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Que Sera Sera by Brigadier (R) Samson Simon Sharaf

No I think army has its men in the game.

Oh yes, but they will be very careful this time. My only fear is that something happens and they bring Nawaz shareef again like 97 which is unlikely because this will be exposed.
Oh yes, but they will be very careful this time. My only fear is that something happens and they bring Nawaz shareef again like 97 which is unlikely because this will be exposed.

nawaz sharif is history (soon to be) !! we cannot afford another 5 year of crying, plea and misery !!
One point that I would like to make is that he missed the view point of Army/establishment in this whole analysis, what are they thinking right now??

any take ?


here the chosen one, najam sethi !

Deal or external pressure?


What an analysis……..He is Brigadier Rtrd….almost Establishment mouthpiece and look how he plainly accepts the divisions this very establishment made while entering in GE 2013…….all other parties except PTI+Musharraf+Qadri are called…….”Their & Them”……..So, Its between Us and their/them….:tup:

Establishment, very cleverly once again aligning herself with so called “Change” but she didn’t know exactly her inclusion behind these tanga parties making this alliance a real “Status-Quo” in the eyes of the public:coffee:

Sorry but I am no establishment mouthpiece. I write my own analysis as a thinking Pakistani. Visit my Nation Blog to see the diversity of my analysis and on the timeline its accuracy. Yes I have a bias towards PTI becuase I am part of it. You will have to take your words back.
Sorry but I am no establishment mouthpiece. I write my own analysis as a thinking Pakistani. Visit my Nation Blog to see the diversity of my analysis and on the timeline its accuracy. Yes I have a bias towards PTI becuase I am part of it. You will have to take your words back.

Sir would you like to comment what Establishment is thinking or doing during this election, as I see this is the part missing in your article or a bit ignored, as you didnt emphasized more than musharraf being stringed by established...?

Are they being advised by international forces not to play their own little game?

anyway, PTI will clean sweep, with leaders like you, nothing can stop PTI from creating Naya Pakistan...

and good Friday to you Sir :)
Establishment hates Sharif brothers... I would've used the word fear but I would've broken a thousand hearts... a thousand Mummy-Daddy hearts!

I disagree...you would be surprised to know how many pro nawaz jernails we have in the army top.

This isnt the same army with which Nawaz Sharif had beef with, those folks are long gone and playing golf in retirement, the people in power now are completely different with a sprinkling of pro sharif folks.
Sorry but I am no establishment mouthpiece. I write my own analysis as a thinking Pakistani. Visit my Nation Blog to see the diversity of my analysis and on the timeline its accuracy. Yes I have a bias towards PTI becuase I am part of it. You will have to take your words back.

Sir, we're honored by your presence ! :pakistan:

If I may ask a question : If PTI forms a Government at the Center - What do you think is the likelihood of the Establishment not budging on the Government's orders to :

(i) disengage from the US led War on Terror

(ii) shoot down any drones that may violate our airspace

(iii) close down all, if any, militant camps or channels that we may be using as proxies

(iv) withdraw from the Tribal Areas

Much Obliged Sir & Yes - Happy Good Friday to you & your loved ones ! :)
They lack the capacity.

Couldnt agree more...or being more precise...the army looks a bit lagging in mental capacity...Mr Kayani maybe a deep thinker, but he comes across as a guy with a defeatist mentality...struggling to impose himself and make his mark.
Couldnt agree more...or being more precise...the army looks a bit lagging in mental capacity...Mr Kayani maybe a deep thinker, but he comes across as a guy with a defeatist mentality...struggling to impose himself and make his mark.

lets us know what deep plan kiyani as a COAS has put forwarded or executed till now?
saving the croupts?wow what dam plan? or letting MISSION OBL happening?
what position kiyani has served under BB as PM?
why he went, to held talks with BB in dubai?
what position he was holding when BB, got killed?
this dam , saviour of damocrazy has done his time, & the new leadership is ready to take back , what was sold by this kiyani!
let this dam elections over, you guys will see a great laedership from army taking care of pakistan!
^ I agree with your general sentiment and pray to Allah your thought/hopes of newer Army leadership are right... also I hope when you say "army taking care of Pakistan" you are referring to them serving Pakistan within their constitutional role!
I have mentioned the overhang of the US led withdrawal. This is the way the establishment will move, the same one that took a somersault 6 years ago, failed in Raymond Davis, Abbotabad, Salala and Memogate. They lack the capacity.

Sir that be because international players turned to Zardari instead of the establishment, could this mean, in any way, a way to punish Army by supporting a coalition govt under Nawaz, in future? is there a possibility?

and since you are a geo strategic and defence expert, how much vulnerability could rise to State of Pakistan after the American machine leaves Afghanistan, will they turn hostile towards Pakistan?
will Afghanistan turn hostile, or will it be used as base to poke with Pakistani army?
Maybe a little off topic.... but I found it HILARIOUS when people in the Sindh High Court were shouting/calling him names and all... he was waving back at them as if they were praising him! Someone who is THAT detached from reality of it all is pitiable at best!
^ I agree with your general sentiment and pray to Allah your thought/hopes of newer Army leadership are right... also I hope when you say "army taking care of Pakistan" you are referring to them serving Pakistan within their constitutional role!

our constitution is out dated , un-workable pice of papper & thats it!
ZAB was the creator of this , useless pice of papper, which couldnt saved pakistan in 71?
& it was ZAB who , made this constitution un workable forever by shoughting IDHAR HUM ,UDHAR TUM & denying the right full right of governece on united pakistan by SMR???
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