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Putin to Saudi Arabia: Our air defenses can protect you, like they do Turkey and Iran

Iran? But iranians boast about their local ones? Well i guess its clear iranians do a good paint job.

Here is a nice paint job:



An Iranian paint job also did this:


Let hope your kind can manage this kind of paint job in the next 30 years :lol:

As for this news, this is just Putin making a joke. I suppose some people don't have the IQ to see that.
Here is a nice paint job:



An Iranian paint job also did this:


Let hope your kind can manage this kind of paint job in the next 30 years :lol:

As for this news, this is just Putin making a joke. I suppose some people don't have the IQ to see that.

So your saying putin made a joke when he said russian air defwnces are protecting turkey and iran???? Yes nice paintjob and be thankful to russia or u cant even dream shooting a bird, let alone a drone lolz.
And dont open ur ugly reality, we know it. My kind can wipe out ur sorry existence. The only good thing iran can do is interfere in other countries through proxies. Show typical iranian wickedness. You are also using my kind's platform to utter ur crap, so be respectful or get lost.
So your saying putin made a joke when he said russian air defwnces are protecting turkey and iran????

It is obviously a joke. Even the presidents were laughing. How are you this stupid not to see that?

Yes nice paintjob and be thankful to russia or u cant even dream shooting a bird, let alone a drone lolz.

And yet Iran humiliated the US by shooting down it's most expensive drone using an Iranian made air defence.

By shooting down US drone, Iran proves its air defence


And dont open ur ugly reality, we know it. My kind can wipe out ur sorry existence.

This tough talk is good only on the internet.

The only good thing iran can do is interfere in other countries through proxies. Show typical iranian wickedness. You are also using my kind's platform to utter ur crap, so be respectful or get lost.

Lets wish other nations could do what Iran has accomplishes via it "interference". Iran is a regional superpower kid.
It is obviously a joke. Even the presidents were laughing. How are you this stupid not to see that?

And yet Iran humiliated the US by shooting down it's most expensive drone using an Iranian made air defence.

By shooting down US drone, Iran proves its air defence


Your kind are only good at surrendering in conflicts. First deal with Indians kid.

Lets wish your kind could do what Iran has accomplishes via it "interference". You can't even deal with Kashmir.

Seriously u dumb moron is this a joke?? So ur saying russian air defence systems are a joke??? From which angle this seems a joke???
Saudi Arabia needs to make a smart decision, as Iran did by buying our S-300, and as Mr. Erdogan did by deciding to buy the most advanced S-400 Triumph air defense systems from Russia,” Putin told reporters.

What have u achieved? Just crap, its good u came out of taqya and accepted u ppl interfere, or else ur ugly mullahs lie openly n latter call it taqya. We deal with an enemy 9 times larger u moron, u cudnt even deal with iraq, a smaller country. Go find food for ur family u dumb mullah, or go beg hindus for barter trade. Ur whole existence is based on lies and delusions.
Take ur crap and get the hell out of here u hindutva licking scum. You thankless breed of rats, we should just join saudi to wipe u out of existence.
Seriously u dumb moron is this a joke?? So ur saying russian air defence systems are a joke??? From which angle this seems a joke???
Saudi Arabia needs to make a smart decision, as Iran did by buying our S-300, and as Mr. Erdogan did by deciding to buy the most advanced S-400 Triumph air defense systems from Russia,” Putin told reporters.

Like I said, you don't have the capacity to understood putin was just trolling the saudis. I mean are you seriously this stupid?

What have u achieved? Just crap, its good u came out of taqya and accepted u ppl interfere, or else ur ugly mullahs lie openly n latter call it taqya.

Try putting together proper sentences.

We deal with an enemy 9 times larger u moron,
Iran is dealing with US+Israel+PGCC lol, and you're comapring that to Indians? :lol: What a joke.

u cudnt even deal with iraq, a smaller country.

You mean Iraq which was supported by almost every nation on earth and could not take an inch of Iranian territory? And today it's our little proxy state?

Go find food for ur family u dumb mullah, or go beg hindus for barter trade. Ur whole existence is based on lies and delusions.

We are overflowing in food. You need to go search your slums for your next meals.

Take ur crap and get the hell out of here u hindutva licking scum. You thankless breed of rats, we should just join saudi to wipe u out of existence.

A small Iranian proxy just wiped out half of saudi oil capacity. seriously, what would you jokers do? Like I said, first deal with Kashmir.

Iran is simply way out of your leagues.
Like I said, you don't have the capacity to understood putin was just trolling the saudis. I mean are you seriously this stupid?

Try putting together proper sentences.

Iran is dealing with US+Israel+PGCC lol, and you're comapring that to Indians? :lol: What a joke.

You mean Iraq which was supported by almost every nation on earth and could not take an inch of Iranian territory? And today it's our little proxy state?

We are overflowing in food. You need to go search your slums for your next meals.

A small Iranian proxy just wiped out half of saudi oil capacity. seriously, what would you jokers do? Like I said, first deal with Kashmir.

Iran is simply way out of your leagues.

Seems too much self beating have eroded ur brain u moron. Ur so stupid u cant even comprehend. Putin said russian air defences are protecting iran n turkey, if thats a joke, it means russian air defences are useless n putin mocked his own systems??? Dumb idiot go get some education if u can.
Atleast u have proven ur an indian stooge. Why u dnt like to be exposed about ur taqya??? I guess ur new breed is composed of hindutva mutah, no wonder ur begging them for barter trade.

@mods remove this hindutva licking scum from this forum.
Seems too much self beating have eroded ur brain u moron. Ur so stupid u cant even comprehend. Putin said russian air defences are protecting iran n turkey, if thats a joke, it means russian air defences are useless n putin mocked his own systems??? Dumb idiot go get some education if u can.

He was implying saudis can't defend their air space, I mean any human being with an IQ above 60 could get he was pulling the saudi legs, hence why even the diplomats were laughing. If you can't see this, then obviously your brain capacity is the barrier here.

Atleast u have proven ur an indian stooge.

I care about India as much as care about as I care about old underware. You are obsessed with India. Stockholme syndrome?

Why u dnt like to be exposed about ur taqya??? I guess ur new breed is composed of hindutva mutah, no wonder ur begging them for barter trade.

wtf are you even blabbering about?
So your saying putin made a joke when he said russian air defwnces are protecting turkey and iran???? Yes nice paintjob and be thankful to russia or u cant even dream shooting a bird, let alone a drone lolz.
And dont open ur ugly reality, we know it. My kind can wipe out ur sorry existence. The only good thing iran can do is interfere in other countries through proxies. Show typical iranian wickedness. You are also using my kind's platform to utter ur crap, so be respectful or get lost.
friend he was refering to S-300 pmu-2...

He was implying saudis can't defend their air space, I mean any human being with an IQ above 60 could get he was pulling the saudi legs, hence why even the diplomats were laughing. If you can't see this, then obviously your brain capacity is the barrier here.

I care about India as much as care about as I care about old underware. You are obsessed with India. Stockholme syndrome?

wtf are you even blabbering about?
Pakistanis are worried about their own economy that is why they are making such comments, do not engage with them bro if you do not want a headache.
He was implying saudis can't defend their air space, I mean any human being with an IQ above 60 could get he was pulling the saudi legs, hence why even the diplomats were laughing. If you can't see this, then obviously your brain capacity is the barrier here.

I care about India as much as care about as I care about old underware. You are obsessed with India. Stockholme syndrome?

wtf are you even blabbering about?

And my point was not about saudi. He sed our systems are protecting iran and i said if russian systems are protecting iran then why is iran uttering BS and claiming to have indigenous technology. U morons even claim of supersonic weapons which even the US is developing now. Shows you ppl are delusional idiots no less than indians. I know how much u ppl care abt india. Its also clear u cant even comprehend a sentence.
U have enough food? Really? Why then u ppl are selling oil and women on taftan border to trade for food? Typical arrogance of iranians thinking its still the past. Wake up to ur misery.
And my point was not about saudi. He sed our systems are protecting iran

Now you're desperately trying to change subject, you were trying to pretend his words was not intended as satire which they clearly were.

and i said if russian systems are protecting iran then why is iran uttering BS and claiming to have indigenous technology.

What are you talking? The only Russian air defence Iran has is the Russian s-300 which it received years ago. Iran only started production of it's own long range air defence last month. Does your brain not comprehend chronology? That's like saying hmm China's j-20 must be fake because it imported Russian planes in the 80's.

U morons even claim of supersonic weapons which even the US is developing now.

What supersonic weapons? If you're going to make statements, put the source so we can educate you properly.

Shows you ppl are delusional idiots no less than indians.

If Indians were like Iran, you probably would not exist right now. Iran is humiliating the sole superpower on the planet left and right, you're comparing us to India?

I know how much u ppl care abt india. Its also clear u cant even comprehend a sentence.

Only your kind are obsessed with the Indians. We don't give a toss about them. We only care if they're willing to invest in Iran.

U have enough food? Really? Why then u ppl are selling oil and women on taftan border to trade for food?
I can insult your women as well but I won't stoop that low. I let your kind go that low.

Typical arrogance of iranians thinking its still the past. Wake up to ur misery.

The only misery I am waking up to involves your misery and your saudi master misery where every week it seems you're being humiliated left and right.
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