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Punjab launches land record computerisation

City/residential land records are to large extent computerized in one fashion or the other.

It is the agri-farm land which is an issue.

The matter is not just putting some gps locations in a computer database. I wish it was that simple.

Agri or farm land in Pakistan goes through constant change due to normal sales but also due to inheritance laws.

When agri land becomes too fragmented, it is then consolidated based on categories (A class, B, or C class etc. )

This is where the manual adjustment and associated corruption exists.

If we computerize the GPS coordinates, and keep the record in a big computer room,


Land record management office corruption will move to the computer room.

In other words

many of you city folks who have no farming experience in Pakistan,

Cannot realize that land management is complex issue.


it will take huge political will from all the stakeholders to change the system.

One government cannot simply wave a magic wand and change it.

it doesnt need any politcal will...it needs a revolution....first try and hang all the feudal and crooks [like patwaris etc]confiscate all their property and possessions and good dedicated honest revolutionaries in charge..and see the results...
True ..
"Ishtimal" & "Bandobast" are major issues .. Along with land demarcation (we still use centuries old "seh haddas") in our rural areas
And unless the 19th century Inheritence laws are "reformed" and made compatible with "21st cenrury ", There is no hope of solving this issue by merely computerising the land record..

IT guys can fix this issue easily. A reboot is required. Raze Punjab to the ground and start again.
A good development but we need massive land reforms !!!

Brother you should not be making statements that are typically made by socialists and communists.

True ..
"Ishtimal" & "Bandobast" are major issues .. Along with land demarcation (we still use centuries old "seh haddas") in our rural areas
And unless the 19th century Inheritence laws are "reformed" and made compatible with "21st cenrury ", There is no hope of solving this issue by merely computerising the land record..

Well said.

Our agricultural land is being devastated due to the inheritance laws.

In the meanwhile we have commies and socialists making all kind of $tupid statements against farmers.

Even though we all know that Egypt, Ethiopia suffered horrible decline in food production when they applied commie principles on their land. Oh and West Bengal didn't do any better when their commies stole the lands from the farmers.


it doesnt need any politcal will...it needs a revolution....first try and hang all the feudal and crooks [like patwaris etc]confiscate all their property and possessions and good dedicated honest revolutionaries in charge..and see the results...

Brother saleem,

you should not be making statements that are typically made by socialists and communists.
I was born a left-wing communist/socialost !!!!!

Speak the truth, always.

Everyone is born the same way, naked and crying.

you could not have been shouting Stalin Stalin. I am sure you first words were about mama and baba.

Or am I wrong?

Did you start calling Lenin and Marx first and mama and baba later?

Just curious.
Land Reforms abolishing "Giant Landholdings" should have been introduced a long ago ..

To understand how communism can be good ,
Here is a read for you:
CUBA : A Case Study on the Potential Benefits of Communism
Everyone is born the same way, naked and crying.

you could not have been shouting Stalin Stalin. I am sure you first words were about mama and baba.

Or am I wrong?

Did you start calling Lenin and Marx first and mama and baba later?

Just curious.
It is not necessary for Socialism to have a fixed definition. It's also not necessary to link marxism/leninism with Left-wing politics.

I think that the reign of Umar II was an Excellent example of Socialism.
Land Reforms abolishing "Giant Landholdings" should have been introduced a long ago ..

To understand how communism can be good ,
Here is a read for you:
CUBA : A Case Study on the Potential Benefits of Communism

Communism is failed ideology aka idiot-ology.

Please do not bring Cuba in this discussion.

Please pay a visit there, see the abject corruption and poverty then come back and try to convince anyone.

Pakistan is no Cuba and we will never be cubans.

Thank you

It is not necessary for Socialism to have a fixed definition. It's also not necessary to link marxism/leninism with Left-wing politics.

I think that the reign of Umar II was an Excellent example of Socialism.

Reign of Umar II means Umar bin Abdil Aziz?
It is not necessary for Socialism to have a fixed definition. It's also not necessary to link marxism/leninism with Left-wing politics.
Snatching land from the farmers and factories from industrialists is a commie idea thru and thru.

You can't make a crow white.

Indeed it does.

Then open a new thread and tell us how he balanced his budget and how he funded his socialist programs.

And please don't run away by saying they didn't have budgets in those days. Because you will be shooting down your own philosophy.

Thank you.
Communism is failed ideology aka idiot-ology.
Please do not bring Cuba in this discussion.

Socialism is only as fail a ideology as Capitalism dear
You brought in Egypt , Ethiopia , Bangladesh etc. to prove "failure of communism"
Then why have a problem with a CASE STUDY (not mere assumptions) , that shows benefits of communism in Cuba??

Anyways , as I mentioned earlier , Land Reforms abolishing giant landholdings and redistributing land to common peasants should have been carried out a long ago

Nehru`s Land Reforms in India (partially successful) & 1950 Agrigarian Reform Law by Mao can serve as examples ...
Snatching land from the farmers and factories from industrialists is a commie idea thru and thru.

You can't make a crow white.
I don't know the exact figures but most of the agriculture land is owned by privileged few and that needs to change.

Little industries should be owned by the public but the huge ones like PSM should be owned and controlled by the government.

Then open a new thread and tell us how he balanced his budget and how he funded his socialist programs.

And please don't run away by saying they didn't have budgets in those days. Because you will be shooting down your own philosophy.

Thank you.
I'm not here to convince anyone. If you need answers then search for them.
Socialism is only as fail a ideology as Capitalism dear
You brought in Egypt , Ethiopia , Bangladesh etc. to prove "failure of communism"
Then why have a problem with a CASE STUDY (not mere assumptions) , that shows benefits of communism in Cuba??

Anyways , as I mentioned earlier , Land Reforms abolishing giant landholdings and redistributing land to common peasants should have been carried out a long ago

Nehru`s Land Reforms in India (partially successful) & 1950 Agrigarian Reform Law by Mao can serve as examples ...

I should have mentioned Cuba in my list too.

As I said, visit that place first (like I did) and then come back and report about the gooddiee gooodi softy softy @rse of Castrated Castro.

1950 agri- revolution in India was matched by Pakistani revolution in a matter of 10 years like in 60s.

So no, Nehru's attack on Muslim landowners should not be praised by Pakistanis.

I don't know the exact figures (about Umer II)

If you don't have facts to back it up, you don't have personal travel (not possible without time machine) to his government, then why throw around half-baked untruths.


I'm not here to convince anyone. If you need answers then search for them.
Because you cannot. As you do not have answers as to what exactly was the mode of income of Umer II, and how much of that income was spent on how many commies and socialists.

Thank you
If you don't have facts to back it up, you don't have personal travel (not possible without time machine) to his government, then why throw around half-baked untruths.
I was taking about the figures regarding land ownership in Pakistan, not about Umer II.

I can suggest some books if you want to study the economy of Umyyad Caliphate during his reign.
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