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Public hangings in Iran

It is not about knowing that rape is wrong. It is about the fear.

Now I doubt after watching this video you(I mean any rapist) would ever think of rape if you were in Iran. :no:
Hmmm maybe. It would scare ordinary people, but would it scare rapists? I tried to find rape stats to see if it worked. But I can't find info on Iran. Besides the stats would be very unreliable due to unreported cases etc.
Here in Holland we have other (more human) methods which work just well. Public hangings are for degenerated and backward, mostly islamic countries.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”


Blah, blah, blah. A rapist deserves execution and not imprisonment. As I said, you a male with rape fantasies so you get scared watching these kind of videos. But that is ok. These videos are made to educate exactly you people so that you keep fantasies only in your head.

And how are rapists treated in Holland? Living in clean, safe and educational compounds named prisons, with nice meals and TV. Well they can keep the rapists of your sister there, but in our countries a rapist is suffocated to death for what he has done. Get used to that. And tell your friends in Holland to stop travelling to Thailand for child prostitution and screwing 8 year old girls as is common with white guys.

Take a chill pill mate, you've lost it. Accusing someone of supporting rape? And then being racist? :disagree:

Yup.... He is being racist....But only he is???
its why the number of crimes in Iran is compareable even to USA.its why Iran is not like other ME counttries.anyway children should be prohibited to watch executions.
Hmmm maybe. It would scare ordinary people, but would it scare rapists? I tried to find rape stats to see if it worked. But I can't find info on Iran. Besides the stats would be very unreliable due to unreported cases etc.

Rape stats are unreliable every where. Even in US, FBI admits that only a small percentage of rapes are reported. According to some American studies, more than one third of all girls in universities have been raped. I am sure Iran's stats are not that high. Sexual violence exists everywhere. Deterrence lowers its occurrence. Only a strong deterrence works, otherwise serial rapists would be walking up and down and preying on people. Putting rapists in a prison for a few years while they are eating on people's taxes and then releasing them is not necessary. In UK which does not have capital punishment, alot of convicted rapists are so much pressured by judicial system and paraded in media that alot of them commit suicide. The problem is well known to UK police and judiciary. This is called extra-judicial killing via psychological torture. While the convict is not punished to death, an elaborate system is there to make sure he does it himself.
its why the number of crimes in Iran is compareable even to USA.its why Iran is not like other ME counttries.anyway children should be prohibited to watch executions.

The USA has a very high crime rate, but they like to blame it on immigrants and others, but it stems from wrong system I think.
Lying to invade nations used to be a thing in the past, the enlightened europeans have stopped doing that?

Has anyone in Europe ever figured out how the kids in Iraq were scarred for life from slaughter and bombings? None.

How about the bombing of Tripoli? Libya in general?

Hmmm maybe. It would scare ordinary people, but would it scare rapists? I tried to find rape stats to see if it worked. But I can't find info on Iran. Besides the stats would be very unreliable due to unreported cases etc.

Ordinary people are scared from rape. And rapists are hanged. So the job is done.
I mean every rapist once used to be an ordinary person.
Yes of course stats can help us more.
The updated version is to hang them in the early morning in a special area in prison. Like they used to do so. That's the updated version.
You want a newer version? Don't kill people, sentence them to life time prison instead.
its not enough life time in prison eating food maybe getting pardon in long term is not equal with what they did.
its all about the question that criminals should ask themselves
is it worthed to kill someone if i get cut

btw no one forcing people to watch hanging criminals if they've been force you can say its not good to hang in public .
the thing is if we put them behind closed door the same guys that said why you putting it behind close door will protest .

they always have something to oppose.
guys, I'm certain that the majrity of Iranians are pro capital punishment but against public executions. I've never come across a religous Iranian that's been in favour of it.

The Iranian regime must stop this outdated practice. Nobody needs to see this. Iranian families are tight and family values are important in our society. Plus, there is also capital punishment. That's enough for most people to hold back and think twice about their actions.
guys, I'm certain that the majrity of Iranians are pro capital punishment but against public executions. I've never come across a religous Iranian that's been in favour of it.

The Iranian regime must stop this outdated practice. Nobody needs to see this. Iranian families are tight and family values are important in our society. Plus, there is also capital punishment. That's enough for most people to hold back and think twice about their actions.
agha shoma nadidi kesaio ke az zendam mian birun pul migiran adam midozdan mizanam mikoshan vagarna inaro nemigofti
agha shoma nadidi kesaio ke az zendam mian birun pul migiran adam midozdan mizanam mikoshan vagarna inaro nemigofti
Masale injast ke hich amari vase inke "public execution" jorm ro miare pain nist, ya hadeaghal man nadidam. Rastesh hich nokteye mosbati man nemibinam toosh. Baesam mishe ke mardom "vahshi" beshan ba didan in joor chiza. To roohiye ye bache tasire manfi mizare.
If some is guilty of murder or rape,they dont deserve to live in a cell with humane conditions.Its not fair to the victim or his family.And on top of that it wont discourage people who have the same sick mentality.Hell,it might even encourage them,seeing that being responsible for such crimes will just end them up in a small room for 50 years where they are getting food and what not.
These inhumane beings, deserve to be treated in inhumane ways.Getting killed for such crimes by hanging,is something these people deserve(maybe even less than they deserve),so i would say its justified.

And yeah children should not be allowed to a public execution site.
If some is guilty of murder or rape,they dont deserve to live in a cell with humane conditions.Its not fair to the victim or his family.And on top of that it wont discourage people who have the same sick mentality.Hell,it might even encourage them,seeing that being responsible for such crimes will just end them up in a small room for 50 years where they are getting food and what not.
These inhumane beings, deserve to be treated in inhumane ways.Getting killed for such crimes by hanging,is something these people deserve(maybe even less than they deserve),so i would say its justified.

And yeah children should not be allowed to a public execution site.
Fear depends on society you are brought in, your expectation from life and how much you can lose.
I wont do even a minor crime, because I have too much to lose, but a begger/tramp might.

We need to create a society where a mere prison sentence( even with all mod cons) is enough to make people think twice.
In the meantime, stop the public display of barbarity.(remeber, even public hanging is an advancement over medival way of punishment)
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