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Question to Indians regarding "surgical" strikes

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They wouldn't ask for any proof because they would simply deny any such claim thinkingdet only India is capable of doing such .... the Indians wouldn't be interested in discussing it just like they never discuss Chinese who often have picnic on Indian territory.
You don't know anything about india or indians..we would demand indian govt to teach a lesson to pak and make counter strikes..
There would be an all out war.in pakistan's case army is denying the strikes..so no political party dares question their claims there as army is the one which calls the shots there.
In india's case even if army and the ruling party denies the charges of pak strikes ,opposition parties will go mad and bring pressure on ruling party to get political mileage or put the ruling party in fix.
Making such false claims would be very damaging for pak when bjp which is run by the ideology of RSS is in power..they would not think twice to attack pak immediately.

Pakistan can't do the same to india because it knows very well the might and capabilities of indian army.

Would I believe the pakistani claims? I would believe if it is backed by good evidence because the probability of pakistan carrying out such strikes inside india is almost negligible when compared to india carrying out them in pak

So to summarize, you'll just accept Pakistani claim without any evidence?

It is about establishing the facts first, all actions that India might take afterwards are not relevant for this discussion.
You don't know anything about india or indians..we would demand indian govt to teach a lesson to pak and make counter strikes..
And your government like now would say, it has carried out counter strikes but can't give any proof or information....what then.
Yes man, I am very serious.

I would really like to know what evidence could be regarded as "acceptable" by international standards. Or in this specific case by India, if Pakistan makes the claim.

And of course my aim is to get it spelled in a way that a layman can understand it.

You won't get upset by my answer, if it is logical?

It's a valid question (kind of).
Albeit directed to a very specific audience. Which by the looks of it, has no proper answer.
The "put you in my shoes" scenario is a pretty popular in debates.

I am not questioning the validity, only the intention to know. If there is an intention to know, I will gladly respond.
And your government like now would say, it has carried out counter strikes but can't give any proof or information....what then.
India will not be the aggressor if you claim the strikes..there is no need to carry fake ones.

Rss ,bjp people want a reason to go for a war with pak..if you provide it yourself, they will be more than willing to latch on to it.
You won't get upset by my answer, if it is logical?

I am not questioning the validity, only the intention to know. If there is an intention to know, I will gladly respond.

I am definitely interested to know. We know both countries are capable of pulling something like that (if we take the consequences that might follow out of equation).

It is simply logical verification of the claim one party makes. What evidence would you demand and accept?
Please don't merge this thread, I have a very serious question for Indians.

Suppose Pakistani govt claims that it has carried very successful "surgical" strikes in India and has destroyed "6-7 terrorist camps". It is everywhere in Pakistani news, some foreign news channels have picked it up and reported about "what Pakistan claims. Pakistani govt says it, Military says it. Some mutual friends say "Pakistan has right to fight terrorists" without ever confirming the strikes.

What evidence will YOU ask from Pakistan before you believe in what Pakistan says is true?

Kindly tell. Thanks.

We will not ask for any evidence the day a terrorist organization from India attacks you and your army responds. The problem is not about evidences, the problem is about the mindset, Pak Army has been involved with Zard-e-Azb, why be selective, Musharraf says that Osama Bin Laden, Haqqani etc etc are your hero's.. how do you justify them being called hero's by your ex COAS and President?
I am definitely interested to know. We know both countries are capable of pulling something like that (if we take the consequences that might follow out of equation).

It is simply logical verification of the claim one party makes. What evidence would you demand and accept?


If there had been a strike, the Army would know. It is now up to the Army to decide what to do. As every one of us knows, this has happened earlier, all the time from the 80s onwards. Nothing new, and earlier, before this set of Neanderthals started governing India, neither side was asked to provide proof that it had hit the other. As long as the two sets of military knew what had happened, that was good enough.
Nothing new, and earlier, before this set of Neanderthals started governing India, neither side was asked to provide proof that it had hit the other. As long as the two sets of military knew what had happened, that was good enough.

It is WAY better to be a NEANDERTHAL as compared to a Castrated Goat which
Man Mohan Singh was

Neanderthals were BRAVE :lol: and enjoyed a fight

If there had been a strike, the Army would know. It is now up to the Army to decide what to do. As every one of us knows, this has happened earlier, all the time from the 80s onwards. Nothing new, and earlier, before this set of Neanderthals started governing India, neither side was asked to provide proof that it had hit the other. As long as the two sets of military knew what had happened, that was good enough.

You mean to say Neanderthals in opposition right ? It's due to their inaction time and time again that current government is under pressure.
You are wasting your time mate
These Indians believe that kalbhushan is a business men who was captured by ISI in Iran than they brought him to balochistan and his video footage is also fake
That tells u about there mentality
kuch Bhi karlo inho nai nahi marna

You don't know anything about india or indians..we would demand indian govt to teach a lesson to pak and make counter strikes..
Why didnt or why don't you teach lesson to China
Unsai dar lagta hai :p :D
Please don't merge this thread, I have a very serious question for Indians.

Suppose Pakistani govt claims that it has carried very successful "surgical" strikes in India and has destroyed "6-7 terrorist camps". It is everywhere in Pakistani news, some foreign news channels have picked it up and reported about "what Pakistan claims. Pakistani govt says it, Military says it. Some mutual friends say "Pakistan has right to fight terrorists" without ever confirming the strikes.

What evidence will YOU ask from Pakistan before you believe in what Pakistan says is true?

Kindly tell. Thanks.

There were no surgical strikes on Pakistan by India. Happy? Pakistan was used as a prop in a domestic drama that are Indian elections. If there was proof of these strikes, we would have seen it by now.
dude... your mind is really messed up with all these surgical strikes , why don't you take a break and let it go!
think about ... if you can make up your mind that Surgical strikes never happened... you dont have to prove it to anyone,
'' you can live in peace' rather than creating new thread every day asking questions and pulling your hair off fighting indians!

The same reasoning can be applied to you guys for believing in something that didn't happen
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