I saw many of your countrymen insult the iranians and kurds by calling them brown but the people in this pictures looke pretty much brown like iranians and kurds hell they are even different from the others in Caucasus who look more like Chechens,daghestanis,and Georgians than they look like you or anyone from mongolia:rofl::rofl::rofl:
hahah I thought you were talking about us :D

dude... you can activate as many reserves as you want, we can do the same.. the outcome won't change
we're not Israel, we got the numbers too

3 Turks were killed according to rumors.


1 has been confirmed , seems like police has lost complete control

Guys noobie question from sunny India.

Who are fairer, the Iranians or the Turks?


Cheers, Doc

The turks are fairer , the norther you go the fairer people become but in iran the western part are also fairer comparing to places like khurasan .. it's because eastern iran are mostly descended from scythian people of central asia while western iran is home to the indigenous people of lur , tork , kurd , ilami ethnicity , there are also some arabs along the coastlines that are considered neither east or west

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