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Questioning the creation of Pakistan

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May 3, 2009
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Hi all.

There has been repetitive threads over the Partition & if the creation of Pakistan was worth the effort , these threads are started by some well known Indian members.

First of all i would like to answer this question once & for all.

YES Pakistan's creation was worth the effort and the sacrifice & we are proud that we have a piece of land where no terrorist can demolish Babri Mosque or Kill a 100 thousand Kashmiris and get away with it.

There is no one who can Kill thousands of Muslims and destroy their property in Gujrat and get away with it , there is no one who can Burn the samjhota express and get away with it.

Pakistan is our dreamland though being tested over and over again but one day will emerge as a Power & also would have a vibrant economy while not giving a Sh!t about India or its Economical Development.

If we look at our history Pakistan has archived some significant goals and we will in the future be even better and stronger , we do have our own issues with Terrorism & Natural disasters but we are the ones who will make it through.

Request to MODs

We Pakistani members on this board have never questioned the Existence of India (Though we can if we want to) which does not give any right to Indians for questioning our creation.

I believe as a Pakistani Questioning Pakistan's creation in 2010 equals attack on our sovereignty and the Members who start such stupid threads and are unable to get over the facts and live in some cookooland Must be Banned and these threads must not be allowed to be started again.

They are not serving any purpose but to create hate among members on the forum.

the post you are pointing is a discussion on a respected Doha based news channel, as much as I agree that the discussion usually leads to TROLLWAY. I disagree that more specific discussion about a Youtube! video and the points discussed should not happen. If this forum is not for discussion what is the point and purpose.
Hi all.

There has been repetitive threads over the Partition & if the creation of Pakistan was worth the effort , these threads are started by some well known Indian members.

First of all i would like to answer this question once & for all.

YES Pakistan's creation was worth the effort and the sacrifice & we are proud that we have a piece of land where no terrorist can demolish Babri Mosque or Kill a 100 thousand Kashmiris and get away with it.

There is no one who can Kill thousands of Muslims and destroy their property in Gujrat and get away with it , there is no one who can Burn the samjhota express and get away with it.

Pakistan is our dreamland though being tested over and over again but one day will emerge as a Power & also would have a vibrant economy while not giving a Sh!t about India or its Economical Development.

If we look at our history Pakistan has archived some significant goals and we will in the future be even better and stronger , we do have our own issues with Terrorism & Natural disasters but we are the ones who will make it through.

Request to MODs

We Pakistani members on this board have never questioned the Existence of India (Though we can if we want to) which does not give any right to Indians for questioning our creation.

I believe as a Pakistani Questioning Pakistan's creation in 2010 equals attack on our sovereignty and the Members who start such stupid threads and are unable to get over the facts and live in some cookooland Must be Banned and these threads must not be allowed to be started again.

They are not serving any purpose but to create hate among members on the forum.


But i feel to disagree... i have few couple of questions

More than those muslims which were killed in riots in India are being killed in Pakistan
Mosques are still being bombed
Minorities are still not safe.
Rioting is not a everyday stuff in India.

Not being offensive but it sounds more like Hindus will not kill us but only Muslims will.

I agree 100 kashmiris were killed over a span of 6 months but 80 were killed in Karachi in the violence in the span of 3 days. I am not able to understand the points for the creation of Pakistan. Please do enlighten.
This is the forum for healthy discussion where you are free to express your views. Say what you feel. No one is pointing AK 47 on each other.
I guess "Partition" is a very sensitive subject and should be handled carefully. There are very different POV's through which India and Pakistan view partition.

Pakistanis view it as creation and birth of their nation, while Indians (older generation) used to think of partition as a loss of what used to be British India.

I don't believe anyone in present day India questions the existence of Pakistan or wants to turn back the clock to a pre 1947 time. Simply because someone is discussing a news event doesn't always mean Indians on this forum are questioning existence of Pakistan.

We Pakistani members on this board have never questioned the Existence of India (Though we can if we want to) which does not give any right to Indians for questioning our creation.

Even though I personally appreciate your civility in not questioning the existence of India, even if you had questioned it wouldn't have bothered me a wee bit.
@ TS - you are most welcome to give your point of view on why you think creation of Pakistan was worth the effort. As a pakistani you have all the rights to do so. BUT in this thread I find you taking potshots at India by popping up issues like Babri Masjid and riots and kilings...later when someone answers you in your own way, by citing examples from the incidents from pakistan, then you'll be again complaining of Indians posting trolls.
But i feel to disagree... i have few couple of questions

More than those muslims which were killed in riots in India are being killed in Pakistan
Mosques are still being bombed
Minorities are still not safe.
Rioting is not a everyday stuff in India.

Not being offensive but it sounds more like Hindus will not kill us but only Muslims will.

I agree 100 kashmiris were killed over a span of 6 months but 80 were killed in Karachi in the violence in the span of 3 days. I am not able to understand the points for the creation of Pakistan. Please do enlighten.
u r taking it wrong...
yes people killed were kill in karachi but it was not a political act as babri was.
in Pakistan no army general found guilty as was in samjoda ex in any of militant activities.
we both suffering with insurgencies but here militant do not hav any political agenda than creating unsuitability, not as in Kashmir or in other states of india.
u r taking it wrong...
yes people killed were kill in karachi but it was not a political act as babri was.
in Pakistan no army general found guilty as was in samjoda ex in any of militant activities.
we both suffering with insurgencies but here militant do not hav any political agenda than creating unsuitability, not as in Kashmir or in other states of india.

Militants do have a political agenda of implementing their own version of Islam.
As far army involvement is concerned the same person was accused by the Indians not the third party. And it was pakistanis who were killed not just Indians in the same way Indians have accused pakistani army men for the killing Indians in the terrorist activities in India.
Hi all.

There has been repetitive threads over the Partition & if the creation of Pakistan was worth the effort , these threads are started by some well known Indian members.

First of all i would like to answer this question once & for all.

YES Pakistan's creation was worth the effort and the sacrifice & we are proud that we have a piece of land where no terrorist can demolish Babri Mosque or Kill a 100 thousand Kashmiris and get away with it.

There is no one who can Kill thousands of Muslims and destroy their property in Gujrat and get away with it , there is no one who can Burn the samjhota express and get away with it.

Pakistan is our dreamland though being tested over and over again but one day will emerge as a Power & also would have a vibrant economy while not giving a Sh!t about India or its Economical Development.

If we look at our history Pakistan has archived some significant goals and we will in the future be even better and stronger , we do have our own issues with Terrorism & Natural disasters but we are the ones who will make it through.

Request to MODs

We Pakistani members on this board have never questioned the Existence of India (Though we can if we want to) which does not give any right to Indians for questioning our creation.

I believe as a Pakistani Questioning Pakistan's creation in 2010 equals attack on our sovereignty and the Members who start such stupid threads and are unable to get over the facts and live in some cookooland Must be Banned and these threads must not be allowed to be started again.

They are not serving any purpose but to create hate among members on the forum.

I think you forget to mention Charar e Sharif and Hazratbal Mosque which where burnt down by Pakistan sponsored Jihadi. Also, Did not mention Millions of Kashmiri Hindus forced to quit their home land or killed by Pak sponsored Jihadi in the Valley!!!
I think the indians should get over their obession of partition and feeling of losing indian terriotery. There was no terriotry lost and Pakistan never belonged to India. This kind of mentality is the precursor to insurgencies in India and repression of Kashmiri muslims. The muslim world donation drive for Pakistan has left massively positive impression in hearts and mind Kashmiri muslims as per the opinion of my colleuges at work. Expect a rougher ride in kashmir ahead.
I think the indians should get over their obession of partition and feeling of losing indian terriotery. There was no terriotry lost and Pakistan never belonged to India. This kind of mentality is the precursor to insurgencies in India and repression of Kashmiri muslims. The muslim world donation drive for Pakistan has left massively positive impression in hearts and mind Kashmiri muslims as per the opinion of my colleuges at work. Expect a rougher ride in kashmir ahead.

Same theory applies on Pak also, that way, BD & Kashmir never belong to Pakistan, so get over your obsession of Kashmir & BD partition & feeling of losing Pak territories.
I think the indians should get over their obession of partition and feeling of losing indian terriotery. There was no terriotry lost and Pakistan never belonged to India. This kind of mentality is the precursor to insurgencies in India and repression of Kashmiri muslims. The muslim world donation drive for Pakistan has left massively positive impression in hearts and mind Kashmiri muslims as per the opinion of my colleuges at work. Expect a rougher ride in kashmir ahead.

Look within your own self before accusing Indians of being obsessed with partition. Some riot in India and Pakistanis here are first to talk about how they were saved from the Hindu domination due to the Partition.
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