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Punjabi Genetics

Doesn't seem to be a lot of difference/variance except the poor dalit folk.
Every single group has mixed and mingled with other groups and hence is a similar mix more or less. Except the dalit folk being marginalized as always and I guess that's mostly in Indian Pubjab?
Please could you add in sample size as well for each group. Percentage numbers on the bar chart would be better.

Hey guys, back with another post on South Asian genetics, this time focusing on Punjabis (Pakistani and Indian). Feel free to comment or leave questions!

Everything you have written on your blog is a load of BS, from your writing style and content you look to me a gangu trying to hide behind a vague Pakistani identity.
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Doesn't seem to be a lot of difference/variance except the poor dalit folk.
Every single group has mixed and mingled with other groups and hence is a similar mix more or less. Except the dalit folk being marginalized as always and I guess that's mostly in Indian Pubjab?
Seems ify at best
Doesn't seem to be a lot of difference/variance except the poor dalit folk.
Every single group has mixed and mingled with other groups and hence is a similar mix more or less. Except the dalit folk being marginalized as always and I guess that's mostly in Indian Pubjab?

Correct, most of the Punjabi Dalits are in Indian Punjab/Haryana, though there are also many in Pakistani Punjab.

Please could you add in sample size as well for each group. Percentage numbers on the bar chart would be better.

I'll try and work on it. Maybe for my next chart where I'll show other ethnicities of South-Asia alongside Punjabis.

Everything you have written on your blog is a load of BS, from your writing style and content you look to me a gangu trying to hide behind a vague Pakistani identity.

I'll address any specific questions or concerns you have.
Most came at partition, Lahore absorbed 14 mil Muslims at the time.
No, most migrated during the 1800's when there was a labor shortage in Punjab. The British exported manpower from Central and South India, they were looked down upon by both the British and the natives and were termed as Chuhras. They make up the majority of Christians in Pakistan.

Hey guys, back with another post on South Asian genetics, this time focusing on Punjabis (Pakistani and Indian). Feel free to comment or leave questions!
Would be better to increase size chart as the points are too clustered, would also be nice to include other populations for reference.
Most came at partition, Lahore absorbed 14 mil Muslims at the time.
no , during partition largest migrations from indian punjab was that of arains and after that Punjabi pathans settled in indian Punjab(imran khan's mother). Most dalits were brought by british and before that ranjit singh from gangatic plains . Only part of pakistan punjab that is related to india is lahore/gujranwala region , native population of rest of pakistan punjab multan/potohar etc is different in clans from indians punjabis, it was rural. Imo many pakistani punjabis also look somewhat different to indian punjabis/sikhs from what i have seen of them in west.
I am very curious about Punjabi genetics. There is a lot of diversity of looks in my family who are Rajputs from the Potohar and I wonder where it comes from if we have seemingly married within the clan for generations (me, excluded). The most striking example is an aunt (khala) of mine who has very dark skin colour but now has a grandchild with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes (his father, her son, was like this too but his hair darkened from blonde to brunette as an adult). Of course, I knew my aunt's husband also had blue eyes but he was also the cousin of my aunt's father and we are all from the same clan. In summary, there are people in the "biraderi" that are very dark like my aunt, and also very light but most are in between. Heights and facial features also vary considerably. Is this type of diversity common in the Punjab especially for an endogamous people? It seems peculiar.

I am very curious about Punjabi genetics. There is a lot of diversity of looks in my family who are Rajputs from the Potohar and I wonder where it comes from if we have seemingly married within the clan for generations (me, excluded). The most striking example is an aunt (khala) of mine who has very dark skin colour but now has a grandchild with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes (his father, her son, was like this too but his hair darkened from blonde to brunette as an adult). Of course, I knew my aunt's husband also had blue eyes but he was also the cousin of my aunt's father and we are all from the same clan. In summary, there are people in the "biraderi" that are very dark like my aunt, and also very light but most are in between. Heights and facial features also vary considerably. Is this type of diversity common in the Punjab especially for an endogamous people? It seems peculiar.


This is very normal in Punjab, have varied phenotypes from all over the place.

I am Rajput too. Same in my family.
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