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Punjab Health Minister calls Pakistanis illiterate and ignorant, says Lahoris are 'weird creatures'

How many people do you imprison and for how long to ‘enforce the law’?

It’s not feasible the way it is in autocratic societies.

There’s a similar struggle in the US - it’s primarily up to the people to follow SOP’s. Business can help enforce them, and some are, in terms of how many people are allowed in and requiring customers to wear face masks, but the government isn’t enforcing them like China did.

you cant put all of them in jail but gov can implement strict law evantually people will follow, Pakistani have ability to follow, we just simply dont have good honest administratives.
Weird creatures? Sounds very degrading
She's from Lahore, as am I, originally.

We can be self deprecating all we want - it's OK to insult/criticize your own city, community etc, but doing the same to someone else's city or community can be frowned upon.

She, like many others in government, are frustrated over the lack of responsibility shown by the average individual in Pakistan.
She, like many others in government, are frustrated over the lack of responsibility shown by the average individual in Pakistan.
And the saadiq and amin government isn't responsible at all for the on going crisis! I am astonished.

Had total lockdown been imposed in March-April, we wouldn't be in hot water. A strict lockdown/curfew was proposed, but the moron-e-azam and his yes-men rejected it; what's happening now was already predicted in case of "smart lockdown". The government totally failed to analyse, predict, plan and manage the situation. The handsome kept fooling the nation (and himself). His fear mongering continues unabated to this day that people will die of hunger and economy will take a hit. God forbid, if things continue the way they are, our health system will be overloaded and there will be no beds to put patients on.

The most glaring of government's failures are as follows:
1- Failure to quarantine zaireen at Taftan.
2- Failure to impose strict lockdown or curfew.
3- Failure to recognize the psyche of the people.
4- Idiotic decision to open markets before Eid.
5- Not paying heed to doctors' recommendations of lockdown/curfew.
6- The blunder of making tiger force instead of mobilizing state machinery and govt employees who do all the work from election process handling to polio vaccination.
7- Result: More deaths and more damage to economy. Not opting for total lockdown did the polar opposite.

Before blaming the people (the same jaahils who brought these incompetents to power), the mohtarma should have resigned had she had an ounce of honor. The person who is at the helm is responsible. There is a thing called enforcement; and it is the govt's job to enforce - a fifteen day curfew wouldn't have hurt that much. Thanks to Imrani Hakumat's myopic policies, the damage to life and economy will be many times more.

Now, the Emandar Hakumat's social media mujahideen who are high on juice-e-Imrani should at least show some objectiveness by acknowledging government's failure in light of WHO report which isn't written in some patwar khana.

First, we had Bhutto cult, then came the boot polish brigade and now we have the loyal fidayeen of Imran Khan.
here is a thing called enforcement; and it is the govt's job to enforce
Enforce how exactly? Pakistan is not China.

You expect the same government machinery, that has decayed and collapsed over decades, that cannot properly enforce simple traffic laws, that cannot properly enforce tax collection or electricity and gas theft or sanitation and sewage disposal etc etc, to suddenly start enforcing SOP's related to the pandemic?

At the end of the day, whether you like it or not, people need to take responsibility for their behavior and their refusal and outright stupidity in not following basic SOP's like wearing a mask, washing their hands and social distancing. There are plenty of Americans & Europeans who also fall into the same jahil and weird creature category. There were people holding parties in my neighborhood in the middle of the lockdown and except for stores that refused entry to people without masks, the majority of customers in stores I went to were not wearing masks.

What Yasmin Rashid said was completely correct. The government can only do so much - the main responsibility for minimizing the spread of the disease lies on the shoulders of the average Pakistani, and that average Pakistani needs to stop being a bloody Jahil idiot.
Failure to impose strict lockdown or curfew.
Will you also criticize Sindh government? the below news is from April
"The Sindh government, hours after announcing it is cordoning off neighbourhoods in the port city, decided to withdraw the decision in light of likely inconveniences to people."

Idiotic decision to open markets before Eid.
Or will you criticize court? the below news is few days before Eid
"Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered the government on Monday to lift some of the remaining restrictions imposed on business to halt the spread of the coronavirus, even as the country recorded a rise in infections since beginning to emerge from lockdown."

My personal view is that the country should have had a strict lockdown in the beginning of the crisis for a good 1-2 months and maybe the situation today wouldnt have been so bad. I dont care if you blame IK and his gov (there are some places which I feel they could have done better but at least be fair and look at the other factors too)
Will you also criticize Sindh government? the below news is from April
"The Sindh government, hours after announcing it is cordoning off neighbourhoods in the port city, decided to withdraw the decision in light of likely inconveniences to people."
If you think that I am a supporter of the Bhutto cult then you're mistaken.
Enforce how exactly? Pakistan is not China.

You expect the same government machinery, that has decayed and collapsed over decades, that cannot properly enforce simple traffic laws, that cannot properly enforce tax collection or electricity and gas theft or sanitation and sewage disposal etc etc, to suddenly start enforcing SOP's related to the pandemic?

At the end of the day, whether you like it or not, people need to take responsibility for their behavior and their refusal and outright stupidity in not following basic SOP's like wearing a mask, washing their hands and social distancing. There are plenty of Americans & Europeans who also fall into the same jahil and weird creature category. There were people holding parties in my neighborhood in the middle of the lockdown and except for stores that refused entry to people without masks, the majority of customers in stores I went to were not wearing masks.

What Yasmin Rashid said was completely correct. The government can only do so much - the main responsibility for minimizing the spread of the disease lies on the shoulders of the average Pakistani, and that average Pakistani needs to stop being a bloody Jahil idiot.

How can you say that it isn't possible? We have had curfews in Lahore, Karachi and Quetta. Pakistan's majority population was already isolated in its villages. Only urban centres had to be contained.

And what is the govt doing right now? We are entering another lockdown next week. You probably replied without reading what I wrote. Curfew is not something which cannot be enforced.

Blaming people, well the govt which doesn't know its own people cannot be expected to make correct decisions.

And someone sitting in the US should be the last person on the planet to call Pakistanis jaahil. Hoarding masks, coming out with bibles and rifles, protesting en masse...

. You expect the same government machinery, that has decayed and collapsed
Another myth.

Curfew imposition is not something which state cannot do.

And what the hell is Tiger Force capable/trained to do?
Blaming people, well the govt which doesn't know its own people cannot be expected to make correct decisions.

And someone sitting in the US should be the last person on the planet to call Pakistanis jaahil. Hoarding masks, coming out with bibles and rifles, protesting en masse...
Please read my previous post again - I put Americans and Europeans who refuse to follow SOP's in the same jahil category.

The issue isn't government, because if it was then we wouldn't be seeing the US and Europe as major hotspots of the disease. It is the refusal of people to follow simple instructions and believe in conspiracy theories. This isn't kindergarten where the teacher has to hold your hand and put you in time-out for not listening.

Stop blaming the government and start criticizing your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for putting themselves and others lives at risk.
And the saadiq and amin government isn't responsible at all for the on going crisis! I am astonished.

Had total lockdown been imposed in March-April, we wouldn't be in hot water. A strict lockdown/curfew was proposed, but the moron-e-azam and his yes-men rejected it; what's happening now was already predicted in case of "smart lockdown". The government totally failed to analyse, predict, plan and manage the situation. The handsome kept fooling the nation (and himself). His fear mongering continues unabated to this day that people will die of hunger and economy will take a hit. God forbid, if things continue the way they are, our health system will be overloaded and there will be no beds to put patients on.

The most glaring of government's failures are as follows:
1- Failure to quarantine zaireen at Taftan.
2- Failure to impose strict lockdown or curfew.
3- Failure to recognize the psyche of the people.
4- Idiotic decision to open markets before Eid.
5- Not paying heed to doctors' recommendations of lockdown/curfew.
6- The blunder of making tiger force instead of mobilizing state machinery and govt employees who do all the work from election process handling to polio vaccination.
7- Result: More deaths and more damage to economy. Not opting for total lockdown did the polar opposite.

Before blaming the people (the same jaahils who brought these incompetents to power), the mohtarma should have resigned had she had an ounce of honor. The person who is at the helm is responsible. There is a thing called enforcement; and it is the govt's job to enforce - a fifteen day curfew wouldn't have hurt that much. Thanks to Imrani Hakumat's myopic policies, the damage to life and economy will be many times more.

Now, the Emandar Hakumat's social media mujahideen who are high on juice-e-Imrani should at least show some objectiveness by acknowledging government's failure in light of WHO report which isn't written in some patwar khana.

First, we had Bhutto cult, then came the boot polish brigade and now we have the loyal fidayeen of Imran Khan.

This is the same crap I have been hearing over and over again, therefore I couldnt resist and have to say what is right.

If this total lockdown had been been imposed, this means that millions of Pakistani's who work on daily wages wouldnt be able to put food on the table for their families - (mind you, there are millions who only eat once and dont have luxury to have multiple meals per day). This total lockdown would've ensured that they will die with hunger, which IK has said. Also, initially there was no data, no mechanism whatsoever to know the deserving candidates so that funds can be transfer to them via Ehsaas program before the lockdown. Through Ehsaas program initiative TWO million families received Rs12,000, which never happened in history of the country, but there is not even a single word of appreciate I see here and yet people are busy in cheap point scoring - credit should be given where credit is due (btw: I bet this funds transfer wouldnt have happened in PML-N or PPP were at the helm).


People on the streets were saying we might not die with Corona but will die with hunger - whats your resolution to handle this situation? You cant pursue towards strict lockdown and shutdown everything indefinitely in country like Pakistan where millions work on daily wages.

More to the point, we saw total lockdown imposed by Sindh Govt, did you not see what happened in Sindh including country's biggest metropolitian city. Icing on the cake, we already saw how PPP's corruption was exposed during their ration distribution drama, however, people wouldnt say a word on it and bash PTI and IK - what a shame !!!

Furthermore, SC of Pakistan is no less culprit, because they ordered to open shopping malls and markets seven days a week, which were earlier shut down during the lockdown imposed to curb the coronavirus pandemic - why dont you and others like you point fingers at them?


Govt has every right to blame people, because they've been told from month how brutal this virus could be via difference source of communication. When every country did the lockdown the intend was not only to slow down the spread and also to educate the people to adhere health measures to curb the virus. By now we all should know that,

1) We need to wear mask
2) Wear gloves
3) Practice social distance
4) Wash our hands very often

In the end it all boils down to every individual, we all have been told enough how lethal this virus is and now onus is on us, the people, to do our due diligence and adhere health measures to protect us and our love ones - what so difficult in it to understand? But no, many Pakistani wouldnt admit their own fault and point fingers at Govt for their own mistakes/failures. Its not PM or health minister's job to babysit us to ensure that we are following all the instructions we have been told from months.

Who in his/her right mind wouldnt blame these people?

Please read my previous post again - I put Americans and Europeans who refuse to follow SOP's in the same jahil category.

The issue isn't government, because if it was then we wouldn't be seeing the US and Europe as major hotspots of the disease. It is the refusal of people to follow simple instructions and believe in conspiracy theories. This isn't kindergarten where the teacher has to hold your hand and put you in time-out for not listening.

Stop blaming the government and start criticizing your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for putting themselves and others lives at risk.

For many Pakistani's its always somebody's fault, they will always point fingers at others but will will never acknowledge their own mistake, which is the first step towards the resolution of the problem.

If one is adamant about its own fault, he will never be able to rectify it.
Please read my previous post again - I put Americans and Europeans who refuse to follow SOP's in the same jahil category.

The issue isn't government, because if it was then we wouldn't be seeing the US and Europe as major hotspots of the disease. It is the refusal of people to follow simple instructions and believe in conspiracy theories. This isn't kindergarten where the teacher has to hold your hand and put you in time-out for not listening.

Stop blaming the government and start criticizing your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for putting themselves and others lives at risk.

Why can't government just come up and say they are looking for herd immunity by imposing smart lockdown?

There is no reason to blame the courts where government did not provide enough evidence to prove the measures taken and pandemic.

The same logic was petitioned that the poor cannot afford the lockdown whilst select businesses were allowed open freedom.

The community spread is government's policy return not from people.

The massive media campaign on the onset of pandemic about healthcare readiness and subsequent failure of it need be investigated for criminal negligence when facing bio warfare.
Or will you criticize court? the below news is few days before
This is the same crap I have been hearing over and over again, therefore I couldnt resist and have to say what is right.

If this total lockdown had been been imposed, this means that millions of Pakistani's who work on daily wages wouldnt be able to put food on the table for their families - (mind you, there are millions who only eat once and dont have luxury to have multiple meals per day). This total lockdown would've ensured that they will die with hunger, which IK has said. Also, initially there was no data, no mechanism whatsoever to know the deserving candidates so that funds can be transfer to them via Ehsaas program before the lockdown. Through Ehsaas program initiative TWO million families received Rs12,000, which never happened in history of the country, but there is not even a single word of appreciate I see here and yet people are busy in cheap point scoring - credit should be given where credit is due (btw: I bet this funds transfer wouldnt have happened in PML-N or PPP were at the helm).


People on the streets were saying we might not die with Corona but will die with hunger - whats your resolution to handle this situation? You cant pursue towards strict lockdown and shutdown everything indefinitely in country like Pakistan where millions work on daily wages.

More to the point, we saw total lockdown imposed by Sindh Govt, did you not see what happened in Sindh including country's biggest metropolitian city. Icing on the cake, we already saw how PPP's corruption was exposed during their ration distribution drama, however, people wouldnt say a word on it and bash PTI and IK - what a shame !!!

Furthermore, SC of Pakistan is no less culprit, because they ordered to open shopping malls and markets seven days a week, which were earlier shut down during the lockdown imposed to curb the coronavirus pandemic - why dont you and others like you point fingers at them?


Govt has every right to blame people, because they've been told from month how brutal this virus could be via difference source of communication. When every country did the lockdown the intend was not only to slow down the spread and also to educate the people to adhere health measures to curb the virus. By now we all should know that,

1) We need to wear mask
2) Wear gloves
3) Practice social distance
4) Wash our hands very often

In the end it all boils down to every individual, we all have been told enough how lethal this virus is and now onus is on us, the people, to do our due diligence and adhere health measures to protect us and our love ones - what so difficult in it to understand? But no, many Pakistani wouldnt admit their own fault and point fingers at Govt for their own mistakes/failures. Its not PM or health minister's job to babysit us to ensure that we are following all the instructions we have been told from months.

Who in his/her right mind wouldnt blame these people?

For many Pakistani's its always somebody's fault, they will always point fingers at others but will will never acknowledge their own mistake, which is the first step towards the resolution of the problem.

If one is adamant about its own fault, he will never be able to rectify it.

There were months long curfews in Quetta and not a single daily wage earner died of curfew.


There were months long curfews in Quetta and not a single daily wage earner died of curfew.

Bakwaas is what you are doing actually (specially when comparing Quetta with metropolitian cities) !!!
Please read my previous post again - I put Americans and Europeans who refuse to follow SOP's in the same jahil category.

The issue isn't government, because if it was then we wouldn't be seeing the US and Europe as major hotspots of the disease. It is the refusal of people to follow simple instructions and believe in conspiracy theories. This isn't kindergarten where the teacher has to hold your hand and put you in time-out for not listening.

Stop blaming the government and start criticizing your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for putting themselves and others lives at risk.
Imran is above all criticism.

Even the failure to quarantine just 2000 people at Taftan is being touted as a glorious success.

Pakistan govt had ample time to learn lessons from Europe but it didn't.

Had this fuk up happened during Nawaz's time, he would've been a55 raped by pdf by now. But Imran, oh there are a thousand and one excuses for his failures.

And imposing curfew for 15 days wasn't rocket science. Nobody would have died of hunger, that was just fear mongering. 67 percent of Pakistanis live in villages, only urban centres had to be contained.

The govt mustn't be criticized at all........must be run by farishtas for it hasn't made a single mistake since last two years.

Bakwaas is what you are doing actually (specially when comparing Quetta with metropolitian cities) !!!
There were curfews in Lahore and Karachi as well. Nobody died of hunger. This isn't Bharat.

And the same Jaahils elected these PTI dimwits to power. Enough said !
Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid has termed the nation ‘illiterate’ for not taking the deadly coronavirus seriously and not following the government’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) to counter the spread of the virus.

The provincial minister in her interview to journalist Shahzaib Khanzada on his show, said: “Lahoris [citizens of Lahore] are ‘weird creatures’ of aren’t even ready to listen what we have been saying regarding the virus and social distancing. I think no nation would have been more illiterate than us.”

She said that Allah will be doing extra work on ignorant Pakistanis to save them from the fata virus. “People didn’t do any social distancing. They thought the virus has gone. Unfortunately, a lot people contracted the virus during their Eid shopping,” the minister added.

On Monday, Punjab government announced the imposition of a complete lockdown in some parts of Lahore. The decision was taken in view of the rising Covid-19 cases in the city. Addressing a press conference, Yasmin Rashid said that the lockdown will begin on midnight Monday. Grocery stores and pharmacies were exempted from the lockdown. The areas which are locked down include Shahdra, Shad Bagh, Harbanspura, Allama Iqbal Town, Mazang, Old Lahore, Nishtar Town, Cantt, Gulberg, and Johar Town.

They may be illiterate but they are not fat and unhealthy...
Want to impress me lady...let's go running
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