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Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality

This is not some new technology. It takes image from behind to project forward. However, there is almost zero practicality to this as it requires specific angle of perspective to achieve invisibility. Soldiers do have to move.

Check this out. A video taken in Iraq where an 'invisible' US soldier turns visible before mounting the tank!

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Check this out. A video taken in Iraq where an 'invisible' US soldier turns visible before mounting the tank!

Totally different technology here. He wears refractive uniform which bends light just as water does, which creates a visual distortion. The OP posted image projection tech demonstration.
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Totally different technology here. He wears refractive uniform which bends light just as water does, which creates a visual distortion. The OP posted image projection tech demonstration.
Whatever the tech, the aim is to make a soldier 'invisible' on the battlefield.
Mobiles are used by terrorists for coordinated attacks, by gangs, remote controlled bombs etc.

Which technology will you stop ?

This is a different level altogether. It is like saying people are killed by knifes routinely, why to ban nuclear bombs? there are obvious (certain) possibility that such technology will be used by criminal gangs, illegal immigrants crossing border, terrorists etc. And its not something big like nuclear plant that some agencies can monitor, like any other electronic technology, over time it will come in small packages and easily available like the night vision goggles available in streets markets of AF-PAK. Once it is out there, no one can stop its proliferation. and it might have consequences we may not be able to imagine right now. e.g. at present our whole criminal justice relies largely witness, how will it cope with such thing?

And as you said, we cannot stop technology from becoming widely available. That's why there should be a ban at early stages itself, not just by US government, but by international body.
Actually this method has been experimentally done few years ago and it was expected to come with application purpose.

It doesn't matter if he shows in public or reveals it. People know about this since long, its about the working principle that should and will be kept secret.

I hope he doesn't come out to be deluded one. The idea is pretty interesting as it bends not only visible spectra but infra red and ultra-violet spectra of light too. This makes this innovation far too advanced than the one where they developed image projection of back in front, I think it was in Japan.

Actually this technology is so advanced that the counter technology may be more complex than this. That means, the people who are at opposite end, can't use this at practical scale whereas since this is already developed as suggested in article, the cost will only go down with optimization.

I still think that both this technology and counter-technology is being developed at other countries.

Its application is so vast that it is worth the money.

Yea, all fine and good, i just replied to a knee jerk reaction. He can't know for sure anyway, neither can I, all we can do is go by the inventor's word.

Actually this technology is so advanced that the counter technology may be more complex than this.

Counter technology could be a radar like machine that measures radiation in the air like, radio waves etc, and calculates the displacement of those waves when the object moves through them. Though in a land battlefield scenario measuring that is probably much more difficult as opposed to detecting stealth aircraft in air. Target recognition algorithms are also probably much more complex for ground detection, IF this is applicable anyway.

Cassidian, the defence and security division of EADS, has developed what is known as "passive radar" that can locate even difficult-to-detect flying objects such as stealth aircraft and that itself is practically undetectable. In contrast to conventional radar, passive radar doesn't emit any radiation, but instead analyses radiation reflections from other emitters, such as radio and television stations, to detect objects.

"The principle of passive radar has been known for a long time," says Elmar Compans, Head of Sensors & Electronic Warfare at Cassidian. "However, we have now integrated the latest capabilities of digital receiver and signal processing technology to significantly enhance range and detection accuracy by monitoring various emitters at the same time.


Counter technology already exists, we know that for sure (well, as much as the rest of the article i guess) because the company itself has said it has developed a counter to the technology.
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