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Queen smashes whisky, gives her name to Britain's biggest warship

Rumours amongst military circle in London are circulating GB is planning to reconquer Australia as a base to push back into the East. The dawn of the new Great Britain empire.
OLD does ring some bells. The Russian military Equipment...! ;)

Royal Navy Zindabad!:toast_sign:
Each year to the Russian army comes a lot more new and upgraded equipment than to British one. Russia has priority - missiles and army, and Britain - fleet.
Probably the only aircraft carrier in the world without any aircraft, at least until about 2020,.
Albeit, the Red Arrows did a colourful flypast, one of the carriers future supplement, an F-35 Lightning II was suppose to make an appearance but since all of these aircraft were grounded a day earlier it was all a bit of anti-climax affair.
Rumours amongst military circle in London are circulating GB is planning to reconquer Australia as a base to push back into the East. The dawn of the new Great Britain empire.
You are forgetting Canada :D

Probably the only aircraft carrier in the world without any aircraft, at least until about 2020,.
Albeit, the Red Arrows did a colourful flypast, one of the carriers future supplement, an F-35 Lightning II was suppose to make an appearance but since all of these aircraft were grounded a day earlier it was all a bit of anti-climax affair.

Pics would be appreciated. Thanks!!
Each year to the Russian army comes a lot more new and upgraded equipment than to British one. Russia has priority - missiles and army, and Britain - fleet.

Britain Missiles are good enough to Keep Russia in Check, sorry I mean Moscow.
Everyone Knows about British engineering - Whatever helps you sleep well at night.
Russia has four types of strategic nuclear weapons - strategic bombers, submarines, silo missles, mobile ground systems (in 2020 is planned to restore the fifth type - rail systems). Each type has its own missiles. This is either Soviet or Russian new missiles. And it allows Russian citizens to sleep well at night
And Britain has only submarines armed with U.S. missiles.
That's why I say that priority for Russia - land army and nuclear missiles, and for Britain is fleet.
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