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Q/A about Bangladesh

Is Sanskrit taught in schools in Bangladesh.

Yes to Hindus. I think some universities offer Sanskrit/ Palis etc.

I dont know about now. But in our school we had a Arabic teacher and Sanskrit teacher. Hindu used to go to Sankskrit class and we used to go to Arabic class in the same time. ;)
Yes to Hindus. I think some universities offer Sanskrit/ Palis etc.

I dont know about now. But in our school we had a Arabic teacher and Sanskrit teacher. Hindu used to go to Sankskrit class and we used to go to Arabic class in the same time. ;)
yah and imagine the feelings we used to have in exam,,,,,,sitting beside a hindu mate....
yah and imagine the feelings we used to have in exam,,,,,,sitting beside a hindu mate....

In my entire life, the only exam i ever failed in half yearly exam of 6th grade, i scored 26/100 in Arabic. ;)

I could not even read the damn question paper. copied few lines from one of the macho guy which scored me 26.
@ Why you are propagating Indian message again and again ? If you want to know about Jinnah ask your grand father and donnot believe on Awamy Version of History.

@ It is true that Jinnah hardly visited East Bengal but he visited many a time at Calcutta. Jinnah had a strong personality. Even Sharwardy used to shiver in front of Jinnah. From 1940 till 1949, the people of Bengal were mad for Jinnah and his party Muslim Leaque. Muslim Leaque was the party not like Awami Leaque where people are kept under pressure and intimadation. "Narai Takbir, Allah Who Akbar", "Lanke Lenge Pakistan " were common "slogan" in those days. Each and every person (muslims) including women and children participated in this movement.

@ Jinnah's "Two Nation Theory" was whole heartedly accepted by the muslim people of Bengal and I tell you it is still prevailing. I can still re-collect (though I was not born) once some Chakmas of Rangamati hoisted the Congress and then Indian flag on 14\15 August 1947, the only lone Punjab Regiment at once moved to Rangamati to crush the movement. On 16/17 August a flash message came from Britain that Chittagong Hill Tract was annexed with the then East Pakistan. Millions of students, Muslim Leaque workers, common people and Scouts from Sylhet to Coxe's Bazar at once moved behind the Punjab Regiment having "Jhanda of chand tara" on the left and "Danda" on the right hand and captured the whole of Chittagong Hill Tract. It was Fuzlul Kader Chow who lead the rally. By seeing this India never dare to attack East Pakistan.

@ Jinnah never, never was unpopular in Bengal. It was on that day (1948) once he declared that Urdu should be the state language of Pakistan for its unity, since then some interested quaters started maligning him which is still continuing.

@ We struggled, we fought , we rallied for our greater freedom means to come out from the clutches of Hindus but finally it was under the leadership of Jinnah and nobody elses. In those days to have a separate independence(separate Bengal) state was unthinkable, unrealistic, utopian idea etc.

You said the thing I said, difference is you are being emotional and I tried to say on practical ground. I've never seen any madness about Jinnah in BD people, forget that 40s madness...in a sense he planted the seed of separation declaring on language issue. Later it developed to 52's language movement meaning the plant started to grow. Once you create the ground, there will be no lack of players dada bhai ;). There's no point diverting a fact to a particular version if it doesn't comply yours.
Many experts (who express their neutral view but could be/could not be supporter of political parties ) say we'd have won the war without india but it'd take time and that fruit would be sweeter other than signing the peace treaty avoiding our chief or armed forces. india in practical life played a role of striker at the end of war. However, giving shelter to more than 10 million people was a great job by indian side whatever the behind the scene play was.

According to Pakistani and Bangladeshi on PDF that......... huge number of refugees fled to india was all made up by India to justify the invasion. You are the first one to agree to Indian figure, the magnitude of the exodus was as high as 10 million. It would not have reached this figure if not for genocide of huge proportion done on your people.

Also, please explain why most Bangladeshi members support Pakistani members in-spite of such atrocities committed on them.
Yes to Hindus. I think some universities offer Sanskrit/ Palis etc.

I dont know about now. But in our school we had a Arabic teacher and Sanskrit teacher. Hindu used to go to Sankskrit class and we used to go to Arabic class in the same time. ;)

I don't think it is taught in our schools now a days. Dude when did you go to school last time? 1923?

We don't have to learn Arabic also anymore. Anyone who writes arabic gets highest marks....
Why do we need to mimic other immature forumer and create a thread like that. I thought BD forumer will not fall for it.

Don't you want to showcase Bangladesh in a positive light. I think most people know very little about your country and your Bengali-Islamic culture.
According to Pakistani and Bangladeshi on PDF that......... huge number of refugees fled to india was all made up by India to justify the invasion. You are the first one to agree to Indian figure, the magnitude of the exodus was as high as 10 million. It would not have reached this figure if not for genocide of huge proportion done on your people.

Also, please explain why most Bangladeshi members support Pakistani members in-spite of such atrocities committed on them.

Didn't get your question though I think BD peoples' sheer (logical) hatred towards india made you think so.
I don't think it is taught in our schools now a days. Dude when did you go to school last time? 1923?

We don't have to learn Arabic also anymore. Anyone who writes arabic gets highest marks....

We also had Arabic subject in our school. Islam (religion) was board subject but I think Arabic was an exclusive subject in our school (our school had some extra panditi) only from class 6-8 because many from other schools said that they didn't have Arabic. Anyway, this Arabic was nightmare for most students :no:.
I have no clue. May be something to do with cultural differences where WB treats guest differently than Bangladesh.
And the coward part, I think that probably has some truth to it. Look the way Hindus run away in the middle of the night without taking a stand for their right. Even Chakmas are far better in BD than Hindus when it comes to standing up.

How did you expect Hindus to defend themselves?? Their leaders were jailed and most of the intellectuals were brutally and systematically massacred. They were vulnerable against highly equipped Pakistani army.
Also, please explain why most Bangladeshi members support Pakistani members in-spite of such atrocities committed on them.

Don't get us wrong. We are thankful to India for it's contribution during our liberation war. But you have to understand, we expect more cooperation from India when it comes to border issues, border killings, water rights etc etc. Years have passed since our liberation war. But bangladesh and India still have many unresolved issues. Continuity of these problems are working on the minds of Bangladeshi people and the mistrust is increasing exponentially and quite rightly so. People of Bangladesh don't like India very much right now mainly because of the border killings.

About supporting Pakistani members . . . . . . . it's not about Pakistan, it's about Bangladeshis not liking the fact that India is not taking proper steps to resolve most of the issues.

How did you expect Hindus to defend themselves?? Their leaders were jailed and most of the intellectuals were brutally and systematically massacred. They were vulnerable against highly equipped Pakistani army.

I don't think he was talking about the war. But you are right in a sense. Hindus never recovered from the atrocities committed on them during the war. Still now, during elections, Hindus are targeted everywhere in Bangladesh. It's sad . . . . but it's the truth.

By the way, appreciate the fact that the number of killings in the borders are decreasing.
According to Pakistani and Bangladeshi on PDF that......... huge number of refugees fled to india was all made up by India to justify the invasion. You are the first one to agree to Indian figure, the magnitude of the exodus was as high as 10 million. It would not have reached this figure if not for genocide of huge proportion done on your people.

Also, please explain why most Bangladeshi members support Pakistani members in-spite of such atrocities committed on them.

Hai buddy, no one in Bangladesh denies that India didn't to a great job in 1971 in humanitarian ground (except few hardcore rajakars).

India is a great nation, you expect great thing from great country. But your country's level of co-operation and openness over the decades became hostile and un-bearable for many of us.
In India I know patriotism is blind, in Bangladesh we are also patriot, but we are more open minded and welcome new things. I mean your people's point of view is different than ours. We improvise over many things very fast and you can't keep pace with us. Simple man.

I've been in West Bengal. Can't agree with you. But ofcourse there are exceptions.
:chilli: couldn't agree less with you.

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