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Putin orders Russian military to Donbass Republics as peacekeepers


Jun 22, 2016
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Putin orders Russian military to Donbass Republics as peacekeepers

The president has signed a decree outlining roadmap for cooperation between Russia and the republics recognised by Ukraine as its own territory

Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially recognized Donetsk and Lugansk republics as independent states and ordered the Russian military to “secure the peace” in the two former regions of eastern Ukraine.

The Russian president officially signed the decree recognizing the independence of two breakaway regions on Monday. He has instructed the Russian Defense Ministry to send peacekeepers into the Donbass, while telling the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to establish diplomatic relations with both Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.


The rt.com website doesn't work here at all it's like it's down or something, it has been like that for the past few days, only the rt arabic website work. Does any one else have the same issue?
So, the Russians were lying all along while the US and the UK stand vindicated.

We were told again and again by the brain dead conspiracy theorists that only the US and the UK wanted this war and not the peace living Russians.

LOL We were told by the West that Russia has been cornered and they cannot hear anything Russia is saying.

Now they will not only hear but see too.
so now where are all the Chinese and Russian fanboys who were saying these are "Western propaganda" and "Western conspiracy theorys" of Russia invading Ukraine

tonight Russian armour is pouring into the two regions of a independent nation

Vladimir Putin warns of ‘bloodshed’ as he orders Russian forces into Ukraine​


Vladimir Putin warned of "bloodshed" as he ordered Russian troops into two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, raising fears of a full-on invasion.
The Russian president ordered the army across the border to "maintain peace" after he recognised the independence of the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in a televised address to the nation.
In an ominous speech that lasted almost an hour, Mr Putin accused the Ukrainian government of "genocide" and said it was sure to seek nuclear weapons with the assistance of the West.
Afterwards, he signed a decree that recognised the independence of the Russian-speaking separatist regions, which have been under effective control since Russia stoked a separatist war there in 2014.
In Mr Putin's eyes, it could create a legal basis for the Russian army to move across the border into the Donbas region and engage in direct conflict with Ukrainian forces, dashing months of Western diplomatic efforts aimed at averting an invasion.

"They are planning a Blitzkrieg as it was before in 2014," he said of the Ukrainian military in Donbas. "How long can this tragedy continue?
"We demand that those who seized power in Kyiv immediately stop hostilities, otherwise the responsibility for the continuing bloodshed will rest entirely with the Ukrainian regime."
The live television feed immediately cut to footage of him signing two decrees – one recognising the Donetsk People's Republic and the other recognising the independence of the Luhansk People's Republic.
The leaders of the two separatist statelets were shown in the Kremlin, putting their signatures to a friendship treaty with Russia signed by Mr Putin.
Under the terms of a mutual assistance pact signed at the same time, Russian troops will guard the borders of the "republics" and will be able to establish military bases on their territory.
Mr Putin's tone and description of Ukraine as an imminent security threat left little hope that war can be avoided.
He also deployed the Russian military to "maintain peace" in the Donbas region on Monday.
Civilians evacuated from the Donbas region arrive in Rostov, Russia, on Monday

Civilians evacuated from the Donbas region arrive in Rostov, Russia, on Monday CREDIT: Fedor Larin/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
"Whereas before Russia didn't have a justification for overt military intervention even under its own laws, now it will," said Samuel Charap, an analyst at the Rand Corporation.
On Monday, it was not clear whether Mr Putin planned to recognise all the territory claimed by the separatists, or just that which they already de facto control. A more expansive vision could see Russia push past the line of contact with Ukrainian armed forces.
The announcement drew immediate condemnation from Western governments, which threatened to impose sanctions.
Boris Johnson said the move was "plainly in breach of international law", adding: "It's a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. It is a repudiation of the Minsk process and Minsk agreements, and I think it's a very ill omen and a very dark sign.
"The UK will do everything we can to stand by the people of Ukraine, with a very robust package of sanctions."
The US plans sanctions against anyone who trades with the separatists in Dontesk and Luhansk, the White House said.
Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said on Monday that the US would also announce "additional measures related to today's blatant violation of Russia's international commitments".
However, it was not clear whether that would include the "devastating" package of sanctions Joe Biden has promised if Russia actually invades.
The EU has agreed a "limited" package of sanctions that will target those "responsible" for the recognition of the separatist regions, said Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister.
Some policymakers have argued that the most powerful sanctions should be held in reserve until Russian troops cross the border.
Ukraine immediately requested a meeting of the UN Security Council to address the threat of a Russian invasion, citing security assurances it received in return for giving up its Soviet-era nuclear stockpile.
Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, called an emergency meeting of the country's security council. He said on Twitter that he had spoken to Mr Biden, Mr Johnson and the leaders of France and Germany to discuss a response.

In France, Emmanuel Macron – who earlier in the day tried to avert war by inviting Mr Putin to have a summit with Mr Biden to discuss intentional security – called an emergency national security meeting.
Jens Stoltenburg, the secretary-general of Nato, said he "condemned" Mr Putin's recognition of independence.
It came as Russian troops massed on Ukraine's border were moving to tactical start lines in preparation for the start of offensive operations.
A Western security official said units on all Russia's suspected axes of invasion had gone from being "positioned" to "poised" to attack.
"All the indications we see are for a large-scale invasion, using multiple axes with a series of objectives," the official said.

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, told NBC news that a Russian invasion of its neighbour would be an "extremely violent" operation followed by a brutal occupation.
"It will be a war waged by Russia on the Ukrainian people to repress them, to crush them, to harm them," the White House official said.
On Monday, it was reported that US officials have discussed plans with the Ukrainian government for Mr Zelensky to leave Kyiv in the event of an invasion. The president would retreat to Lviv, in western Ukraine and around 50 miles from the Polish border, two people familiar with the discussions told NBC News.
The US and UK have already relocated their embassies from Kyiv to Lviv and urged citizens to leave the country.
Mr Putin's ultimatum to Kyiv followed a rambling speech in which he claimed that eastern parts of Ukraine were "historical Russian lands", and that the country's independence was merely a product of "various mistakes of the Bolsheviks and the Communist party".
"We call it Lenin's Ukraine," he said. "Would you like to have decommunisation? We are very happy with that. But do not stop half way through. We are happy to show you what true decommunisation means for Ukraine," he said, in one of countless barely veiled threats.
"Ukraine has never had a consistent tradition of being a true nation, so they instead started following foreign models not rooted in their history."

He went on to denounce Nato expansion and accused the West of trying to contain Russia, saying it would come up with an excuse to hit the country with new sanctions. "They will do it just because we exist," he said.
Mr Putin and his closest advisers laid the groundwork for the dramatic announcement in a televised session of Russia’s 12-member national security council.
He opened the meeting by saying the Ukrainian government had made it clear by its actions that it was not going to comply with the 2015 Minsk peace agreement.
He then asked for reports from the assembled officials, defence, foreign and interior minister and the heads of the security services before he would react to the coordinated appeals for recognition from the leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics released earlier in the day.
Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister, said the United States had failed to respond to Russian offers of a compromise.
Sergei Shoigu, the defence minister, presented a series of alarming security assessments, including the claim that Kyiv might seek to develop a nuclear weapon, to argue that Ukraine presents an immediate threat to Russian security.
He appeared to be referring to a remark by Mr Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, when he said Russia's behaviour had voided the 1994 Budapest memorandum in which Russia, the US and Britain guaranteed Ukraine's "territorial integrity or political independence" in exchange for it surrendering its Soviet-era nuclear stockpile.
All 12 officials backed recognition when Mr Putin asked them whether they supported the idea. However two, including Sergey Naryshkin, the head of the SVR foreign intelligence service, suggested waiting to see if the threat produced a concession before going through with it.
Earlier in the day, Russia claimed to have destroyed two Ukrainian armoured vehicles and killed five "saboteurs" trying to cross the border in an area outside the Donbas warzone, in what analysts warned could be a pretext for launching a wider invasion. It also claimed Ukrainian shelling had destroyed a Russian border checkpoint, which Ukraine denied.
The US embassy in Kyiv described the claims as "transparent, hackneyed plots to justify an invasion" that would be "laughable if they were not so destructive and dangerous".

The Kremlin said Mr Putin telephoned Mr Macron and Olaf Shulz, the chancellor of Germany, of his intention to sign a decree of recognition before he made his televised address.
The move means Russia is abandoning the 2015 Minsk II peace agreements that would have re-integrated the Dontesk and Luhansk People's Republics back into Ukraine.
Mr Putin and his top diplomats have demanded the United States and other Western governments force Ukraine to implement the deal.

so now where are all the Chinese and Russian fanboys who were saying these are "Western propaganda" and "Western conspiracy theorys" of Russia invading Ukraine

tonight Russian armour is pouring into the two regions of a independent nation
Now I am waiting for US or western fanboy to claim they will defend Ukraine by sending soldiers to confront the Russian soldiers.. :enjoy:
Now I am waiting for US or western fanboy to claim they will defend Ukraine by sending soldiers to confront the Russian soldiers.. :enjoy:

Finland who is neutral is now requesting NATO membership

and British military has deployed its forces to over 8 countrys in Eastern Europe

This invasion has a been great news for UK military because now £20 billion in funding has been unlocked for new weapons and expansion of bases in the East

NO other European nation took this opportunity but UK did

even US was slow to respond but UK benefitted

now watch how UK will bleed Russia dry
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