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Purported plea from Chinese labor camp found in Halloween decorations

True. The conditions at the Chinese labor camp is well-known, where dissidents and people who protested against communist officials are thrown in.

this classic sentence be used since the Cold War``can you come up with something new?
Very sad if true, chinese members on the forum should do something for awareness of such causes.
God helps these Chinese labor camp worker!! Btw, I saw a documentry on Discovery about how in China every prison has a factory name as well by which it is known to the outside clients and all the prisoners are forced into making things that are later exported. These people work in complete inhumane environment.
another Falungong conspirancy, a low skilled factory worker can wirte an english letter```its news to me, even my highly paid secretory cant write english``

these china bashing stunts are going new low now````

did you deliberately misspell it to prove your point ..? :lol:
:lol: riiight.

Another CIA propaganda campaign done by American NGOs in China.
Nothing to see here. Let the Hindus have a cry about it and let's move on.
Ofcourse they won't ever open threads about the brutal oppression of Sikhs, Tamils and Muslims that desperately want independence from the murderous and fascist Hindu regime that destroy their golden temples and violate their human rights. Not to mention the despicable CASTE SYSTEM and the humiliation and heinous treatment of Dalits.
The despotic Hindu regime can't even provide basic sanitation and stable electricity to its population and brutally crackdown on all protests as we have seen during the recent protests against the vulgar raping of girls in India which is part of Hindu culture.
Thats why chinese products are cheap. I have stopped buying chinies products, I urge every one to do the same.

Some Chiniese comrades (They are accused of CCP cybernet warriors) defending there Masters, but they forget that similar situation raised at Apple factory. The labors who make apple Tabs/phones were not happy of work culture...
Thats why chinese products are cheap. I have stopped buying chinies products, I urge every one to do the same.

Some Chiniese comrades (They are accused of CCP cybernet warriors) defending there Masters, but they forget that similar situation raised at Apple factory. The labors who make apple Tabs/phones were not happy of work culture...

please throw away your computer and electronic devices``and as well as stopping using electricity because the generators could be made in China too

High resolution image of the plea letter.
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