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Question to Muslims.

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Black Alloy

Jun 20, 2015
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Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?

An excellent point mate:tup::tup:

Let us see how the Muslim members and think tanks react to this.

Muslims blame all their trouble on the West and when times are bad, their so called Ummah(which they swear by it) never stands for their well being and rights, and they turn to West for shelter(Where they start demanding their rights).

Most of the members(highly communal) here on this forum swear to die for saudis and other middle east nations. This is the prime example of what these rich islamic nation will do to them when times are bad.
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?
Well why should they not these countries destroyed both they should now face the music
Because nothing is important to father/mother more than his/her child life....certainly not religion of his/her or other...
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?

Judging from your pathetic English , you don't sound native to any English speaking country. You sound like an Indian who thinks in his language and translates his thoughts into English. The syntax and structure of your text is a clear evidence of the fact that you are not a native English speaker.

Anyone can wave flags of Western countries on the internet, but that does not make them Westerners. I have seen this tendency especially amongst Indian Hindus claiming to be Westerners on the Internet.

You can live in a Western country but you can't change your Third World Mentality.
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Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?
Who told you that ''all muslims believe'' that EU and other countries are great satan?How old are you?
I have also received a lot of negative perceptions against west,but never believed it.I don't know about your sources,but many of my senior professors,doctorate in advanced research techniques and subject concerned with genetics,have always discussed you people with good words.
Let us not mix political diarrhea with social interaction.If we were so filled with hate,then you won't be seeing various Americans,Russians and people from other background to be promoted to ''Think Tanks'' and ''professionals'' on basis of their experiences for serving in US military.Please,do not get blinded by what media is showing you,built up your own experience based on relevant sources and balanced thinking.
The answer,infact lies in your own question:''If people hate west so much then why they visit it?'' clearly they don't hate west,but some may have issues with EU's political doctrine and new world order.

No they do not... EU has great trade relations with various Muslim countries... Just bcz terror or islamist organization call every non Muslim country , a couple of Muslim countries, as the the devil does not mean that the populace see you as such... In fact my experience has been that more often than not the populace acts very differently than their political leaders.everybody disagrees with someone else's policies but it doesn't it mean they hate them. .. Plz don't generalize the entire muslim nation like that as that just fans hate and breeds intolerance.

As for you question.. Look at the location of Syria. Its sorrounded by countries in a war, gulf countries who close their gates on all migrants be it refugee, economic e.t.c while some other countries are also in a war... They see EU as the best option. When youbare fleeing for your life you go to the nearest safe house.
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?

An excellent point mate:tup::tup:

Let us see how the Muslim members and think tanks react to this.

Muslims blame all their trouble on the West and when times are bad, their so called Ummah(which they swear by it) never stands for their well being and rights, and they turn to West for shelter(Where they start demanding their rights).

Most of the members(highly communal) here on this forum swear to die for saudis and other middle east nations. This is the prime example of what these rich islamic nation will do to them when times are bad.
Both of you nailed it :tup:
They can go to other muslim countries in the middle east where there is no war.Where is that ummah crap now?
No body in the middle east wants to take them or they are just taking advantage of the situation and trying to get to europe without any proper visa education efforts etc.
Finally however i don,t think all of them hate the west but at the same time they fail to realize that ummah simply don,t exist.
More than a little surprising that Saudi, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait -all fabulously rich countries have not taken in a single refugee.
@Black Alloy
i need to sleep now. bit will edit to answer u..anyway Big stan is not EU or australia but US..and only called by irania govt... Pak call them ally :P
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?

There is a simple reason for that. The Muslim might hate the West but they have enormous respect for it. Now think of this. What is the highest form of respect? Yes, you got it. When somebody decides to copy you.

So the Muzee's thought what were Westerners doing back in 1700s when they were breeding like rats? Well did they go other rich Western countries like Germany? Or Italy? Or Russia? No they did not.

What they did is got into boats and migrated to non Western lands full of strange people like these guys below. Say hello to Standing Bull.


So they got there and then this guy above did not like all these Western illegal migrants and wanted them to go back to their own rich Western countries in Europe but the Westerners got guns and started fighting and shooting and killing these guys In time they managed grab more and more land from these guys until this below was rare sight. Most the women and kids were killed. These people found their civilization taken over and all their land taken over. Now back in Europe they kept on breeding like rats. So the surplus poor Westerners became migrants and got into boats and filled up this land below coast to coast until these below below became a teenee weenee minority in their own land.


But it did not stop there. The Westerners kept on breeding like rats and having lots of scum. Then what they did was got into boats and landed on this fellahs land. His called a Abo below. Say g'day to him.


Anyway it's good thing to say "G'day" to him because soon it was gonna be "ba'day" for Mr Abo because soon enough the Westerners wiped many of his folk and grabbed his land as well. Then they got boatloads of migrants and criminals from Europe and filled the land coast to coast with the surplus product of all the breading like rats going on in Europe.

Anyway it did not stop there. Then the Westerners got into a boat sailed to another land and met this fearsome looking fella. Say hello to him. His name "Jake the Mus".


Anyway the Jake was real tough guy he fought and fought against all the Westerners who landed in boats to swamp him and his people. He even got all tattooed up and fought like this.


But guess what there was so many Westerners landing in boats Jakes lot got beaten. Then the Westerners brought even more of breading like rats surplus from Europe and filled up Jakes land coast to coast. Any way the funny thing is they never bothered to assimilate. What they did instead was kill the locals and bring in more of their kind of Europe was was in danger of sinking with so many surplus people.

So today the Muslims thought "Hey I guess times have changed we can't take entire continents over but why not some of us catch a boat and do what the Westerners did to more than 1/4 of the earth.,

Now you understand. I hope I did not offend you. Thank you.
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Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.

Remember it's not only immediate welfare payments and housing these people need... Long term health cover, schooling, dentistry and finally state pensions when they get older. Can any country afford this?

Cuz your cuntries , keep supplying them ISIS wepons thats why, and the folks have figured out why live in Desert when you can like in lush multi weather environment in Europe
Don't take offense at this question but it's in regards to all these illegal migrants going to Europe and Australia, Muslim's hate the West so why are they running to our countries? They call us the great Satan so why bother running to Satan? Why don't they just stay in their great countries? Why don't the other Muslims countries that are rich like Saudi etc take them in? Why does it fall to the West to look after your people? Rational answers welcomed.
Because they get health benefits, high standard life, jobs, peaceful environment and freedom in Satan country.
Now Americans must be thinking that Europe will understand how to painful it is to deal with illegal immigration like US is facing from Mexico...
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