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Putin to visit China after skipping US


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
MOSCOW: Russia's newly sworn-in President Vladimir Putin will make what could be his first foreign trip to China next month after deciding to skip the G8 summit in the US, a diplomatic source said on Friday.

Putin's June 5-7 visit will include talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao and attendance at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, the source told Russian news agencies.

Putin, sworn in for a third term as president on Monday after spending the past four years as premier, had earlier informed Obama he was turning down an invitation to visit Camp David for the G8 summit next week.

The US visit would have included ice-breaking talks with Obama, but the Kremlin said Putin would be busy putting the finishing touches on his new government in Moscow.

The Kremlin has not announced any foreign engagements for Putin before the China visit is scheduled, meaning that Beijing could in a move of great symbolism be his first foreign destination for the third presidential term.

Putin was in the resort town of Sochi on Friday meeting the leader of Georgia's separatist region of Abkhazia.

US officials downplayed the impact of Putin's decision, arguing that they understood the explanation and did not view it as a diplomatic snub.

Putin had fought frequently with the United States during his first two terms as president and President Barack Obama in 2009 said he "has one foot in the old ways" of doing business.

But he has also sought to develop Russia's at-times uneasy relations with China, paying three formal visits there as president between 2000 and 2008.

In his meeting last month with China's likely next premier Li Keqiang, Putin praised the ties between two countries, calling them "close friends."

The June summit will be "an important step in further development of the bilateral strategic partnership and comprehensive cooperation," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during a visit to Beijing this week.

Putin to visit China after skipping US - The Times of India
Very symbolic. Putin let Medvedev try his pansy 'reset' policy and all it got him was more progress towards a missile shield in Poland, further US containment in Georgia, regime change in Libya (a hitherto important Russian ally), and attempted regime change in Syria. Putin knows that the West only understands force.
Хорошо。 The US visit would have included ice-breaking talks with Obama.
Funny, Russia would never go to war on behalf of any country, certainly not Syria.

They probably don't want to, but the alternative is losing their port (Tartus) and their influence in the Middle East. First Nasser, then Saddam, then Gaddafi, the US has steadily rolled back Russian influence. If Russia loses Syria, it's influence will be extinguished completely.
They probably don't want to, but the alternative is losing their port (Tartus) and their influence in the Middle East. First Nasser, then Saddam, then Gaddafi, the US has steadily rolled back Russian influence. If Russia loses Syria, it's influence will be extinguished completely.
That's because of Russia's stupidity. Always, siding with losing parties. Look how the US dealt with their fallen ally Mubarak, something Russia is to stupid to do.
We look forward to a Sino-Russian Partnership to balance out US new world order. I would love to see a Block of Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan and the six former Muslim Republics as an Economic and Military block.
i think putin is making a mistake of not visit india first

Yea he hurting their feelings here and that's why none of them make any post yet.

Since Russia is going head to head with the US in many issues, Putin has no choice but to pull China as close to his side as possible. He probably believes, and I think he's right, only with China's helps can he counter balance the alliances of US/NATO on UN and the world arenas. So by visiting China first gives China a big honor. Of course China is happy to obliged to play the good cop as Putin would be the bad cop.
That's because of Russia's stupidity. Always, siding with losing parties. Look how the US dealt with their fallen ally Mubarak, something Russia is to stupid to do.

It's not as dire for the US. They will always have Israel and you guys. Conversely, Syria is Russia's last stand.

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