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Putin's Visit To India: Will Deepening Russia-Pakistan Ties Be In Focus?

Russia to it's peril thought we are not gonna buy anything from anybody else. We are stuck with Russia.

It is paying for it. It will pay later too.
Both rule with Authority and are task masters. So why not? if Putin is a Nationalist he will gel with him like Shinzo Abe(PM of Japan) did.
Modi is a Nationalist.
Both rule with Authority and are task masters. So why not? if Putin is a Nationalist he will gel with him like Shinzo Abe(PM of Japan) did.
Modi is a Nationalist.

Oversimplification. Indian & Japanese interests converge; Indian & Russian, not as much
of course Indians dont care and are not concerned at all about deepening Pak- Russian ties

as one Indian blogger said in Dawn
its about one isolated country seeking another isolated country
to let us all Pakisanis know that Indians dont really care or are concerned about this warming up of Pak -Russian relations, they have flooded messages on the web, just in case we Pakistanis have any misunderstanding that Indians really give a damn about recent Russians visits to Pakistan .

and to confirm that Indians DONT care about any defence deals and diplomatic improvements between Russians and Pakistanis... Modi will bring this matter up right away to set the record straight saying that Indians dont care

Sir, do not be naïve. Of course we care about what weaponry Pakistan gets.

However, India has to also ignore some arms Pakistan will buy from Russia which do not change much for India. Russia wants to use Pakistan in the Afpak end game, sure.

Is that not what your country has always found itself in? End-games of power struggle of the Super powers?
Oversimplification. Indian & Japanese interests converge; Indian & Russian, not as much
Yes obviously,Shinzo Abe is not Emperor of Nippon nor is Vladimir Putin the Czar of Russia.Likewise i will say nor is Modi the Chakravarti of India.
But this is foreign policy when you have two hostile neighbours. we need someone who can talk straight looking in their eyes and say "I will do this,"
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