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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

he didnt stand beside Iraq, The KSA was helping Iraq for several reasons.
1. make the two neighboring countries continue fighting other

2 use the time to build up while Iraq is exhausted by war


3 give loans at high interest which the saudi government is still calling to be paid off. the KSA is one of the few countreis that didnt drop the loans which accumulated billions of dollars of interest.

exactly it is our money we are not distributing charities.

neither Iraqis nor Iranians wanted this war, It was imposed upon us.

Non of our business. you started that war.

who are "we", didnt "you" turn syria into another ghaza? syria was safe and sound until the KSA and qatar started preaching for all out secterian war, why didnt "you" prevent the destruction of syria?

All the arab countries including Iraq gave six months period to Assad to stop killing his own people.

you did the same thing in iraq by supporting terrorism for years.

Iraq shia leaders and their masters issued a fatwa not to resist and cooperate with the US in order to eliminate all sunnis leaders and influential people in Iraq.

the gholan heights have a long story behind them.

Im strongly aware of history.

if we were to talk about land and treaties then we must mention the saudi islands occupied by israel that you probably know nothing about,

NOT true the islands are belong to Egypt. King Faisal Gave them out to Egypt before the last wear erupts with Israel and now there are under Egyptian sovereignty.

how about all the treaties signed between the gulf states and the US and Israel. do you thing the US would sell advanced weaponry without ensuring safety for israel?. and the american colony of qatar which hosts the largest US air base in the middle east.

there are not treaties with Israel nor we have diplomatic relation with them.

If your house if made of glass, dont be throwing stone.

you failed.
yes you should be ashamed for your terrorist sponsoring state which is named after a corrupt ruling family. The sunnis were living peacefully for years under Bashar, what did you think prompted him to kill your brothers and sisters as you say?

yeah we know the outsider conspiracy:disagree:
It is quite funny because Saudi Arabia simply doesn't support militias rather than official governments. President of Palestine himself is flying every day to the UN seeking peaceful solution based on the border of 1967. Palestine suffer devision within itself. P.S Saudi Arabia has done a lot to Palestine. In fact Saudi Arabia rank on top list as a leader in Foreigner aid and assistance.You also pointed out that GCC countries kicked Palestinian refugees which is not true unless you backed up your claim. but on the other hand Assad and Nasaralshaytan have killed Palestinian refugees in many area take Yarmok camp as example.

I totally agree with the prime minister that arabs are sheep otherwise we will not see Assad and his thugs from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran killing our brothers and sisters in syria while we are silence. shame on us..

no, Iran did not only to Iraq to but also to afghanistan. Of course I don't care about many of em who sold their land to Iran. Not only their land but also their water. Still I care about many... but it is not relevant any way...

Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and what are you to Israel? wolfs?? again you couldn't even condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2008 and 2012... all you did is beg for Hamas to stop because you were worried about your masters in Tel Aviv, you have sent nothing that could help liberate Palestine... why don't you send them missiles, weapons, tanks and such??

Enough bs... we all know the treaties between Israel and GCC...

All Arab governments are corrupt! for they are based on dictatorship. When the oil runs out, the kings will follow.
Because people like you will give him as a gift to Israel... At least he fights against Israel unlike GCC who bows down to Israel..
And I like how you pissed against Hezbollah for defending and saying we are not sheep.. but you got mad because you are one....
Be angry at the Qatareal who called Arabs sheep...

Didn't I tell you that your regime will be kicked out and humiliated, and you still deny this!? I told you that whoever GCC takes his side will be the winner. You should learn to listen next time.

My friend, what the Qatari PM said fall into the category of self-criticizem and that's what honest and confident people say. However, although I don't like Qatari regime, but you are right, your regime and Hassan nassurollat aren't sheep, but they are rather more like rats, dirty and dumb rats.

A regime that has been crying over Palestanians obliterated his country, displaced 500000, killed 60000, and used chemical weapons and Scud missiles against his own people. You people did what Israel would never do. A stain of shame will be branded with your regime names forever, people and history will keep cursing him in every page and breath.

You told me resistance pact!!!!!!! hhhhhhh:lol:
Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and what are you to Israel? wolfs?? again you couldn't even condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2008 and 2012... all you did is beg for Hamas to stop because you were worried about your masters in Tel Aviv, you have sent nothing that could help liberate Palestine... why don't you send them missiles, weapons, tanks and such??

Enough bs... we all know the treaties between Israel and GCC...


Copy and Past will not get you anything. Your wiki source is debatable and lack of credibility.It is deep political Issue related to Iraq invasion of Kuwait.

seems like you wont get rid of your bad habit> lying or lets say twisting truths

the two links below are related to Israel attack on 2008

GCC condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza

Arab world condemns Israeli attack on Gaza

now here 2012
GCC Condemns Israeli Brutal Attack on Gaza

Didn't I tell you that your regime will be kicked out and humiliated, and you still deny this!? I told you that whoever GCC takes his side will be the winner. You should learn to listen next time.

My friend, what the Qatari PM said fall into the category of self-criticizem and that's what honest and confident people say. However, although I don't like Qatari regime, but you are right, your regime and Hassan nassurollat aren't sheep, but they are rather more like rats, dirty and dumb rats.

A regime that has been crying over Palestanians obliterated his country, displaced 500000, killed 60000, and used chemical weapons and Scud missiles against his own people. You people did what Israel would never do. A stain of shame will be branded with your regime names forever, people and history will keep cursing him in every page and breath.

You told me resistance pact!!!!!!! hhhhhhh:lol:
what a joke.. can you bring me source... haha Alarbieh grad missile hahahah

go to bed little sheep...
Syrian Alawites fell into the trap of Persians. Now with the regime overthrown, there is hope for unified Arab league against Israel in the west, against Iran in the east.

Assad had his army to kill his people, we have seen it. Instead of stepping down, he prefered to kill as many as he can.
Speaking Of Palestinians

This is the latest massacre committed today 2012/12/16 by Assad terrorist regime against the palestinians in Yarmouk Camp.

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we will not give him to anyone we will hunt him down once the syrian revolution ends. all the iranian militias in Lebanon and iraq will be eliminated.

Sweet dreams man , Syria is not gonna fall and if needed you'll see Iranian forces pushing your terrorists out of Syria . Have a look , its almost 2 years and Syria still standing however Iran hasn't used it's pressure on Turkey and your allies in the zone . Just arming pkk or organizing militia groups in Gulf states can be enough there .
Everyone can make his own wish but no one can predict what is gonna happen in Syria.
Syrian army can not control everywhere and FSA cannot fight outside urban areas. There is no winner, but one loser, that is the people of Syria. Their GDP will be zero soon. They will not have a simple steel or cement factory after a while, like Afghanistan.
very soon, there will be 3 million Syrian refugees around the world. You will see other countries deporting them back to Syria. They will be killed inside Syria and will be used for labor and prostitution outside Syria.
The best way is to make a compromise.
They are nothing.... Qatar prime minister is right... they (GCC) are sheep...

So Israel can be happy with you... you don't want to upset your masters in Tel Aviv.. and D.C...

That's not gonna happen man , Iran knows that losing Syria means losing the whole middle east and if needed Iran will use all it's power there even if there will be a war with puppets like SA or Qatar however Turkey recently knows the danger of Kurds after Assad's fall in Syria that will certainly try to be independent and settle free Kurdistan in Syria which will be joined by Iraqi Kurds and after that Turkish Kurds and ends in Iran . If that war doesn't end in Assad's victory you'll see the middle east in fire which can bring next world war here .
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