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Putin to Saudi Arabia: Our air defenses can protect you, like they do Turkey and Iran


Aug 22, 2018
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United States
Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested Saudi Arabia should buy Russian air defense systems to protect its oil facilities from drone attacks, pointing to Iran and Turkey, who operate S-300 and S-400 missiles, respectively.
“Saudi Arabia needs to make a smart decision, as Iran did by buying our S-300, and as Mr. Erdogan did by deciding to buy the most advanced S-400 Triumph air defense systems from Russia,” Putin told reporters in Ankara on Monday. “These kinds of systems are capable of defending any kind of infrastructure in Saudi Arabia from any kind of attack.”

Putin was answering a question about the recent drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, which Washington has blamed on Iran, though Yemen’s Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility. A coalition led by Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen in 2015 and has fought the Houthis there since.

ALSO ON RT.COM‘Preliminary results’ show Iranian weapons used in oil plant attack – Saudi-led coalition
The recent escalation of that conflict was not among the topics discussed at the trilateral summit in Ankara between Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The three leaders were, however, in agreement that the conflict in Yemen must end as soon as possible.

Putin cited the Koran to admonish the Saudi coalition’s war on Yemen, saying that the Muslim holy book said the only legitimate form of violence was self-defense and, in that context, spoke of the Russian-made missile systems as a possible solution.

Iran has operated the S-300 missile systems since 2017, and the first batch of the S-400s was delivered to Turkey in July. Ankara’s purchase of the S-400s has caused it significant strife with Washington, which is refusing to deliver Turkey’s F-35 fighters, fearing that their computer systems will be compromised by the Russian weaponry.
Says the guy whose pantsir failed in similar mission profile.
Seriously after all those hundreds of Billions Saudis spent on defense procurement and they couldn't even protect their oil refineries? wtf.

How do you protect them against drones originating from USofA and Israel as flase flag? There is a reason they want all allies to keep Patriot and THAAD so they can pull off the switch whenever the want and own forces cant even be tracked or engaged.
Turkey figured it out and made the right move to get the S-400. It's time for Saudis and Emiratis to wake up and get systems that do not originate from NATO or Israel if they want to be actually able to use them in case of an actual war.

Says the guy whose pantsir failed in similar mission profile.

Pantsir is an old platform and all major military powers would have developed tactics and counter measures by now.
So your point stands irrelevant. Russia can make Patriot and THAAD irrelevant in the case of hostilities, that doesn't make them a failure.
I think saudis should go for russian airdefense as they are cheaper and battle tested in Syria against small drones
How do you protect them against drones originating from USofA and Israel as flase flag? There is a reason they want all allies to keep Patriot and THAAD so they can pull off the switch whenever the want and own forces cant even be tracked or engaged.
Turkey figured it out and made the right move to get the S-400. It's time for Saudis and Emiratis to wake up and get systems that do not originate from NATO or Israel if they want to be actually able to use them in case of an actual war.

Pantsir is an old platform and all major military powers would have developed tactics and counter measures by now.
So your point stands irrelevant. Russia can make Patriot and THAAD irrelevant in the case of hostilities, that doesn't make them a failure.

Every one can develop countermeasures. That is the point being implied. So before Putin mouths off about his country's SAMs he should first ponder over the reasons behind failures of his own systems in Syria no matter how good they were on paper.
Every one can develop countermeasures. That is the point being implied. So before Putin mouths off about his country's SAMs he should first ponder over the reasons behind failures of his own systems in Syria no matter how good they were on paper.

The general answer is the Syrian ADS supplied from Russia must be weaker than any Israhell attack. Or else Putin would have to listen to crying Chabad rabbis for a month.
Iran? But iranians boast about their local ones? Well i guess its clear iranians do a good paint job.
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