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Putin's Visit To India: Will Deepening Russia-Pakistan Ties Be In Focus?



New Recruit

Dec 9, 2014
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As India prepares to receive Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, speculation abounds on how far his visit might go in boosting ties between the two countries. Putin’s brief visit, though for an annual Russia-India summit, assumes significance as it comes just a month before U.S. President Barack Obama’s scheduled trip to New Delhi in January.

Moreover, Putin comes to India amid his country’s recent warming up to India’s arch-rival and U.S.'s long-term ally Pakistan. Although India and Russia have been allies for decades, of late, bilateral ties have frayed. As The Hindu newspaper noted in a report, since July, their relations have been strained over India’s growing defense procurement from the U.S. The report further mentioned that India is unhappy with Russia’s new defense cooperation agreement with Pakistan, which, it noted, marks a significant shift from the past.

In November, it was reported that Russia would sell Mi-35 helicopters to Pakistan to “help combat terrorism.” The Diplomat, a website on regional foreign policy, noted that after a long history of bilateral turbulence, Russia and Pakistan appear to have initiated a new era of cooperation that it said is likely to be closely watched in New Delhi and Washington.

“India has noted that Russia, like other countries, has chosen to improve defense cooperation with our neighbor,” thereby marking a shift from the “special” relationship with India, The Diplomat said, quoting India’s foreign ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin.

In fact, Moscow appears to have had to do some last-minute fire-fighting to assuage New Delhi’s fears. “Never ever will Russia do anything to the detriment of India’s security. India is the closest friend of my country,” Alexander Kadakin, Russia's ambassador to India, reportedly said at a press conference before Putin’s visit.

But, Putin has other concerns too. For one, Russia wants to do more business with India.

The Economic Times newspaper reported that Putin could unveil “a grand vision document" to meet India's energy needs and boost trade and investment ties, including a deal on a sovereign fund. The report further added that Russia wants to set up as many as 24 nuclear plants in India and offer stakes in oil fields to Indian companies.

Earlier this year, Moscow and Beijing signed a $400 billion gas deal and followed it up with another one in November, to reduce Russian reliance on Europe and secure almost a fifth of China’s gas needs for the next decade, according to a Bloomberg report.

Most of India’s military hardware is of Russian origin, and Russia wants to continue to sell more arms, notwithstanding the fact that in 2012, along with the U.S., it was edged out of the race to win a potential $20 billion contract to acquire fighter jets for the Indian Air Force, which is now set to be awarded to French defense major Dassault Aviation.

In fact, as this report noted, the two countries are keen to finalize a deal to jointly manufacture the fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA), which when sealed, would be the biggest defense deal between the two countries. The report added that while the FGFA deal will not be inked during Putin's visit, negotiations could gather momentum.
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care

we will be worried if and only if Pakistan has good relationship with Israel. ;)
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care

No, modi will armtwist putin and put him in a deadlock:sarcastic:
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care

OfCoz India Don't Care Abt Any Defence Deal Happen In Between Any Countries Of d World .... Pakistan is Only Exception Coz This is Defence Deal For World But Secretly They Supply Arm-Weapons to Terrorist Organization Juz Recent Example Of Puri Attack On Indian Army Camp All Terrorist So Called Jihadi's Of Kashmir Had Used Weapons /Food Packets/ Jackets / Explosive Normally Used By Pak Army So Its Very Clr We All Concern Abt Pakistan :p
Of course Russia's relations with Pakistan, like any other country, affect India.

But the important part is- how much priority should India give to ties with Russia when US is offering so much more at the moment ?
Its simply a question of taking one step backwards in order to take three forwards.

Indo-Russia relations of old will have to take a backseat in order for us to move forward with DTTI.

Lets not forget it was, infact, Russia who first snubbed India in early 2000s when they talked of "joining the European community" or "Russia sees itself as an European power".

Only after being rebuffed by Europe did they come back to good ol' chum India and now its India's turn to return the favour.

Such is geopolitics.
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care

Let me tell you every Indian feel uneasy about the new strategic relationship between Pak and Russia..... May be you can understand it better, because you might have felt the same when india was getting closer to US..... But over a period of time you have overcame that feeling and have settled down with reality..... Similarly it will take time for Indians to accept something like this...... But i doubt this relationship is going to be at the cost of friendship with India......
Let me tell you every Indian feel uneasy about the new strategic relationship between Pak and Russia..... May be you can understand it better, because you might have felt the same when india was getting closer to US..... But over a period of time you have overcame that feeling and have settled down with reality..... Similarly it will take time for Indians to accept something like this...... But i doubt this relationship is going to be at the cost of friendship with India......

For all india's getting close to US, they still bankroll billions of dollars of indian centric advanced weaponry, to Pakistan, the zero-sum game in international relations is over, though we are still a smaller country than india, we are a nation of nearly 200 million industrious and hardworking population, with a massive Armed Forces, with a huge Muslim population with Nuclear Weapons, at the cross roads of three strategically important regions, nobody can ignore us.
Except that india has a population of 1.3 billion of hard working and industrious people.:sarcastic:

Of course, but if Russia want's to get in on the action in A-Stan after the withdrawal they have to deal with us, and considering their "near abroad" there is only one circus in town, my little indian friend.
Of course, but if Russia want's to get in on the action in A-Stan after the withdrawal they have to deal with us, and considering their "near abroad" there is only one circus in town, my little indian friend.

U have been overestimating ur strategic position for 67 years now,,my strong:Dpakistani friend.Its actually a very bad location with open and porous border with afganistan.

Whatever trade russia wants with afganistan can be done easily via iran through chahbar.
U have been overestimating ur strategic position for 67 years now,,my strong:Dpakistani friend.Its actually a very bad location with open and porous border with afganistan.

Whatever trade russia wants with afganistan can be done easily via iran through chahbar.

Is that why India investing billions in Iran chahbar port. Cause Pakistan over estimating its strategic importance. Indian posters on Other forums have declared Russia bankrupt and not worthy all of sudden are cheering Putin.

You buy from Putin You piss of Uncle Sam and Europe. You dont buy from him, you piss of Putin. Enjoy it. We win either Way.
Is that why India investing billions in Iran chahbar port. Cause Pakistan over estimating its strategic importance. Indian posters on Other forums have declared Russia bankrupt and not worthy all of sudden are cheering Putin.

You buy from Putin You piss of Uncle Sam and Europe. You dont buy from him, you piss of Putin. Enjoy it. We win either Way.
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care
We wouldn't have cared past writing a one-liner and moving on if all the intellectual duds on your side hadn't made it a point to showcase their stupidity - Indo-Russian relashun is over, India is a western puppet, Helicopter is just the start - Mi-28N - Mig 35 - Su 35 and so on.:lol:

Responding to questions submitted by The Hindu , Mr.
Putin also said the scope of the agreement signed last
month, which was the first of its kind between Russia
and Pakistan, is limited. “[Regarding] Pakistan, we have
held talks on Russia’s possible assistance aimed at
improving the counter-terrorism and anti-drug
operations. In my view, this kind of cooperation serves
the long-term interests of all countries of the region,
including India,” he said.
Putin says Russia Pakistan ties in India's long term interest.
U have been overestimating ur strategic position for 67 years now,,my strong:Dpakistani friend.Its actually a very bad location with open and porous border with afganistan.

Whatever trade russia wants with afganistan can be done easily via iran through chahbar.

Keep telling that to yourself, my little indian friend. ;)
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