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Public hangings in Iran


Nov 27, 2008
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Rapists' public hanging sparks Iran debate

Arash Ahmadi, BBC Monitoring

The public execution of four men convicted of rape in Iran has led to a debate among Iranian web users, with disagreement over whether such scenes act as a deterrent or increase the general level of violence in society.

The four were hanged in the working class district of Shahid Mahalati in southern Tehran after being found guilty of "aggravated rape". The sentences were carried out at 06:00 and, according to some reports, people had started gathering at the execution site the night before to watch the spectacle.

On the same day, the editor-in-chief of Asr-e Iran (The Evening of Iran) news and analysis website penned an opinion piece criticising the public execution and those who went along to watch.

Jafar Mohammadi's article - entitled "All this enthusiasm to watch a scene of execution - why?" - warned of the negative consequences of viewing violent images, especially for the young.

"The exposure of children and young adults to violent scenes can have negative consequences... and lead them to violence."

Mr Mohammadi had harsh words for parents who took their children to watch the public hanging.

"In all honesty, what does it mean when a father takes along his five-year old daughter or young son, and buys them ice cream on the way, to make them watch the dreadful and painful death throes of someone on the gallows?"

Mr Mohammadi also called for a thorough assessment of the reasons behind the enthusiasm among certain members of the public for watching public executions. Such an assessment, he wrote, would shed light on the factors that "increase the level of violence in society".

His article was picked up and reproduced by a number of news outlets, and was the front page op-ed of Thursday's daily Ebtekar.

The majority of user comments on Asr-e Iran website backed Mr Mohammadi.

"You spoke the words of my heart, dear Asr-e Iran," wrote an anonymous poster. "Watching these scenes makes children and people in general become heartless and merciless."

Another poster spoke from experience. He thanked Mr Mohammadi for his comments and added: "When I was a young, I saw a public execution and even though the guy was guilty of his crime, I can never forget that terrible scene."

'Lesson to others'

But not everyone supported Mr Mohammadi's stance. One had an explanation for the enthusiasm shown by some people.

"The reason for the enthusiasm is because... this will be a lesson to others."

Masked police at an execution site

And comments appearing on the conservative news website Rajanews below graphic photos of the executions were in favour of the public hangings, with many thanking the police.

"My thanks to the Law Enforcement Force," said user Hoseyn.

"Good. Let me thank all those in the Judiciary," wrote another.

"Let us all look at this [scene] and learn a lesson and not become sinners," wrote a third.

Iranian authorities regularly defend public hangings of criminals, saying they act as a deterrent.

According to the chief of police, Esmail Ahmadi-Moghaddam, Iran recorded 900 rapes in the year ending March 2012. Previously, he said that rape is a crime on the rise.

Moreover, he said that, contrary to perception, 60% of rape victims are men.

It is difficult to verify these figures, as many rape cases, especially those against women, go unreported for fear of stigmatisation in Iran's highly religious society.

BBC News - Rapists' public hanging sparks Iran debate

Interesting. 60% of the victims are men ......
Mate even in the US they used to have public hanging. Its up to the people, to go if they want to.
Children shouldn't be allowed to witness an execution. But the author didn't explain how public hangings would increase the level of violence in society. Here the hanging is an act of justice; every person witnessing the scene knows this. The writer should have written about the show of violence in movies where the motives are mostly ego-centric.
OP, USA has the highest per capita prisoner number on the planet. You guys are up there with countries like Venezuela, South Africa and Iraq in terms of gun killings. Violence is extremely high.


You're worried about Iran? Or are you just trying to do your usual trolling? Maybe you want to feel better about yourself?

Anyway, public hangings I don't agree with. Executions must carry on however. In either case, the harsh form of punishments in Iran make people think twice about their actions.
haha america tryng to show bad of Iran and Islam... first go and learn about iran and know your country first stupid american l.. the real terrorists...
your country has has loads of crimes and iran is a very good country... make fake news or true but iran is a good civilised country usually runned with islamic justice with equality

OP, USA has the highest per capita prisoner number on the planet. You guys are up there with countries like Venezuela, South Africa and Iraq in terms of gun killings. Violence is extremely high.


You're worried about Iran? Or are you just trying to do your usual trolling? Maybe you want to feel better about yourself?

Anyway, public hangings I don't agree with. Executions must carry on however. In either case, the harsh form of punishments in Iran make people think twice about their actions.

he along with america is sh*t :D thats why he is doing so ..
Children are protected from extreme stuff in their formative years in all countries through censoring, including in Iran. How is exposing them to a potentially traumatic experience justified?

I'm not commenting on executions or public executions. I'm just commenting on the children part, which seems to be a no-brainer.
I hate to repeat this, but Official figures from CDC show that almost half of the American children are bastards. The situation in some European is worse, with more than half of the children being bastards.

For Women Under 30 Most Births Occur Outside Marriage - New York Times


Can you believe that these people want to instruct us about morality and correct way of life?

Savagery of US would be on the rise in the next few dacades as these bastards reach their 20s-40s

Good luck with your "freedom".
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