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Que Sera Sera by Brigadier (R) Samson Simon Sharaf

our constitution is out dated , un-workable pice of papper & thats it!
ZAB was the creator of this , useless pice of papper, which couldnt saved pakistan in 71?
& it was ZAB who , made this constitution un workable forever by shoughting IDHAR HUM ,UDHAR TUM & denying the right full right of governece on united pakistan by SMR???

I agree with your sentiments about ZAB too but not sure you got it right about constitution being an un-workable piece of paper!
I agree with your sentiments about ZAB too but not sure you got it right about constitution being an un-workable piece of paper!

1 million % , 9 elections , 9 different govts what is the result?
^ I think our internal fights and vested intrests are more to blame than a piece of paper!
^ I think our internal fights and vested intrests are more to blame than a piece of paper!


all the problems started with that pice of papper, go check history!
One point that I would like to make is that he missed the view point of Army/establishment in this whole analysis, what are they thinking right now??
any take ?
Deal or external pressure?

I cannot digest that the dragon is sleeping, they must have placed their pawns in the game, around Nawaz sharif and Imran Khan for sure..

No I think army has its men in the game. they are playing pro-active role.

You started with doubt on the OP and later continued to state baselessly about army's role in caretaker setup.
You are one of those guys.. who propagated Saudi deal in Musharaf's return... simply because he went for Umra.
Some idiots may follow your ridiculous propositions but someone shall show you mirror, from time to time.

Kiyani has categorically, stated that he is not going to disrupt democracy.. it is people who have to decide.
The care taker setup is not only anti Pakistan but are well known Indian assets... every one knows it.
Only, a mentally sick can come to the conclusion that army is forcing or advising.. the stake holders of (fake) democracy.
We all know (thanks to Dr.TuQ) ECP is illegal, Judiciary is biased, all nominated candidates do not qualify... but democracy is still going on.
Actually, here i disagree with General Kiyani... violations in electoral process, are in violation of rules of democracy laid in constitution.... therefore, General Kiyani shall come out and support his words with actions that he support a true democracy not fraudulent democracy.. where all thieves anti anti state elements are respected and honest and working class has no say.

It was duty of leaders of change to unite the public for a revolution, but apparently even the change is hijacked by the democratic mafia.. with a difference that PML-N and PPP have to share the same pizza with new people, which matters not because the people which PPP and PML-N will kick out will be part of (so-called) coalition govt. from a different flag!

Is it not open deception. Why shall i follow the system who not only protect status quo but stage them in ever new camouflage.

Couldnt agree more...or being more precise...the army looks a bit lagging in mental capacity...Mr Kayani maybe a deep thinker, but he comes across as a guy with a defeatist mentality...struggling to impose himself and make his mark.

I'm shocked to hear that you agree, that army is not responsible for the every $hit in the country!!!!!!!! but what does your next sentence meant?
Do you want army to play politics smartly?
Otherwise their is no point in analyzing their mental capacity in matters of elections!

Again my take is different.... no caretaker or minister should have been ever appointed, without security clearance.
For a simple govt. job.. you need security clearance and for ministership, one shall have his $hit be analysed.

Maybe a little off topic.... but I found it HILARIOUS when people in the Sindh High Court were shouting/calling him names and all... he was waving back at them as if they were praising him! Someone who is THAT detached from reality of it all is pitiable at best!

What were you doing there?

nawaz sharif is history (soon to be) !! we cannot afford another 5 year of crying, plea and misery !!

I do not like Sharif's from their history and stupidity... but explain what you can deliver more than Sharif?
If someone deserves to be called as Think Tank on this forum then it is surely @Samson.Sharaf Admins please take notice. :)
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What were you doing there?
It was extensively covered on TV!

I do not like Sharif's from their history and stupidity... but explain what you can deliver more than Sharif?

You can always disagree with their methods but IMHO they can be molded/turned by internal pressure groups in the right direction... Also I believe they've learnt from their mistakes. Sticking to the "Charter of Democracy" even when Zardari screwed them over again and again is comendable IMO!
Que Sera Sera​

Brigadier (R) Samson Simon Sharaf


“Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera. What will be, will be.”
Jay Livingston and Ray Evans

Pakistan’s electoral scene has complicated beyond conventional soothsayers and clairvoyants. A caretaker government is in power, but yet to show any intent or fervour to tackle the challenges it has inherited.

As a wild card, General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has returned with his uncharacteristic demeanour and a mysterious aura around him. As a development of reconciliation, the estranged ex-Chief Minister of Balochistan, Akhtar Mengal, is willing to re-enter electoral politics. While the former heads into an uncertain future, the latter will leave an imprint on the course of Baloch politics in Pakistan and stability of the federation. Conspiracy theorists view the entry of Musharraf with linkages to the establishment and rise of a third force in electoral politics. They also opine that Mengal has been persuaded by outside actors to re-carve his space in a federation and provide stability in Balochistan, which is crucial to a safe US-led exit from Afghanistan.

I also wrote in my column, entitled “The 2013 Elections” on December 5, these elections are being conducted with an overhang of the contemplated US-led Nato withdrawal from the region. Hence, the politics of many actors will hinge on their specific roles to these objectives. If true, the run up to the elections will be a fierce contest between the forces of inertia and harbingers of change. Though Imran Khan with his slogan of “Naya Pakistan” leads the anti-status quo group, General (retd) Musharraf and Allama Tahirul Qadri also reckon themselves as contenders to either build synergy or disrupt it. The next few weeks will witness a resurrected military dictator turned democrat fortify his credentials before the courts or else face the indignity of irrelevance.

In contrast, the parties that governed Pakistan in the past five years will find it very difficult to defend themselves against the accusations of attrition caused to it during their tenure. Their credentials will be further challenged by rising inflation, energy shortages and corruption. It seems that to obviate these hurdles and retain a somewhat level playing field, some homework was done and embedded in the system. Hence, the episode of caretaker drama scripted to perfection. They are now set to follow a plan and pattern carefully crafted for them by the man on the hill, President Asif Ali Zardari. More than appeal to the electorate, the contours of this plan harbour on prolonging the status quo and gratify and groom goons, rather than the true representatives of the people. This is something that has put all incumbents in a fix and widened cracks within PPP, PML-N and PML-Q.

First, both camps floated names for the caretaker Prime Minister, followed by a slandering and malicious campaign against each other. Ultimately, the ball was thrown into the court of the Election Commission, who selected the least controversial as the caretaker Prime Minister.
Unfortunately, the man chosen is divorced from political realities, lacks insight into Pakistan’s pressing problems and is taking his own time in choosing his cabinet. It is still uncertain how the new government will tackle the issues of debt, energy, corruption and violence overshadowing the elections. This itself puts a question mark on the efficacy of the electoral process.
This was followed by the high drama of selecting a ‘love and hate’ Najam Sethi as the Chief Minister of Punjab. What happens in Punjab will decide the post-election course of politics. Najam with his ability to analyse and suggest is likely to emerge as the most influential member of the federal cabinet who would overshadow the Prime Minister. He will be the man to watch. The intriguing delay in selection of rest of the caretaker team does not auger well for the prospects of the country.

Secondly, as written in “Pakistan’s Stinking Black Hole” on February 9, 2013, the elections will also be overshadowed by Pakistan’s debt trap, corruption, energy shortages and violence. Logically, the caretakers have no option from shying away in order to pass the buck to the new government. Yet in Pakistan where anything is possible, the caretakers are most likely to go through the motions of conducting elections and nothing else. This will throw the onus of accountability on the Election Commission and occasional directions of the Supreme Court. As a result, all ex-rulers, who ought to be held accountable, will be relieved of many pressures to go their traditional style of electoral politics with the hope of coming back to power. Whoever wins will be handed a country in serious crises. It is against this backdrop that political parties are in a race against time to finalise their candidate list. Those who enjoyed their days in power are rushing to clear defaults. They are also haunted by their misdeeds of incumbency, Articles 62 and 63 of the constitution and fake degrees. To compound matters, the sweeping popularity of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf jeer at them. To compound their vulnerability, Musharraf and Qadri stare down their throats.

I still believe that Musharraf had a chance in 1999, but erred in redeeming himself. Within a year, he fell prey and developed an ear to the clutter of fly by night reformers, sycophants and concentric circles of advisers. The international actors played on his self-assessed invincibility as vulnerability and nudged him into indispensability. I hope General Musharraf has had sufficient time for introspection about his logical role in future politics. If he thinks himself a messiah, he is once again on a false trajectory. Within the short time divided between party management, electoral politics and visits to the courts, it may not be possible for him to build a constituency of his own. However, nothing stops him to put his leadership skills, experience and prowess to best use in acting as a voice of reason and change for his countrymen. The best role he can carve for himself is to build synergy that naturally pours into the dream of a “Naya Pakistan”.

That puts Imran Khan firmly on the deck of the ship that promises change for Pakistan.The crises of federation and negative socio-economic conditions put 2013 at par with 1970. The elections will be overshadowed by divisive agendas, hate, violence and lawlessness. The ability of the law enforcement agencies and Election Commission will be tested to the last sinew. Parties with little electoral experience will be treading into unfamiliar territory. They will have no option but to fight to the finish. Sick and tired of the moth-eaten system, all Pakistanis ask a question; would the 2013 elections be a game changer or will they sink Pakistan yet again into the proverbial black hole of Pakistan’s politics? The answer is, come out and vote.

The writer is a retired army officer, current affairs host on television and political economist.

Email and Twitter: samson.sharaf@gmail.com

ePaper & Archives – The Nation

Very nicely summed up and in total harmony with my observation... at the same time nothing new that we do not know, already but there is always some one who understand someone's way of explanation.

I have questions, pertaining to the last para... why shall i trust Imran Khan.... that he has the required talent to return us 5 years ago Pakistan? While the man who made it happened is still around?

I personally am a technical man and believe in success 60% when its plan is laid out.. aka road map.
Whereas, in case of IK there is nothing beyond claims.. when we technical people analyse he is not only heading in wrong direction but also does not have his priorities right.
I can still believe him 10% if he promise transparency in state operations.. but the current political/judicial clout in Pakistan is very unclear and controversial, of which Imran Khan is part and parcel... and we have seen slogan of 'change' going down the drain and new salogan 'naya Pakistan' taking over. This again put me in doubt.. if the 'naya Pakistan' is for good or worst or change is for good or worst?
I strongly, do not value the idea of 'welfare state' while the ground reality.. you have stated very much.... that we are stuck in the debt servicing... how can we feed millions of people on welfare?
What an analysis……..He is Brigadier Rtrd….almost Establishment mouthpiece and look how he plainly accepts the divisions this very establishment made while entering in GE 2013…….all other parties except PTI+Musharraf+Qadri are called…….”Their & Them”……..So, Its between Us and their/them….:tup:

Establishment, very cleverly once again aligning herself with so called “Change” but she didn’t know exactly her inclusion behind these tanga parties making this alliance a real “Status-Quo” in the eyes of the public:coffee:

Asghar khan case, has proven who "really" is an establishment mouthpiece, unless you suffer from short term memory loss!

I have mentioned the overhang of the US led withdrawal. This is the way the establishment will move, the same one that took a somersault 6 years ago, failed in Raymond Davis, Abbotabad, Salala and Memogate. They lack the capacity.

Sir,Their reaction to all of those incidents reflects a total policy & leadership failure on a colossal scale.

Heartily,Greetings on Goodfriday and Easter to you.
Asghar khan case, has proven who "really" is an establishment mouthpiece, unless you suffer from short term memory loss!
More like "WAS"!
The sad truth is ALL of them have been establishment b itches at one point or the other... ALL of them! The thing is we the followers have selective & self serving memory when it comes to our choice of leaders!
Because of NS's seemingly unquenchable thirst which lead to grand "pangaas" with Judiciary. Beurocracy and last but not least Army lead to his downfall from power and NOW graces of Establishment in general.
Each to their own _ I believe NS has learnt from his mistakes and shown maturity at least these past 5 years BUT that doesnt mean Establishment has forgotten/forgiven his past!

Establishment is a mindset......Your thoughts exactly portrays details of their thinking i.e, betting on Musharraf (former dictator)+Qadri+Ik (newborns) who needs guidance and support initially to take roots, Established parties doesn't needs you.......they have thier own plans....that's why they are hated so hard.

On "Lacking capacity" by someone.......let me reminds you.....PA shows capacity only when US stays on her side throughout history....and its the first time in history that they simply disowns PA from past six years.....more so since Kerry Lugar bill, no matter who becomes next COA PA reaminsless with guts unless that fundamental change not occurs in US mindset.

Woh kiya kehtay hain......"jo Piya kay man ko bhaye.....Wohi Suhagan Kehlaye"
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More like "WAS"!
The sad truth is ALL of them have been establishment b itches at one point or the other... ALL of them! The thing is we the followers have selective & self serving memory when it comes to our choice of leaders!
Because of NS's seemingly unquenchable thirst which lead to grand "pangaas" with Judiciary. Beurocracy and last but not least Army lead to his downfall from power and NOW graces of Establishment in general.
Each to their own _ I believe NS has learnt from his mistakes and shown maturity at least these past 5 years BUT that doesnt mean Establishment has forgotten/forgiven his past!

I'm Establishment in 1988-93 in my early youth......the problem is every young Chap loves thier Army, Islam, Kashmir, Hindu enmity.......and these ****holes simply cash these raw emotions to their own vested interests.....nothing else.....the soooner young;s understands this chemistry....the better they becomes grown ups they always desires:coffee:
......the problem is every young Chap loves thier Army, Islam, Kashmir, Hindu enmity.......

Hahahah TRUE... I'm one those youth...
I forgot the name of a quite famous (now late) writer for Nawa-e-Waqt... but while at FC college, I read his article where he said every Indian movie we watch, every Indian product we buy we contribute to the bullets that ultimate get fired into the chests of our Kashmiri brothers... I was so moved I COMPLETELY boycotted Inidan products... I'm quite changed now but still to date I dont watch Indian movies or dramas and such... the last one I watched was Mubatain way way way back in late 80s.... just sayin!
Hahahah TRUE... I'm one those youth...
I forgot the name of a quite famous (now late) writer for Nawa-e-Waqt... but while at FC college, I read his article where he said every Indian movie we watch, every Indian product we buy we contribute to the bullets that ultimate get fired into the chests of our Kashmiri brothers... I was so moved I COMPLETELY boycotted Inidan products... I'm quite changed now but still to date I dont watch Indian movies or dramas and such... the last one I watched was Mubatain way way way back in late 80s.... just sayin!

Aaaaaah....Nawa-i-Waqt....kiya yaad dila diya zaaalim.........Fort of Pakistan, two nation theory, Islam....her writings gave you identity which in youth everyone lacks and that's why becomes an easy prey of it.

my elder sister complains me sometimes back that for quite sometime she got constant headache, high blood pressure, high heart beep....apart from other medical advices, i ask her for God's sack to Pls stop reading Nawa-i-Waqt anymore now which she used to since our early days......her son at once added yesss mama....after reading paper every mornings Ammi becomes angry.........her medical conditions improves as she moves to "Jang":rofl:
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