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Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

There is nothing to talk about Sir, Pakistan should and will take care of Balochistan itself, it knows how to handle such people who are traitors.

As for Kashmir, no need to talk, same old policy should be started once again by Pakistan. Best method other then diplomacy as there is no solution to this issue through diplomacy.

No need for any cultural exchanges, we have our own culture, no need to learn about the Indian one.

No need for any kind of sports, making money on this hatred is not the best way.

And as for Afghanistan, let us take care of this Allied & India supported TTP menace first, then will take care of the Indian menace in Afghanistan also. Non of Indian business too, whatever we want to do should be done.

Same for India, do more then talking everywhere and trying to become the sorry arse, Indian politicians and especially its PM should talk less rather then playing the terrorism card everywhere especially before going to US.

I've managed to agitate my usually unflappable bro Taimi :azn:

So in essence we are agreed ..... you continue (not re-start as you so innocently state) your meddling in kashmir, we'll move the ground from below your national feet in your West.

As for culture, business, sports ..... we have nothing to gain from you ..... its your singers and poets and designers and models and actresses and cricketers etc. who are drawn to Indian rupees my friend ..... not the other way around.

On Afghanistan, you are free to concentrate there after you are done with the TTP ..... we have a headstart on you either ways, and you have some catching up to do, with meagre (if any) resources, along with zero international credibility and support, and an Afghan populance and leadership that hates your guts.

As for our diplomatic push on the global arena, we have earned the right to be heard on our financial muscle ..... no one would really be bothered with the sub-continental countries any other way.

Waiting patiently for you to get there too ..... with open arms :lazy:,

Cheers, Doc
As for Kashmir, you can't deny people freedom and keep oppressing them forever by holding Balochistan hostage.
Same logic can be applied to india then?

Absolutely my friend .... and I said as such (vice versa) didn't I?

It does become our business when you use Afghanistan to plan and fund mass terrorism in Pakistan.

Strong claims. Any hard evidence to back them up?

And its a lil rich for a Pakistani to lament about mass terrorism being fomented in his country to an Indian don't you think Ahsan?

Cheers, Doc
As for culture, business, sports ..... we have nothing to gain from you ..... its your singers and poets and designers and models and actresses and cricketers etc. who are drawn to Indian rupees my friend ..... not the other way around.

Don't really think you understand what he means. Those people you are mentioning are in it for the money, not to learn about indian culture or anything.

On Afghanistan, you are free to concentrate there after you are done with the TTP ..... we have a headstart on you either ways, and you have some catching up to do, with meagre (if any) resources, along with zero international credibility and support, and an Afghan populance and leadership that hates your guts.

You forgot one thing and the most important thing - The Afghan Taliban - along with getting the populance part wrong (yes they do not like Pakistan but they do not like you any better). The Afghan Taliban, which is what matters the most, and whom they will support. I think you know the answer, so I need not tell you that.
As for Kashmir, you can't deny people freedom and keep oppressing them forever by holding Balochistan hostage.

The same can be said about Balochistan and the sovereign aspirations of the Balochi people ..... dating back to Partition and the formation of the Pakistani state.

It is a little surprising for me Ahsan that as a Pakistani you seem to be more bothered about the plight of Indians than your own unhappy and suppressed compatriots.

Cheers, Doc
Strong claims. Any hard evidence to back them up?
I have talked about several times before. In brief, it is confirmed from insider ISI sources that the evidence is available in large number and its undeniable. The reason for Pakistan government not doing anything about it is due to US pressure.

And its a lil rich for a Pakistani to lament about mass terrorism being fomented in his country to an Indian don't you think Ahsan?
If you mean by the hypocrisy, then Pakistan never supported the freedom fighters outside Kashmir or supported any terrorists that just killed innocent people as their job - which is what india is doing.
Don't really think you understand what he means. Those people you are mentioning are in it for the money, not to learn about indian culture or anything.

I understood perfectly what Taimi meant. We are not talking about guru-shishya gharana cultural exchanges ..... but hard cash monetary exchanges facilitated by the respective governments.

You forgot one thing and the most important thing - The Afghan Taliban - along with getting the populance part wrong (yes they do not like Pakistan but they do not like you any better). The Afghan Taliban, which is what matters the most, and whom they will support. I think you know the answer, so I need not tell you that.

The Afghan Taliban ..... or Karzai's fledgling government ..... whicever way the cookie crumbles, will support who they get to benefit from the most. Sorry to burst your religious/ideological bubble my friend, but there are no true ideological terrorists/militants left in the world today ..... and you currently do not have enough for your own.

Cheers, Doc
I have talked about several times before. In brief, it is confirmed from insider ISI sources that the evidence is available in large number and its undeniable. The reason for Pakistan government not doing anything about it is due to US pressure.

Whatever the case may be, in the absence of credible proof, I will in that case just have to take your word for it.

If you mean by the hypocrisy, then Pakistan never supported the freedom fighters outside Kashmir or supported any terrorists that just killed innocent people as their job - which is what india is doing.

So you concede that as a tit for tat response, it is ok for India to do the same with the freedom fighters in Balochistan as long as they do not operate "outside Balochistan" or kill "innocent people"?

By the way, just today your pakistani "freedom fighters" pumped bullets into the stomach of an Indian girl in Kashmir. What was she guilty of?

Cheers, Doc
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I understood perfectly what Taimi meant. We are not talking about guru-shishya gharana cultural exchanges ..... but hard cash monetary exchanges facilitated by the respective governments.

Right, so they are essentially using you to get money. Besides Adnan Sami, none have actually abondoned Pakistan. Thus it's really nowhere as big a deal as indians make it to be. In fact I don't see any negatives here from a Pakistani perspective.

The Afghan Taliban ..... or Karzai's fledgling government ..... whicever way the cookie crumbles, will support who they get to benefit from the most. Sorry to burst your religious/ideological bubble my friend, but there are no true ideological terrorists/militants left in the world today ..... and you currently do not have enough for your own.

No bursting the bubble dude, there's no doubt that they will support Pakistan.

Your idelogical and religious part couldn't be further off from the truth. Yes there are terrorists who do things on the orders of whom they benefit most from, such as TTP. But those are terrorists. They are killers for hire. You mix them up with freedom fighters such as the Afghan Taliban. You have to notice how they only target foreign forces in Afghanistan. That is ideology at work right there.

Thus there are two distinct types of terrorists/freedom fighters. Terrorists, you're talking about groups such as TTP, LeT, etc. Freedom Fighters, you're talking about Afghan Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. If not Afghan Taliban, then Hamas and Hezbollah should be a clear cut case of ideology playing a big role.
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I've managed to agitate my usually unflappable bro Taimi :azn:

Yeah, seeing something of such nature coming from you does agitate me, as i had taken you someone with more sense and had a good opinion about among the hundreds of Indian members who are trolls, but i get agitated for my foolishness to why have made up a good opinion about my Indian friend as in the end all do show their true color and the hatred for Pakistan.

So in essence we are agreed ..... you continue (not re-start as you so innocently state) your meddling in kashmir, we'll move the ground from below your national feet in your West.

It will be a re-start as if it had been a continuing of past, then wouldn't have seen so much calm in regard to the Indian Army that they are thinking to reduce the troop levels.

As for culture, business, sports ..... we have nothing to gain from you ..... its your singers and poets and designers and models and actresses and cricketers etc. who are drawn to Indian rupees my friend ..... not the other way around.

Nor do we have to gain anything from u guys as we are completely different, plus would be better to correct your opinion here, they are not drawn to Indian Rupees as that is sh*t to us over here, may it is more due to the Indian sponsors who want them there to introduce some new thing in their media fun fare, may be you guys have fed up of your own, watching then for years on now. Seemed to be the case for that outdated Indian singers outrage about Pakistani singers. Would be better ask your govt to not issue visas as these Pakistanis don't beg for the visas to be issued. Also as the Indian sponsors that why the hell they invite Pakistanis over there, or tell RSS or any other fanatic Indian outfit, they will take care of such Pakistanis.

On Afghanistan, you are free to concentrate there after you are done with the TTP ..... we have a headstart on you either ways, and you have some catching up to do, with meagre (if any) resources, along with zero international credibility and support, and an Afghan populance and leadership that hates your guts.

We don't have any catching up to do, our head start has been there before you guys did yours, only problem is the allied occupation, let it get finished then you will see who has the upper hand. Isn't that the reason the Indian PM starts his rant before going to US, because he knows without Allied occupational forces the Indians can't do anything in Afghanistan. Afghan Leadership that hates us ?? Wow you must really look up the encyclopedia and see who that leadership is, all of them put in place by the US govt with the president elected by a rigged election and people from Northern alliance who are your nurtured. And if Afghans hate us so much, i wonder why millions still doing here or why they do trade with us or why for decades millions lived here in Pakistan. Sometimes would be better watch the vidoes of border posts from where thousands of Afghans come into Pakistan on daily basis and then leave. Plus wonder why Taliban have presence in 80% of Afghanistan if the locals hate them so much. And you are talking about International credibility by countries who do things what suits best to them ?? Any idea what their own credibility ?? Invaded a sovereign country by telling the whole world the lie about WMD, you talk about countries with such credibility ?? Our your credibility who nurtured and made LTTE type organizations ?? Feel sorry for you guys and such thinking of towing the line of US, but shouldn't be surprised also.

As for our diplomatic push on the global arena, we have earned the right to be heard on our financial muscle ..... no one would really be bothered with the sub-continental countries any other way.

Waiting patiently for you to get there too ..... with open arms :lazy:,

Cheers, Doc

hahahahahhahahaahahhaha, i wonder why the Indian politicians and PM had to go on a rant before going to US and then get no result from all the rant. Yeah can see what kind of financial muscles you guys have. :rofl::rofl::hitwall::hitwall:
So you concede that as a tit for tat response, it is ok for India to do the same with the freedom fighters in Balochistan as long as they do not operate "outside Balochistan" or kill "innocent people"?

It would be OK if india considered Balochistan as its part. Otherwise it has to take it up at UN or something as far as any humanitarian issues it has. Not going to go into how hypocritical that would be, but yes, that's the idea. Theoretically, india can try support terrorism in Azad Kashmir, but it would get no support as the people feel no need to get freedom and get rid of any oppression there.
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This is turning interesting .... khana kha kar wapis aata hoon doston (after hearing about it so much here, last night I ate Lucknowi Mutton Nehari .... nice and aromatic)!

Cheers, Doc
Using "international credibility of Pakistan" as a benchmark is a naive argument. It's not as black and white as that. States do what is in their interests and try to make its people look from that angle. Media is essentially a PR and propaganda wing of individuals, institutitions, corporations, and states that are meant solely to influence public opinion. They present news in the way that's in their best interests. Public opinion is the most important thing as far as these things are concerned, so it's always important to have public on your side. I talked about this in more detail in another topic as well.
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Yeah, seeing something of such nature coming from you does agitate me, as i had taken you someone with more sense and had a good opinion about among the hundreds of Indian members who are trolls, but i get agitated for my foolishness to why have made up a good opinion about my Indian friend as in the end all do show their true color and the hatred for Pakistan.

Now that my stomach is full of its daily dose of ghaas-foos, let me frame my reply to you in two parts .... one personal and anecdotal, the other factual.

Hate is a very strong word Taimi. I don't believe you have ever felt true hatred. I know I have not. Strond dislike yes, but not hatred .... not by a long shot.

But I have seen hatred. Up close.

1994. The batch two years senior to us had just passed out of college and become doctors. One of them a close close friend of mine. Going steady with a girl from my batch, another close friend of mine. Lovely couple. They had already planned their wedding in two years time when our batch would pass out.

We were returning to our hostel from afternoon clinics, when three four bikes screeched to a halt around us and told us the shattering news. He was on an operation with his unit, when he was shot in his groin, but as the only doctor, he stayed behind tending to two other wounded jawans. Heli evac could only carry 2 wounded at a time. In spite of many pleas, he told the crew to take the jawans, saying that he was a doctor and would be able to control his bleeding till they came back for him. They came back only to find that he had not been able to, and had bled to death. He was 26 years old.

The girl is still serving as an officer. She never married. She is 39 years old. The pain in her eyes has dulled, but it is still there. It is there in all of us who were like brothers. You have a brother posted in kashmir ..... I'm sure you know what I am talking about.

2008. Mumbai. Our relative's son, a young and promising chef at the Taj. 6 foot 6 inch gentle giant. Would cook the most amazing food I have ever eaten whenever he was down in Poona. He was helping guests escape and making sandwches for them and providing them with water bottles as bullets and grenades were flying around. He refused to escape till all the guests with him in the dining hall and kitchen had not got away. His parents were on the phone with him throughout that night, while he chatted and joked with them and told them not to worry.

Finally the last call came at 4 a.m. All that was heard on the phone was "mamma ....." and then it went silent. His body was found riddled with your countrymen's bullets by the swimming pool. One year from that day, his parents and near and dear ones are shattered. You have not seen the kind of pain as that in a parents' eyes who have seen their children die. The resignation. And flashes of hatred.

So dont please confuse dislike for hatred.

The reason I choose to answer you like this is that it is fashionable here, and elsewhere, to use this term "hate/hatred" loosely.

So simply put, NO, I don't hate you or your country or your countrymen. I don't know you well enough for that.

But every bullet that takes an innocent life, gives birth to hatred in those that bullet leaves behind. On both sides.

That said, off late I have been disappointed by you too, especially in the past few days.

The tone of your posts ..... coming not only from someone like you, but a moderator and a respected poster at that.

Your arbitary and often not indiscriminate post deleting frenzies.

I know you are a Peshawari and are going through a tough time. But don't take it out on us bhai.

For a moment lets assume our governments wont talk.

But we are still talking here right?

So lets role play for a bit. You are the President of your country.

I am the Prime Minister of mine.

Let's talk. You go first!

Cheers, Doc
India tried it's best to reslove all issues with Pakistan through dialogue in the past.But everytime India did so,India was backstabbed by Pakistan.India doesn't trust Pakistan anymore..so no question of dialogue with Pakistan irrespective of international pressure.
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