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Putin says Russian city Volgograd may become Stalingrad again

Not a good choice IMHO. Russia will go back in time but also in mindset. Russia should go ahead, not back in time. It is Russia's choice at the end but that is my view. It will rub their neighbors the wrong way.

For example if you were a Tatar who was deported by Stalin. You would be totally alienated from Russian Federation if you even felt connected to Russian Federation.

Well, it is Russia's choice.
**** Stalin hope that asshole burns in hell for all eternity.
I lost several family members and almost 1/5 of all Ahiska in the world died in the Battle of Stalingrad.
Also Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 2/3 OF ALL AHISKAS on the Planet
@vostok ,

I no doubt agree that Stalin held a solid control over the entire leadership while he was in his prime. However, his one mistake was the liquidation of the military leadership prior to the war. One could argue that such action affected the readiness and cost the USSR its strategic reaction time to the Wermacht.
Now I can not exactly explain the reasons for cleansing of army commanders. I just started reading a book about Stalin, written by not pro-Western liberal. When i finish reading, I can explain.
But one thing I can say right now - Stalin never was cartoonish villain from comics, how liberals and Western historians and writers is trying to show him. He was an ardent patriot of Russia and all his life he put to build the world's first socialist state.
Now I can not exactly explain the reasons for cleansing of army commanders. I just started reading a book about Stalin, written by not pro-Western liberal. When i finish reading, I can explain.
But one thing I can say right now - Stalin never was cartoonish villain from comics, how liberals and Western historians and writers is trying to show him. He was an ardent patriot of Russia and all his life he put to build the world's first socialist state.
Yes Stalin wasnt a cartoonish villain he was real and a monster
I see no reason to shy away from calling the historically significant city Stalingrad. I think the reason the media would give this story leg, is because it adds to the ongoing theory that Putin has become lost in Soviet nostalgia, and is basing his foreign and domestic policy on such.
Yes Stalin wasnt a cartoonish villain he was real and a monster
People are happy to vote for return to city the name Stalingrad. Democracy - a rule of majority, and majority in Russia loves and respects Stalin.
People are happy to vote for return to city the name Stalingrad. Democracy - a rule of majority, and majority in Russia loves and respects Stalin.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Russians can't name their own cities whatever it is they wish.

As far as the majority "loving" and respecting him, I don't doubt it. But surely you can acknowledge that the triumph of WWII is highlighted in Russian education about Stalin, and the inconvenient history is suppressed if not downright ignored.

This is by no means specific to Russia, as it is natural human psychology. An example in my country, although not to the same degree, would be Japanese internment camps in WWII. You do not hear much about these in grade-school history here.
I see no reason to shy away from calling the historically significant city Stalingrad. I think the reason the media would give this story leg, is because it adds to the ongoing theory that Putin has become lost in Soviet nostalgia, and is basing his foreign and domestic policy on such.
Putin - a real, pragmatic politician. He is not building the country's future on "nostalgia" or "feelings".

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Russians can't name their own cities whatever it is they wish.

As far as the majority "loving" and respecting him, I don't doubt it. But surely you can acknowledge that the triumph of WWII is highlighted in Russian education about Stalin, and the inconvenient history is suppressed if not downright ignored.

This is by no means specific to Russia, as it is natural human psychology. An example in my country, although not to the same degree, would be Japanese internment camps in WWII. You do not hear much about these in grade-school history here.
Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Despite the people's love to Stalin, about his successes in textbooks almost nothing written, but a lot - about his failures. Only in recent years has tended to restore objectivity.
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Putin - a real, pragmatic politician. He is not building the country's future on "nostalgia" or "feelings".

His domestic regression on personal freedoms, as well as his foreign policy, are very 20th century.

I have no hate for Putin. I admire his zero tolerance for corrupt criminals stealing Russian public resources. I like that he says what he means and means what he says.

However, the direction he has taken Russia's relationship with the West since Medvedev left is perplexing, and frankly dangerous. The world is full of enough problems without one that had already been mostly worked out rearing its head again. We are not enemies.
His domestic regression on personal freedoms, as well as his foreign policy, are very 20th century.

I have no hate for Putin. I admire his zero tolerance for corrupt criminals stealing Russian public resources. I like that he says what he means and means what he says.

However, the direction he has taken Russia's relationship with the West since Medvedev left is perplexing, and frankly dangerous. The world is full of enough problems without one that had already been mostly worked out rearing its head again. We are not enemies.
There is no restrictions of personal freedoms. In Russia does not even have total surveillance state to the people like in the United States. In Russia, a hundred times more Western NGOs than in America foreign NGOs.
I do not know what you're talking about restrictions of personal freedoms. Putin did not even return criminal penalties for homosexuality, although people demanded to do so.
There is no restrictions of personal freedoms. In Russia does not even have total surveillance state to the people like in the United States. In Russia, a hundred times more Western NGOs than in America foreign NGOs.
I do not know what you're talking about restrictions of personal freedoms. Putin did not even return criminal penalties for homosexuality, although people demanded to do so.

If you believe there are no restrictions of freedoms in Russia, then I don't think us going back and forth is going to change either one of our minds. I think I would rather agree to disagree.
No one in the world will ever forget about the Battle of Stalingrad.

The battle where the greatest war machine to ever come out of Europe (Nazi Wehrmacht) was defeated by the Russians.

It seems a shame to call the city Volgograd instead of Stalingrad.
Stalin may have killed more, but without him and the sacrifice of the soviets, there would not be any jews, Slavic, romani and other "undesirable" races left in the world.

Stalin may have been a bad person, but without his iron fist soviets would not have defeated the germans.
No doubt Stalin is a cruel dictator but without Stalin modernisation, Nazi War Machine may have rolled over CCCP and killed more Russian than Stalin did.
Nonsense! Soviet Army never defeat German Wehrmacht. It was the Russian winter and muddy terrain that bog down German mechanized divisions, armored columns, and Luftwaffe which made them sitting ducks and easy prey for the Red Army.

Otherwise every Soviet Army group was surrendering as soon as they heard the Germans were approaching their way.

If you believe there are no restrictions of freedoms in Russia, then I don't think us going back and forth is going to change either one of our minds. I think I would rather agree to disagree.
America behaving like the new Bolshevik State. You make Lenin and Marx proud if they were alive to see.
Nonsense! Soviet Army never defeat German Wehrmacht. It was the Russian winter and muddy terrain that bog down German mechanized divisions, armored columns, and Luftwaffe which made them sitting ducks and easy prey for the Red Army.

Otherwise every Soviet Army group was surrendering as soon as they heard the Germans were approaching their way.

This is not a factual post.
This is not a factual post.
Agree to disagree!

You invade every country to spread "freedom" and "democracy" just like Lenin invade Poland and other countries to spread "workers revolution" to spread one world government!

Bolsvhism at its best.

You can not even imagine how strange. During the time of Stalin, Khrushchev was a bit of a buffoon. At meetings of the Politburo they forced him to get drunk, and then laughed at him. He hated and feared Stalin and his aides. Khrushchev was involved in the murder of Stalin. Khrushchev destroyed much that created Stalin. Khrushchev canceled the gold ruble and destroyed State Planning Comission. Now we can say with confidence that Khrushchev most likely openly or without knowing it worked for the West.
What do you think about Georgy Zhukov? He cooperated with Khrushchev against pro-Stalinist after Stalin's death.
nonsense. As per NKVD archives,Stalin was responsible for 800,000 deaths not the gibberish west spews. My uncles lost their own parents in the civil war and they were fighting against bolsheviks under Deinkin white forces. 400,000 cossacks were killed by Bolsheviks under Lenin/Trotsky.

Lenin/Trotsky killed 12 million
Stalin killed 800,000 .
NKVD was terrorist organization. Brutal monsters who liquidated innocent people in every country they invaded:

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Agree to disagree!

You invade every country to spread "freedom" and "democracy" just like Lenin invade Poland and other countries to spread "workers revolution" to spread one world government!

Bolsvhism at its best.

I have been discussing politics on the internet far too long to respond to logical fallacies.
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