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PTM - The Enemies Within!



New Recruit

Feb 7, 2017
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With the change in the course of PTM from justice for Naqeeb-Ullah to chanting anti-army slogans and slandering the state institutions of Pakistan, there is no doubt in the fact that Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), a brainchild of the enemies of Pakistan, who have sponsored this ethnocentric movement to malign the security institutions of Pakistan. Manzoor Pashteen along with his clan is, in fact, a representation of anti-state elements - covertly working on the agenda of enemies.

The movement purportedly fighting for the rights of Pashtun people of Pakistan but so cleverly masked in ethnic woes that it becomes hard to see the reality behind its propaganda. The truth is that the agenda that Manzoor Pashteen presented from the beginning has changed its course several times which is enough to establish that PTM is nothing but allegations and hate with an aim to malign the peace that prevails in the country.

Every person holding some conscious can easily dissect the dubiety of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement. The so-called, newly emerged champions of human rights like Manzoor Pahteen and others alike were in deep slumber when the Pashtuns were directly threatened by Taliban and other extremist groups in FATA and Waziristan. It was that devastating era in Pakistan’s history where thousands of civilians and armed personnel lost their lives to terrorism. The question arises that why didn’t this so-called advocate of Pashtun rights emerge then, when Pashtuns were actually on a target of extremist elements?

The most agitating element of this movement is the murder of the Pashtuns at the hands of PTM clan who are scapegoating the murder with an agenda to slander the security establishment of the country. If Manzoor Pashteen is the human rights champion as he claims, why did he fail to speak or advocate for the recently slain pro-Pakistani Pashtuns in Baluchistan and others in Afghanistan? With PTM’s two-facedness when it comes to the murder of innocent pastuns, one can easily infer that the PTM is using the Pashtuns for the fulfilment of its anti-state sponsored agenda.

Tahfuz Movement has left no stone unturned and has implied every possible 5TH Generation warfare technique to hurt and disrupt the image of Pakistan armed forces but all in vain. The patriotism of Pakistanis is way stronger than the hate and propaganda of enemies. The nation praises and acknowledges the valiant men of steel, who are selflessly safeguarding the borders against every possible threat from the enemies. The nation is forever indebted to the men in uniform, who take the bullet for the Nation. The enemies of Pakistan should know that the Pakistani nation will never let the sacrifices of the Pak Army be maligned for the sake fo anti-state propaganda campaign led by dubious leadership such as that of PTM.

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PTM is done... U can arrest the leaders today without any consequences
The fate of Pansies & Tools Movement will be decided as soon as the Axis of Evil exits Afghanistan.

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