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Punitive Air Strikes on Enemy Airbases and Our Options.

There are lots of factors.one factor is diplomacy.in any future war,we can't predict number of enemies and number of allies.things are changing fast.i believe China is our only hope but I believe they will not intervene.they can provide us weapons but will never intervene.this condition is against us.india have many friends and Russia is old friend of India.

We can decimate nearby indian bases but going deep isn't possible.we lack everything,I mean number of fighter jets,number of submarines and even number of soldiers.this situation is not good for pakistan.pakistan didn't pay attention to Navy but now after gwadar,we need big Navy and presence in indian ocean.right now, situation supports India and we shouldn't start a war now.may be sometime later but not now.i think we really need China in this game.with involvement of friendly countries,we can easily defeat India and even annex Kashmir but I think we trusted ourselves and we think that we can defeat them.we can't.they have numerical superiority.

Planning to involve China in battlefield was probably not considered.pakistan can fight well but for how long? 10 days,2 months? We will collapse and indians know this fact.they call Kashmir bilateral because they don't want to involve China in this disputed.trust me,they fear Chinese involvement in any conflict.nuclear missiles is the end of this region but even with nuclear missiles,there is no guarantee that we can destroy entire India.india is big and deep.this is perfect condition for any country.all our airbases and military installations are the primary indian Target.we can't rule out their ability to retaliate.they have almost 270 su-30. We don't stand a chance.we need time and proper strategy.if we want Kashmir,we must involve China.india is a big country.we must be realistic.passion is good but facing reality is a different thing.if we really care about decimating India,we should involve friends in this game otherwise there is no chance.

There isn’t much guessing, in military science and war tactics. Place their assets against your assets. You know you capability, depending on your intelligence capability , you should (more and less) know their assets and it’s capabilities. Run multiple scenario and simulation. Cover every conceivable scenario.

Your naval, air and armor engineers will give you the life cycle of each equipment before it break down. Their replacement schedule and cost. Your PHDs in stats and maths will (After computing all the battlefield data) crunch down numbers, with the input from war generals, gives you exact probabilities of your wining or losing in diff scenarios.
SSW action is a good option. But won't we need full air superiority to be able to send in SSW guys??

We should focus on supply depots, trains, bridges and logistic infrastructure. To bog down enemy forces and make them struggle for supplies.

Basically you and me are right. Because for Pakistani planners main goal should be how can we figure out to destroy or render enemy shiny toys i.e jets, tanks, and ships useless before they even leave hangars and ports.

Or have rock solid intwl like Israel and the highway of death.

Why do Indians feel the need to put in hot chics even in war movies??
Located just 30 miles from the international border in the district of Kutch in Gujrat,Bhuj has been one of the most bombed Indian Airbase in the 1965/1971 wars.

It was completely destroyed by PAF in the 1971 war.The runway was raided 35 times in 14 days with attacks by 92 bombs and 22 rockets(Indian source).Relentless bombing raids by PAF petrified the enemy as depicted in the video below(Alas there had been no plans to capture it).

Today it houses the 27 wing of IAF ,an element of South Western Air Command,,with rotations between Jaguars and Su 30MKI.

The Airbase shares its runway with the civilian airport.

Bhuj is the headquarter of Kutch district and becomes an island during high tides,surrounded by the Arabian Sea to the West,the Rann of Kutch to the North and the Gulf of Kutch to the South.

This Peninsula/island has a population of only 2 million and an area of 45,674 km2 (17,635 sq mi). Twenty five percent are non Hindus with ancestral links to Sindh. Bhuj and Jamnagar(Shurashra,Gujrat) Airbases are primarily assigned to protect the vital trading ports in the Gulf of Kutch.


Deeply concerned of the REGIONS vulnerability the Indians are always on their toes. During Kargil they shot down our unarmed Atlantic aircraft,and every other day they accuse us of sending Commandos or armed men to destabilise the economic zone.

The Region cannot house heavy military equipment like Tanks and Artillery because of the nature of the terrain.


Most of the border fencing light poles are non functional .


Between the Border and the Bhuj Airbase is a place called Kala Dungar,458m above sea level. It is the highest point in Kutch where the international border and Bhuj Airbase can be viewed.Surely a vantage point for any foe(Pakistan) seeking to take area dominance.


On 7 September 1965, the PAF parachuted 135 para commandos at three Indian airfields (Halwara, Pathankot and Adampur). The daring attempt proved to be an "unmitigated disaster" as these troops landed in residential areas.Well things have changed exponentially since then, a full Division of SSW(Special Service Wing)is fully operational,where each commando is trained for multiple tasks.They are occasionally sent to the United States for advanced training with the 1st Special Forces Group and the 75th Ranger Regiment in Fort Lewis, Fort Bragg and Fort Benning.


Apart from other numerous skills SSW can take over or construct an airstrip, set up navigational equipment, and direct airplanes and helicopters to a safe landing without the use of a tower or elaborate communications system. They can also control air attacks of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft from all military services.


In the event of hostilities our Naval Marines can compliment our SSW to fill in the numbers, provide alternative sea extraction routes,support logistics and other offensive duties.


In all the war scenarios capturing Bhuj Airbase is the most viable option and i am sure the surprise we are told about can be this one as well. Nature has made the REGION a weak defending ground,and the amount of territory at grabs can be a good trade off with the Kashmir Valley!!!!
On a sarcastic note Bollywood is making a movie of our hammering of Bhuj ,with Ajay Devgan as its beleaguered base commander in 1971.

To be honest, all the air bases on both sides, in close proximity of the international border would be priority targets in a war.

A conflict limited to hilly terrain is more advantageous to Pakistan but it's an another game if the conflict is open to conventional theatre.

I've no doubt that the SSG commandoes of PA are an elite force at par with the best in the world today, but I must point out that you've underestimated your opponent's capabilities, specially in the conventional field. This was the thinking the last time they were dropped, if you say you've changed for the better from your past mistakes, then your opponent has not been static all these years.

The PA is capable of snatching away Bhuj, no doubt about it. Holding on to it, is another ball game, specially if you're fighting on our turf on our rules. Conventional warfare is more suited to IA than PA.

An interesting analysis nonetheless, albeit modelled in a static war scenario.
To be honest, all the air bases on both sides, in close proximity of the international border would be priority targets in a war.

A conflict limited to hilly terrain is more advantageous to Pakistan but it's an another game if the conflict is open to conventional theatre.

I've no doubt that the SSG commandoes of PA are an elite force at par with the best in the world today, but I must point out that you've underestimated your opponent's capabilities, specially in the conventional field. This was the thinking the last time they were dropped, if you say you've changed for the better from your past mistakes, then your opponent has not been static all these years.

The PA is capable of snatching away Bhuj, no doubt about it. Holding on to it, is another ball game, specially if you're fighting on our turf on our rules. Conventional warfare is more suited to IA than PA.

An interesting analysis nonetheless, albeit modelled in a static war scenario.
A sensible reply .That's why I rated it.
But one correction sice you accepted PA is capable of capturing it ,it's also capable of holding it . Though I agree it's not easy to hold it and pakistan must not underestimate the resistance which will come from indian army.
i think our army will not attack at first unless india attack first as it may result in imposition of sanctions by u.n on us on the basis of aggression and our economy is too weak to sustain sanctions at present
Whatever makes you happy but the stated objective of war for Pak offensive was to take JK, which it failed. So...
that was objective of operation giberaltor Sonny a limited black ops inside iok
65 war was reaction of Indian to it attacking international border and going full scale war; in which primary Indian objective was to capture Lahore Sialkot and other such strategic cities forcing Pak to accept kashmir resolution on Indian terms
but instead Soviet sugar daddy had to come to save; Indian arse and Indian had to sign truce of equality with 5 x smaller enemy 65 war was a war imposed on us and defending we did with heavy damage to enemy aggressors :)
A noble warrior!!!

To be honest, all the air bases on both sides, in close proximity of the international border would be priority targets in a war.

A conflict limited to hilly terrain is more advantageous to Pakistan but it's an another game if the conflict is open to conventional theatre.

I've no doubt that the SSG commandoes of PA are an elite force at par with the best in the world today, but I must point out that you've underestimated your opponent's capabilities, specially in the conventional field. This was the thinking the last time they were dropped, if you say you've changed for the better from your past mistakes, then your opponent has not been static all these years.

The PA is capable of snatching away Bhuj, no doubt about it. Holding on to it, is another ball game, specially if you're fighting on our turf on our rules. Conventional warfare is more suited to IA than PA.

An interesting analysis nonetheless, albeit modelled in a static war scenario.
A very balanced assessment,for me the vantage point in the whole Kutch district is the Kala Dangur hill.Who so ever controls it controls the whole Peninsula. A battalion strength of SSW and Marines with ample supplies can hold it till the end of hostilities.
Located just 30 miles from the international border in the district of Kutch in Gujrat,Bhuj has been one of the most bombed Indian Airbase in the 1965/1971 wars.

It was completely destroyed by PAF in the 1971 war.The runway was raided 35 times in 14 days with attacks by 92 bombs and 22 rockets(Indian source).Relentless bombing raids by PAF petrified the enemy as depicted in the video below(Alas there had been no plans to capture it).

Today it houses the 27 wing of IAF ,an element of South Western Air Command,,with rotations between Jaguars and Su 30MKI.

The Airbase shares its runway with the civilian airport.

Bhuj is the headquarter of Kutch district and becomes an island during high tides,surrounded by the Arabian Sea to the West,the Rann of Kutch to the North and the Gulf of Kutch to the South.

This Peninsula/island has a population of only 2 million and an area of 45,674 km2 (17,635 sq mi). Twenty five percent are non Hindus with ancestral links to Sindh. Bhuj and Jamnagar(Shurashra,Gujrat) Airbases are primarily assigned to protect the vital trading ports in the Gulf of Kutch.


Deeply concerned of the REGIONS vulnerability the Indians are always on their toes. During Kargil they shot down our unarmed Atlantic aircraft,and every other day they accuse us of sending Commandos or armed men to destabilise the economic zone.

The Region cannot house heavy military equipment like Tanks and Artillery because of the nature of the terrain.


Most of the border fencing light poles are non functional .


Between the Border and the Bhuj Airbase is a place called Kala Dungar,458m above sea level. It is the highest point in Kutch where the international border and Bhuj Airbase can be viewed.Surely a vantage point for any foe(Pakistan) seeking to take area dominance.


On 7 September 1965, the PAF parachuted 135 para commandos at three Indian airfields (Halwara, Pathankot and Adampur). The daring attempt proved to be an "unmitigated disaster" as these troops landed in residential areas.Well things have changed exponentially since then, a full Division of SSW(Special Service Wing)is fully operational,where each commando is trained for multiple tasks.They are occasionally sent to the United States for advanced training with the 1st Special Forces Group and the 75th Ranger Regiment in Fort Lewis, Fort Bragg and Fort Benning.


Apart from other numerous skills SSW can take over or construct an airstrip, set up navigational equipment, and direct airplanes and helicopters to a safe landing without the use of a tower or elaborate communications system. They can also control air attacks of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft from all military services.


In the event of hostilities our Naval Marines can compliment our SSW to fill in the numbers, provide alternative sea extraction routes,support logistics and other offensive duties.


In all the war scenarios capturing Bhuj Airbase is the most viable option and i am sure the surprise we are told about can be this one as well. Nature has made the REGION a weak defending ground,and the amount of territory at grabs can be a good trade off with the Kashmir Valley!!!!
On a sarcastic note Bollywood is making a movie of our hammering of Bhuj ,with Ajay Devgan as its beleaguered base commander in 1971.

It will always be our bargaining chip for the land we will lose in Punjab.
A sensible reply .That's why I rated it.
But one correction sice you accepted PA is capable of capturing it ,it's also capable of holding it . Though I agree it's not easy to hold it and pakistan must not underestimate the resistance which will come from indian army.

It's more to do with the cost benefit ratio, holding down that vantage point Provides value in an offensive operation, not a defensive battle like the PA is geared towards.

In the day and age of accurate balistic missiles, infantry has reduced effectiveness in holding down terrain without artillery superiority. Otherwise they are just sitting ducks over a piece of land that holds strategic value easily solved by PAs own ballistic missiles. Unlikely probability.
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