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Qadri Inqilab March | Updates and Debate

Another medal for Pakistan courtsy Canadian Topi

Both the government and also Qadri are at fault here. The supporters of Qadri are definitely not being peaceful and in this situation now, state has no option but to strictly enforce the law.
And thats why Government is at fault?

Imran always have succeeded to gather large crowd and he will do this time too and Model Town issue will help Imran more
Because government had captured bodies and not returning

wow what is this matlab no proof of it. Only ghayab ka ilaam hai TUQ ko? that people died and police hid the bodies.

and why was the same police caught on tv then when it killed 15 people in model town?

oh bhai this TUQ lies are just getting overboard.
Another pawn enters the game

لاہور : مجلس وحدت مسلمین نے پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے یوم شہداء کی بھرپور حمایت کا اعلان کر دیا ہے۔

لاہور میں ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کی رہائش گاہ پر نیوز کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے علامہ راجہ ناصر عباس نے کارکنوں اور عوام سے ملک بھر میں دھرنوں کی اپیل کی ہے۔ علامہ ناصر کا کہنا تھا کہ وزیراعظم دہشت گردوں کے ساتھ ہیں،شہداء
کے نہیں، فتح مظلوموں کی اور شکست ظالموں کی ہوگی،وزیراعظم نے کہا ہے کہ وہ ہم سے مذاکرات نہیں کریں گے۔ سماء
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And thats why Government is at fault?


Government started it by blocking the roads, and putting containers are all over punjab without their owners permission. That is illegal.

Keep laughing, thats what Ganjas done as well in the beginning. Did you see the older Ganja face today? Ma man is scared - Just pray that Generals are in no silly mood.
Keep laughing, thats what Ganjas done as well in the beginning. Did you see the older Ganja face today? Ma man is scared - Just pray that Generals are in no silly mood.
Lo jee ek aur agaya....welcome to the party! :lol:
Whereas I am against the direction that the government has taken in this matter, I do not believe it still warrants that cowardice be hailed as heroism. The police are not refusing to move forward because they have had a sudden change of heart and are now in love with PAT workers, they are scared and the DIG is shaming them to rally them forward. Changing the context of the situation will not serve any meaningful purpose.
Now that the matter has been raised, it is quite disheartening to see this anarchy grip the country, I am stuck away from my station in this crucial time and people are suffering all around, there's no fuel, roads are blocked and there have been small riots reported all over the province of Punjab.
I think at this moment, ALL political forces involved should exercise some maturity and try to diffuse the situation, although there are various ongoing backdoor efforts to improve the state of affairs but political forces must come forward to show that the nation is more dear to them than their political interests.
There cannot be set a precedent that one government can simply topple the other through street power and establish dominance, that is what the norm was in Afghanistan and see where that landed them.
I sincerely hope that the situation improves and that this nascent democratic system with all its flaws and errors can be allowed to progress but if the situation shows any further trend of escalating further, all these would be head honchos might soon find themselves out of a job for the next decade or so.
Yes I will fully throw a party, When justice is done across Pakistan.

On topic I dont trust this Mullah or any mullah - We should get rid of them all.
:lol: Candians and Brits are so concerned about "Justice" in Pakistan....:lol:
says Qadri and yet no body shown. the 15 that died in model town were real deaths. today it is just fake nonsense.

infact Qadri men have kidnapped 6 policemen.

bhai sahab khush amdeed .. kidher ghaib hain dont see you much of you here

this was reported in express tribune i copied the news from there strangely now its gone WTHH
bhai sahab khush amdeed .. kidher ghaib hain dont see you much of you here

this was reported in express tribune i copied the news from there strangely now its gone WTHH

bro been a long time couldn't get on defence.pk.....but glad to know you still around. hope all is good at your end.

as for the claim yes TUQ claimed dead bodies but then when he couldn't produce any the news channels just stopped reporting it.

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