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Qadri Inqilab March | Updates and Debate

yaoum e souda ?

MC BKL kadri we lost 60000 pakistan tab kahan mara para tha bharwy :hitwall:
Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Mush all had mustache. They took over. Musa and the others clean upper lips down to Kyani did not.
Clashes continue: One PAT worker killed, 6 female workers injured in Punjab
They burned down police station, damaged cars, bikes etc. One worker died because of injuries. Everyone is carrying sticks around.
What 's happening :(

This is what I've been talking about. Is this violence "Freedom" and "Revolution" to you guys? Both this idiot from Canada and IK should be tried for treason. Violence, killings, destruction of people's and the government's property (which is considered treason across the world).
Only in Pakistan (or may be a little few others), its a sign of FREEDOM and REVOLUTION. WTH is wrong with you people? Take a look at your standing in the World community. Crap like this is what Pakistan and its people are known for.
There is not even ONE thread on here that denounces the violence or suggests people to follow the process and bring about positive changes and not conduct violence.
If this crap isn't stopped ASAP, it'll turn into a Civil War, government would be toppled and then the country will be broken into Pieces. All by the smart and courageous nation of Pakistanis. This time, you can't blame the thin air, the CIA, the Russians, Indians or anyone else! It's ALL you!
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Would like to know some info about this road from our Pakistani members here, how is the Quality of the road on your side of the border? and is it been maintained well ?
I m not pmln supporter as I earlier said that."ur smoking me''does explain that u have no sense of current affairs and u have got nothing other than just emotions :D
eextactly i still have emotions left ..but lsvaes dnt have feeling and emotions like u

The brok the bariers, they attacked police so many time yesterday, and still asking for proofs shows your baised approach. And TuQ is provoking his followers to break the law.

If i come to you, with the stick and take you the corner beat you with the stike, what will be your response when you have a gun?
they did it in self defense .. they are going to attend chaliswa of their brothers who are murdered by punjab police ..on the way to lahore, they are being arrested and blocked ..so they have the right of self defense ... when u block their access , when u die them food, when u make shortage of petrol u provoked them to attack u ...
they did it in self defense .. they are going to attend chaliswa of their brothers who are murdered by punjab police ..on the way to lahore, they are being arrested and blocked ..so they have the right of self defense ... when u block their access , when u die them food, when u make shortage of petrol u provoked them to attack u ...

Self Defense? Do you even know the definition of Self Defense? This ain't called self defense.

Second, On 10 Mahram if there is 144 section applied, now Sunnis got remember ho this is the death day of Hazrat Umer (RA) want to morn or something they can go against the law and break the beriers, ? or beat the police?

Law & Law enforcement is above everyone. They being arrested when they were going against the Law. "None of my family member arrested, since they know if I try to go against the law I will".

Frankly, does any morality has left if PTI followers? They are back to 90s politics and thinking they can bring "New Pakistan". Please read the history before thinking you are different.
PDF members what is the condition in your cityes
in ISL almost every petrol pump(SHEL,CALTEX,ATTOCK,PSO except some pso pumps) is closed
PDF members what is the condition in your cityes
in ISL almost every petrol pump(SHEL,CALTEX,ATTOCK,PSO except some pso pumps) is closed

yar kadhey ke charey ki shortage to nehe hay na
Many of Petrol pumps are filling upto 1000rs at max.long queues on every pump that's open.
This more like PTI remarks, where He ask petrol pump holder to keep petrol for 14 Aug, and around 50% of the pump holders belong to them only. So they closed the petrol pumps for 14 August.

I love it, when ever something happens, they go against Government. Why PML-N went for Umrah, why Hamza Shahbaz is taking his mother to UK for medical? when dollar reaches 109 it's a problem government isn't doing anything, when it goes to 98 then also it's problem, government sold out to KSA. When you don't build roads then problem, when you does then you are displacing people, when Government don't go to IDPs then it's a issue, when they goes, then also issue since they didn't go to the camp, only met and left..

Bhai, koi ghairat naam ki cheez bacchi bhi hey?
This is what I've been talking about. Is this violence "Freedom" and "Revolution" to you guys? Both this idiot from Canada and IK should be tried for treason. Violence, killings, destruction of people's of government's property is treason across the world. Only in Pakistan its a sign of FREEDOM and REVOLUTION. WTH is wrong with you people? Take a look at your standing in the World community. Crap like this is what Pakistan and its people are known for.
There is not even ONE thread on here that denounces the violence or suggests people to follow the process and bring about positive changes. Not conduct violence. If this crap isn't stopped ASAP, it'll turn into a Civil War, government would be topped and then the country will be broken into Pieces. All by the smart and courageous nation of Pakistanis. This time, you can't blame the thin air, the CIA, the Russians, Indians or anyone else! It's ALL you!
It's like ganhdi-nehru. Gandhi, peaceful like Imran and nehru, violent like like Qadri. Guess who'll be going in power when Imran faces same faith as gandhi?

Democracy should prevail.

TuQ's notorioty has created a big hurdle for Imran for his azadi march. Now Imran has to make sure that his merrymen don't behave like PAT, Qudri's intensions may have been to help Imran Khan but with a precedent like TuQ, Imran's troubles have just increased. Now a peacful march won't do any good because you can protest for a day but his followers won't stay on for a couple of days because public holiday will end and business will resume as usual. Govenment should be more than happy to provide them a place and wait till they become desperate and succumb for face saving or lash out like PAT either way delivering the last nail in his political coffin.....Imran's immeturity and lack of patiance and sanity has led him in shambles in just one year. Imagin if this mad man would have been the PM of Pakistan, his lack of vision and maturity would have taken Pakistan right alongside Afghanistan.
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TuQ's notorioty has created a big hurdle for Imran for his azadi march. Now Imran has to make sure that his merrymen don't behave like PAT, Qudri's intensions may have been to help Imran Khan but with a precedent like TuQ, Imran's troubles have just increased. Now a peacful march won't do any good because you can protest for a day but his followers won't stay on for a couple of days because public holiday will end and business will resume as usual. Govenment should be more than happy to provide them a place and wait till they become desperate and succumb for face saving or lash out like PAT either way delivering the last nail in his political coffin.....Imran's immeturity and lack of patiance and sanity has led him in shambles in just one year. Imagin if this mad man would have been the PM of Pakistan, his lack of vision and maturity would have taken Pakistan right alongside Afghanistan.
Yes 2 police man killed, 270 injured . RIP
8 people also died from other side. Thousand + injured including women and others from direct firing... 2 woman also died.
Yes 2 police man killed, 270 injured . RIP
8 people also died from other side. Thousand + injured including women and others from direct firing... 2 woman also died.
why not 80000 ? everyone whom follow a mullah deserve death now a days . mullah terror bring this country at end

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