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Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

If putin really had such information he would have left to stone unturned to humiliate America
I'm more concerned that Putin was withholding evidence to prove that my govt. was involved in false flag attacks. Otherwise no evidence means you can't charge them.

These large governments are always gathering compromising information on each other, but because there is a threat of another country exposing your secrets in retaliation of you exposing another countries secrets, such information is usually held onto until it can be used tactfully.
Snowden Interview Backfires on NBC and “Truthers”

The reviews are in: NBC’s Brian Williams was a sap for Edward Snowden in Moscow when he gave the NSA leaker a platform disguised as an interview.

It was “Edward’s Snowden’s first interview on American television,” Williams announced. But it was conducted in Moscow, under the watchful eye of the Russian security service, the FSB. In an interview with VentureBeat, former KGB General Oleg Kalugin said, “The FSB are now his hosts, and they are taking care of him.”

Snowden followed the script, and so did Williams. It was the NBC version of the Voice of Russia, which highlighted his claim that “he was not under the control of Russia’s government and had given Moscow no intelligence documents after nearly a year of asylum there.”

This is the Moscow party line. NBC and Brian Williams swallowed it—hook, line and sinker.

The interview also backfired on the 9/11 “truth” movement. Snowden, hailed as a hero and “whistleblower” by the 9/11 “truth” movement, failed to validate their claims that the U.S. government and its secret puppet masters were behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America.

If anyone should have concrete proof of 9/11 being an “inside job,” it should have been Snowden, with his access to all kinds of top-secret and classified documents. He addressed 9/11 during the NBC interview, but failed to disclose anything about secret agents planting explosives to bring down Building 7 in what the “truthers” say was a controlled demolition.

It was NBC’s Brian Williams who suffered the most embarrassment, however.

“In the days that have followed [the interview], Williams has been criticized for not pressing Snowden on many issues,” noted Don Kaplan of the New York Daily News. “Williams grilled Snowden about his motives and responsibility for the largest security breach in U.S. history. But many of Snowden’s answers were unsatisfying—and Williams failed to push for examples of exactly how government surveillance has harmed anyone.”

“Brian Williams of NBC News did a good job of letting Edward J. Snowden say what he wanted to say,” commented Alessandra Stanley of The New York Times. She, too, noted that Snowden “wasn’t pushed for specific examples where government surveillance had harmed a single American individual…”

In short, Snowden failed to prove his case that the NSA had been violating the privacy rights of ordinary Americans.

In this case, Williams became the dupe. And that may become as big a story as Snowden’s defection to the Russians. “I thought you guys might give this a fair shake,” Snowden told Williams, in explaining why he chose the network. He was rewarded for his faith and confidence in NBC. He was allowed to portray himself as a patriot.

The softballs went like this: When Williams asked, “Do you see yourself as a patriot?,” Snowden answered immediately, “I do.”

Sitting in Moscow, under Russian surveillance, Snowden added, “If we want to be free, we can’t become subject to surveillance. We can’t—give away our privacy. We can’t give away our rights.” Yet, Moscow controls his fate.

When previous NSA defectors William H. Martin and Bernon F. Mitchell landed in Moscow, they, too, held a press event. “We were employees of the highly secret National Security Agency, which gathers communications intelligence from almost all nations of the world for use by the U.S. government,” they said at a 1960 press conference with the Soviet press at the “House of Journalists” in Moscow. Like Snowden, they were granted asylum.

The Martin and Mitchell defections were “a spectacular publicity coup,” noted Vasili Mitrokhin and Christopher Andrew in The Sword and the Shield. It was “the most embarrassing press conference in the history of the American intelligence community.”

One might say, based on the press reaction, that the Snowden interview was also embarrassing—but mostly for Williams and NBC.

Bob Cesca of The Daily Banter commented that Williams’ interview with Snowden “was yet another in a long, long line of deferential, uninformed, unchallenging genuflections before a guy whose story and motivations are more than a little specious.”

A fascinating follow-up story is how lunatic fringe sources such as the Alex Jones “Infowars” website focused on Snowden’s 9/11 comments, as if he somehow confirmed the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as being an “inside job” conspiracy.

NBC “censored” his comments, Mikael Thalen wrote on the Alex Jones website, even though they were, in fact, posted by the network. The Alex Jones channel featured this story under the graphic “9/11 was an inside job.”

What Snowden said was that the U.S. “had all of the information we needed as an intelligence community, as a classified sector, as the national defense of the United States, to detect this plot.” This is a non-controversial statement that captures the failure of the intelligence community to stop the plot. The problem is that Snowden’s leaking of more classified information relating to ongoing intelligence and military operations makes it more likely that terrorists will be able to carry out another 9/11-type assault.

Snowden never echoed the 9/11 “truthers” in claiming that the attacks were carried out by a mysterious cabal that blamed 9/11 on Muslims, or that they were deliberately allowed to occur so that the U.S. could go to war in the Middle East.

No worry: the 9/11 “truth” movement has another explanation for Snowden’s failure to blame 9/11 on “inside job” conspirators. They argue that Snowden himself is part of the conspiracy.

Iranian Press TV, a dependable outlet for anti-American propaganda and disinformation, reports that Snowden himself may be part of the “inside job.” According to this line of thinking, Snowden is actually working for the globalist cabal operating behind the scenes and is making sure that more damaging and sensational secrets don’t come out. The author of this Press TV piece is Dr. Kevin Barrett, described as “one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror,” and author of Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie 2007).

In other words, Snowden is a double agent! In fact, the truth—as they see it—has already come out. “Edward Snowden told Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News he is a trained intelligence operative who worked for the CIA, NSA and DIA,” reported Kurt Nimmo of the “Infowars” site. He claims this “admission” means that Snowden is still working for the U.S. government and won’t blow the whistle on the real serious scandals.

Snowden’s mouthpiece, meanwhile, is threatening to release the names of American citizens who were targeted by the NSA. Glenn Greenwald, who received many of Snowden’s documents and has now written a book about the leaker, was even interviewed by Tucker Carlson on the Fox News Channel on Sunday about this possibility. Greenwald has called this the “finishing piece” to the Snowden story.

What got lost in the discussion, as usual, is the fact that there are legitimate grounds for conducting surveillance of Americans in contact with foreign intelligence agencies or foreign terrorist movements. One of the NSA’s greatest successes was Venona, the code name given to the intercepted and deciphered Soviet intelligence messages between Moscow and the Soviet espionage network in the United States.

If Greenwald’s “finishing piece” alerts foreign spies and terrorists to the fact that their American agents are under surveillance, it becomes that much harder to stop plots against the American people. Snowden—and Greenwald—would then have blood on their hands.

Snowden Interview Backfires on NBC and “Truthers”
Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11 » The Event Chronicle


Published material can prove the US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but exercised using her proxy, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.
i am a former soviet union official. i worked in KGB and for spetznaz.

i know that wold cabal is infiltrating world financial m,arkets.

they will bring the ultimate economical crash before 2021.

israHELL is the nation of the one and only satan, ILLUMINATI.

I work for GRU today.

don´t make me your enemy.
Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

As tensions between the U.S. and Russia remain at an all time high comparable to that of the Cold War, it seems that strong-armed Putin has had just about enough of Obama’s petty nuisances. Several analysts have recently speculated that to put Obama in his place once and for all, Putin was set to release evidence (i.e. satellite imagery) in his position that revealed the 9/11 terror attacks as an inside job.

These so called “inside jobs” are better known as false-flag attacks in which they were specifically and strategically designed so as to deceive the public into thinking something that isn’t true. In other words, U.S. officials would plan and execute an attack on America and its people that would look as though a certain enemy entity had carried out the atrocity.


This is only the case when America has proven interests in the homeland of the attributed group. As many have explained before, from both sides of the aisle, the United States had a heavy oil interest and is thought to have been the motive for the alleged false flag attacks.

Several documented cases have been exposed showing that this would be nothing new in the military realm of America in the pursuit of selfish interest. That being the case, it appears as though the rest of the world is growing tired of the impact America is having as it carries out its agenda.

In an effort to expose the government for what it is doing – killing Americans in an effort to invade elsewhere, and then killing nationals wherever they go – some have threatened to leak military details exposing America’s atrocities. The most recent of speculation has fallen upon Putin as he is said to have certain satellite images that prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that America was complicit in a false flag attack.

Supposedly demonstrating that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by American officials – well, you could imagine the repercussions. All faith and trust in government would disintegrate, riots would break out in the streets and perhaps a civil uprising would commence.


That being said, imagine what America would look like upon the world stage. An easy target for Muslim extremists or maybe a takeover by a foreign competing superpower? Although these scenarios may be a stretch, you could see how other forces could easily take advantage of such a situation.

Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job | TellMeNow.com | News, Politics, Entertainment, Life, Humor, Community

Photographs can no longer be considered evidence, in today's world filled with computers who can generate such imagery.

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