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Putin accepts Gilani’s Pakistan visit invite for Sept

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Russian leader Vladimir Putin has accepted Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s invitation to visit Pakistan in September.
Gilani telephoned Putin on Tuesday to congratulate him on his election as the country’s president.
According to a press release, Gilani told Putin that the fact that people brought him back to office is testimony of them reposing their confidence in his leadership. The prime minister also extended him an invitation to visit Pakistan in September, which was accepted by Putin. The two foreign ministries will decide on the exact date of the visit.
Putin appreciated Gilani and his government’s efforts for consolidating relations between Russia and Pakistan.
Putin, who is currently the prime minister of Russia, was recently elected as the president amid fierce protests and criticism over his control of Russian politics.

Putin accepts Gilani
has there ever been a Russian state head visiting Pakistan? just curious.
Putin saw the way india voted to destroy Russia's navy base in Syria, so Putin knows that india is ungrateful for all the military weapons Russia supplied to india for decades. Russia could easily freeze all cooperation with india and give all the weapons india paid for to Pakistan instead.
Putin saw the way india voted to destroy Russia's navy base in Syria, so Putin knows that india is ungrateful for all the military weapons Russia supplied to india for decades. Russia could easily freeze all cooperation with india and give all the weapons india paid for to Pakistan instead.

:rofl: :rofl:
Don't be so pessimist. It is a good news and good initiative from Pakistan and on time.
Putin saw the way india voted to destroy Russia's navy base in Syria, so Putin knows that india is ungrateful for all the military weapons Russia supplied to india for decades. Russia could easily freeze all cooperation with india and give all the weapons india paid for to Pakistan instead.

LOL best post of 2012 yet :rofl::rofl:

This guy will post anything for his 50 cents :lol:
Putin saw the way india voted to destroy Russia's navy base in Syria, so Putin knows that india is ungrateful for all the military weapons Russia supplied to india for decades. Russia could easily freeze all cooperation with india and give all the weapons india paid for to Pakistan instead.
ur views are way below hopeless , i mean pathetic trolling man:bad:
Putin saw the way india voted to destroy Russia's navy base in Syria, so Putin knows that india is ungrateful for all the military weapons Russia supplied to india for decades. Russia could easily freeze all cooperation with india and give all the weapons india paid for to Pakistan instead.

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