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Too much of propaganda... Indians can't hide a chopper which was not even claimed... and you are saying that remains of MKI vanished...

Carry on...
Your elder brother in the picture looks like a smart kid @Windjammer
Whoever he is he knows how to get attention of a certain racket making creatures.

Too much of propaganda... Indians can't hide a chopper which was not even claimed... and you are saying that remains of MKI vanished...

Carry on...
The question is, is India or IAF even denying this.....they can't.
Whoever he is he knows how to get attention of a certain racket making creatures.

The question is, is India or IAF even denying this.....they can't.
IAF not denying is not a confirmation of Su 30 shot down.
Until concrete proof is given, it's mere speculation and fantasy. If proof is given, we'll celebtate with you. Proof of F16 surviving is yet be given by PAF as well.
Why are members still question the downing of SU-30?
Listen to these guys. They are veterans of their respective fields. I highly doubt they would engage in a discussion over unverified information. Watch it from 19:10 onwards

@Mugen this is the one.

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IAF not denying is not a confirmation of Su 30 shot down.
Until concrete proof is given, it's mere speculation and fantasy. If proof is given, we'll celebrate with you. Proof of F16 surviving is yet be given by PAF as well.

Proof of which F16 , Mr. Double Agent
DGISPR confirmed no F16 was used in that mission.
Why are members still question the downing of SU-30?
Listen to these guys. They are veterans of their respective fields. I highly doubt they would engage in a discussion over unverified information.

There are veterans on the other side too..who make all sorts of ridiculous claims.
Veterans on the other side are celebrating an F16 kill by a MiG. So yes, veterans can too be utterly stupid.
E.g GD Bakhshi is a 'veteran' too!
Too much of propaganda... Indians can't hide a chopper which was not even claimed... and you are saying that remains of MKI vanished...

Carry on...
Which means that Pakistanis can't hide a wreckage of an F16 too..and make it vanish.
There are veterans on the other side too..who make all sorts of ridiculous claims.
Veterans on the other side are celebrating an F16 kill by a MiG. So yes, veterans can too be utterly stupid.
E.g GD Bakhshi is a 'veteran' too!

After this whole ordeal, you still compare our people with THOSE lying pieces of s**t! Kudos
Proof of which F16 , Mr. Double Agent
DGISPR confirmed no F16 was used in that mission.
Double agent [emoji23]

Is Pakistan becoming an India where you are an anti national if you start questioning stuff.

I have respect for DG ISPR and accept his version but evidence is required to cut the crap and shut up the enemy. I'm as eager to celebrate an Su 30 kill as anyone else.
I do not want to deny. But these days everyone has a smartphone in their pockets. Is not strange? No photos posted on the internet?
Some areas are not populated and most have Internet ban

well, it IS indian occupied kashmir, I can almost guarantee you that firstly, people over there are probably too poor to afford smartphones and secondly, whatever little people did have smartphones, the indians must've first blocked all cellphone towers in the area and then must've confiscated everyone's smartphones. But there IS an Al Jazeerah video report that I'm sure you've seen showing the jet crash site on the indian side.
Which one post link...wasnt that the mi17

There are veterans on the other side too..who make all sorts of ridiculous claims.
Veterans on the other side are celebrating an F16 kill by a MiG. So yes, veterans can too be utterly stupid.
E.g GD Bakhshi is a 'veteran' too!
Though his clsim of mi17 friendly fire is possible
Mi17 has blast in the air than split into two was burning in air and was completly destroyed when it fell ..per eye witnesses
Whoever he is he knows how to get attention of a certain racket making creatures.

The question is, is India or IAF even denying this.....they can't.

You have the wreckage of a MiG 21...

You are running a video... claiming that Indian submarine is busted while TRYING to breach Pakistani territorial waters...

These things are called... PROOF... which can be authenticated...

Shooting down a MKI or second MiG 21 is similar to shooting down F 16... no proof... complete propaganda...
Or is it possible our bvr hit the mi17
Why would chopper go down exactly at the time of encounter(within 5 mins)
There are other things to be dealt with as well.
To me we are not investigators , For instance An old man who spot the Pilot Abhinandan
He said he saw 3 parachutes , one fell very far away on the top of the mountain.
Other toward East and he tried to Shoot the civilains as well
& third one was Abhinandan when he fell he try to chew some paper etc.

Sum up all, our Forces know what to do
Sometimes not proving anything is better for whole lot at bigger picture of abstraction level.

Let me give you clue , when Ozair Baluch was arrested , he is arrested from the location where he didn't went. But it was revealed as it was needed much later on.
Same goes to Establishment , They keep up traces but reveal the pieces as per need of time.
Too much of propaganda... Indians can't hide a chopper which was not even claimed... and you are saying that remains of MKI vanished...

Carry on...

Here listen to this eye witness who said he heard the chopper hover around his house and then all of sudden he hears a loud bang noise and then everything was destroyed.
The reason why PAF is not claiming this kill is to avoid further escalation.
why would Modi mention Rafale if it was not their the best fighter jet that was hit.
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