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Punjab bans 100 textbooks over ‘anti-Pakistan, anti-religious’ content

It is not the Gandhi statements that hurt me, but the slow movement towards a theocratic state, this is just another step towards it.

And mind you, we're not going to be building minds of the younger generation with this, but rather indoctrinating them.
no not really. It shows your lack of knowledge of Islam.

Give me one hadith or quranic verse giving any authority of priest. In Islam there is no concept of priest and molvi has no office in Islam.

If we follow true Islam, the most reputable person (reputable by honesty and deeds) should lead the prayers, a son should offer the burial prayers.

Brother you need to understand Islam first before commenting anything on it. Infact whole of the western system is based on principles defined by Islam except for family, social system and financial system.
Our education system is rotten, rotten to the core. Neither should it be exploited by the sickularists nor should it be ruled by the hypocrite mullahs. Our religion is as simple as it can get. It pisses me off how wwe have divided it
schools are used as recruiting grounds from both sides, free thinking is non-existent, political propaganda and hatred is force-fed, political rifts and discussions, often crude among students and teachers are commonplace schools are extremely militarised which hardly mirrors social life later. School uniforms (an adopted colonial system that should be abolished, this is a whole another debate which really highlights that this system is frankly stupid) are meant to discipline us and teach us good manners and hygiene, none of that exists outside school.
School is meant to prepare us for this world and nowhere in this world do you need to know whether mirza ghalib liked mangoes

Urdu is extremely impure which is injustice towards our beautiful language, we must preserve it, thats another diff debate.

Anyways, I remembar a school year being the year of digital education, while we still have to note down work instead of understanding it, ingesting instead of assimilating. Adapting, never improvising, which leads to downfall in almost every avenue of life

I remember my school principal asking the students "who is your biggest enemy?"
all of them answered India
none of them ansewered poverty or traitors or sectarianism or corruption or extremists
India is dangerous but these things are fatal, especially for a young nation. Don't get me wrong, I loathe india but this really shocked me. It was at that time that I started my jihad/crusade against this cruel system of using students
for personal goals..

I've written pages and pages about this with pictures as examples and solutions and I personally believe no one can contradict what I have to say, If anyone is interested I'll type it down. Its seems we are creating a new generation of sheeple instead of free thinking, state devoted citizens. I won't die until I change this, IA.

P.S I wrote a whole, long critical essay about school uniforms, an extremely amazing logic, got it published in the school magazine with help of a friend and pissed my principal off ;)
Free thinking is paramount in islam
Pakistani youths are extremely stupid and slave minded.
If a gora country does something similar they will say . "Their country their rules".
But go ape in Pakistan's case.
A government has every right to overwatch what their children are learning".
Pakistani youths are extremely stupid and slave minded.
If a gora country does something similar they will say . "Their country their rules".
But go ape in Pakistan's case.
A government has every right to overwatch what their children are learning".

There country, their rules.
Our country, our rules; in other words, our country, so we will speak up about our country. How is that contradictory or hypocrisy like you implied?

"A government has every right to overwatch what their children are learning."

Governments have failed their citizens, violated human rights to no extent, lied countless times, and spread propaganda to fasten their grip and keep public popularity, and now you're trusting your children with them with the most powerful tool of all, education? Are you sure about that?

I want you to think about what will be the result of this policy under different categories. Let us analyze.

1. Sciences

What do you think will happen to chapters regarding Evolution, or Reproduction.
Will chapters regarding reproduction be removed?
Will chapters regarding evolution be removed?

2. Social Sciences and Pakistan studies

Will issues regarding society in Pakistani society be no longer discussed. What counts as a narrative 'against the state.' Does the cruel revelation of corruption in our society come under the category of 'anti-state'? This is decided by a religious board now apparently.
So, what does that mean for the following topics?
-> Women's empowerment and rights.
-> Minority rights (you can already see the latest reactions on minorities' places of worship)
-> Visible sectarian issues.
-> Extra-judicial actions undertaken in Pakistan.
-> The non-deniable ignorance of Balochistan.
-> The wrongs in the war of 1971.
-> An apt, objective analysis of previous politicians' rules, their policies and laws, and practical implications.
-> Crimes in Pakistan, their source, and its extension.
-> Overpopulation threat, and available resources in relation.

Furthermore, realize that under this law, as in wordings, they can find an excuse for anything and have it removed under the pretext of it going against religion or country. Do you not realize that it's not only a matter of the Government knowing what the children are learning, but also of the Government controlling what they learn.

I have to say, it's really bold of you to call Pakistani youth stupid and slave minded. The same youth that every other country is dying for if they're properly educated, and so the issue of brain drain is at its peak point. The older generations have failed the youth; education remains substandard, the economy remains shattered, and refusal to listen to their voice is ever so high, and yet the older generations refuse to give up their political seats.


In the end, I just want to say that Pakistan was built for our freedom and the right to practice religion as we would like. What kind of freedom is this where it's rather shoved down our throats after being severely edited in the interests of propagandists and political Wahhabist interpretations by religious scholars.
If you consider North Koreans to be free people, then sure... call this freedom.
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Punjab bans 100 textbooks over ‘anti-Pakistan, anti-religious’ content


The Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board has banned the sale and printing of 100 textbooks for having anti-Pakistan and anti-Islamic content.

According to the board’s Managing Director Rai Manzoor Hussain, the books were being used at private schools.

More than 10,000 books have been seized from the institutions and the matter is being further investigated, he said.

The board has formed 30 committees to investigate the books. They have been printed by 31 publishers, including Oxford University Press Pakistan. They have been ordered to halt their publishing and sale.

According to Hussain, the banned books contained ‘blasphemous’ and ‘anti-Islamic’ content against the caliphs. The birth dates of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal in the books were incorrect and Azad Kashmir was shown as a part of India in the maps.

The books also contained incorrect sayings by Mahatma Gandhi and other people.

Hussain added that it was sad that children were being taught incorrect things at schools. The committees formed will visit private schools across the province again and check if the books are still being used. Violators will be punished.

On Thursday, the Punjab Assembly passed the Punjab Tahaffuz-e-Bunyad-e-Islam Act, 2020. It states that Lahore’s director -general of public relations will have the power to visit and inspect any printing press, publication house, book store and confiscate any books before or after printing.

Publishers have been obliged to provide four copies of their books published to the authorised officer the day they are published.

The DGPR can refuse permission to import, print or publish a book “if it is prejudicial to national interest, culture, religious and sectarian harmony,” it added.

Following this, people took to Twitter and other social media platforms to criticise the law calling it “unreasonable”.

But why only in Punjab why not in whole Pakistan...???
There country, their rules.
Our country, our rules; in other words, our country, so we will speak up about our country. How is that contradictory or hypocrisy like you implied?

"A government has every right to overwatch what their children are learning."

Governments have failed their citizens, violated human rights to no extent, lied countless times, and spread propaganda to fasten their grip and keep public popularity, and now you're trusting your children with them with the most powerful tool of all, education? Are you sure about that?

I want you to think about what will be the result of this policy under different categories. Let us analyze.

1. Sciences

What do you think will happen to chapters regarding Evolution, or Reproduction.
Will chapters regarding reproduction be removed?
Will chapters regarding evolution be removed?

2. Social Sciences and Pakistan studies

Will issues regarding society in Pakistani society be no longer discussed. What counts as a narrative 'against the state.' Does the cruel revelation of corruption in our society come under the category of 'anti-state'? This is decided by a religious board now apparently.
So, what does that mean for the following topics?
-> Women's empowerment and rights.
-> Minority rights (you can already see the latest reactions on minorities' places of worship)
-> Visible sectarian issues.
-> Extra-judicial actions undertaken in Pakistan.
-> The non-deniable ignorance of Balochistan.
-> The wrongs in the war of 1971.
-> An apt, objective analysis of previous politicians' rules, their policies and laws, and practical implications.
-> Crimes in Pakistan, their source, and its extension.
-> Overpopulation threat, and available resources in relation.

Furthermore, realize that under this law, as in wordings, they can find an excuse for anything and have it removed under the pretext of it going against religion or country. Do you not realize that it's not only a matter of the Government knowing what the children are learning, but also of the Government controlling what they learn.

I have to say, it's really bold of you to call Pakistani youth stupid and slave minded. The same youth that every other country is dying for if they're properly educated, and so the issue of brain drain is at its peak point. The older generations have failed the youth; education remains substandard, the economy remains shattered, and refusal to listen to their voice is ever so high, and yet the older generations refuse to give up their political seats.


In the end, I just want to say that Pakistan was built for our freedom and the right to practice religion as we would like. What kind of freedom is this where it's rather shoved down our throats after being severely edited in the interests of propagandists and political Wahhabist interpretations by religious scholars.
If you consider North Koreans to be free people, then sure... call this freedom.

What is evaluation theory. Is there any scientifical evidence of evalustion theory?
While we need evidence of all the theories but this is one of the lone theory which was never proven and failed to answere the basic questions why there r no intermediate species between humans and apes if evolution theory is correct.

Regarding reproduction. Studying reproduction is not anti islamic. Do u even no snything about islam.

Regading the issues u mention with respect to society. No one teaches them in schools like this. Do u think americans teach black rights in text book ? Or india teaches militias of assam in school books?

School books teaches loves and harmony. Who is the best supporter of human rights other than quran ? Inserting quranic verses of unity and discpline will have best impact on harmony.

And the most famous women rights. Do u know as a mother women has three time more rights over father?
Do u know how much importance to daughter is given?

So is the case with sister and wife.

However u always link it with right of adultry is the only right that matters but sorry adultry is crime in islam and oakistan and will remain so.
I don't know why some idiots think that Islam prohibits sex education or talking about sex. This is a uniquely Pakistani problem. Also Pakistanis have no problem discussing sex - just not in an informative educational manner. They'll happily yap about it for chaska mostly through innuendo.

In Islamic education your are taught about the fiqh related matters of sex.
Urdu is extremely impure which is injustice towards our beautiful language, we must preserve it, thats another diff debate.

Elaborate please

OT: Nothing wrong in banning "textbooks" that have an anti-national/religious bias. Some highly controversial and objectionable material is being fed to our younger generation. All indoctrination is wrong.. whether state-sponsored or "West"-sponsored
Elaborate please

OT: Nothing wrong in banning "textbooks" that have an anti-national/religious bias. Some highly controversial and objectionable material is being fed to our younger generation. All indoctrination is wrong.. whether state-sponsored or "West"-sponsored
Can you have a conversation with someone in urdu without 40 percent of the worlds being english?
Wow, banning a text book because of pig images and Gandhi quotes.
They should burn all the books and replace it with Quran.
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