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PTI’s Pervez Khattak steps down from party position

China needs access to Gawadar Chabhar with or without Pakistan MNaking GB separate territory for CHina is not big deal - considering there is no love left for the corrupt army left in Pakistan - Dealing with Smaller Parts of Pakistan will be easier for CHina - These Pigs of Wardi walay have undermined the country before and they will do it again just to keep on stashing ill-gotten wealth - this time again with disastrous Consequences
If GB Has to go, India will take it and not China. At-least west will want that. It is a possibility that Americans are encouraging their chaprasis in Pakistan to push the limits that will lead to breakdown in Pakistan and then India can take GB and other parts to disconnect China from Gawadar.
Remember America is in a state of cold war with China in Pacific and also helping India on their border with China. When they are in a cold war they don't leave any stone un-turned. Their silence in Pakistan under these circumstances is frightening.
If GB Has to go, India will take it and not China. At-least west will want that. It is a possibility that Americans are encouraging their chaprasis in Pakistan to push the limits that will lead to breakdown in Pakistan and then India can take GB and other parts to disconnect China from Gawadar.
Remember America is in a state of cold war with China in Pacific and also helping India on their border with China. When they are in a cold war they don't leave any stone un-turned. Their silence in Pakistan under these circumstances is frightening.
Blaming America iSralel or other boogeyman doesnt Discount the fact , All your so-called Patriotic Jernail Have opted to live abroad , hell General Musa wished to buried in Iran - And that these Fat arse pigs have destroyed the very fabric of society of few golf courses and lavish style at the Expense of States Integrity - India will not take GB - if it wanted it would have done that several years ago but yes it will surely take advantage of the situation created by none other than Chowkidars of DHA - Most likey China and India both can gain from cut down of State of Pakistan - All thanks to pigs Who have ruled the countruy Directly and Indirectly that has resulted in this
Pakistan is battle ground of China US war. But in last month establishment lose massive respect among " the 60 percent young generation" . Read the case of PTI Salman Ahmed. This never happened before in Pakistan history. Let's see who win in coming election China or US.

People still live in some fantasies about some Grand Chess Game going on in Pakistan involving Arabs, Iran, China, America--and lets add in the Martians! Just like the PPP Jiyalas still think it was Kissinger who warned ZAB against the Pakistani nuclear bomb and later CIA had ZAB killed because Americans wanted a pliable Zia ul Haq who'd support Americans against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Urban myths! It was Power Politics in 1977 and it is Power Politics now.

While China and America do see Pakistan as a playground--and why not??--I don't think Imran's removal had much to do with either of them. If anything, the recent rush to crush Imran has China's implicit backing!!

This latest crisis was yet again pure Power Politics. Imran tried to be a smart a$$ by starting to meddle in the military affairs and thought that appointing some higher level military officials to ensure Imran's continuation in power. Why is to so hard to understand that Imran's popularity was on decline and the indicators were Imran losing the byelections. Heck, my family members in Karachi started to curse Imran for the inflation and some started to question their decision of voting for Imran in 2018--I tried to tell them that was temporary and that Pakistan was going to get better.

This is ALL POWER POLITICS and Imran tried to perpetuate power by manipulating the military. Even Imran's great admirer like Irshad Bhatti is saying that now. You all should call a spade a spade and call Imran a dumb-a$$ that he really is. But even the dumb-a$$ is now starting to admit that dissolving the two large Prov. Assemblies and resigning from the NA were mistakes--as was picking fight against the Establishment in such a nasty way that he would not only lose but also would ensure his long term downfall.

Imran is gone from the Pakistani politics for at least next few years. Learn to 'cope' with that and have some soul searching which should lead you to understand it was Imran's repeated blunders and his mighty ego and arrogance which has led to his downfall. Love your country above personalities!!

How many times I have repeated these things here??
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