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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

"Apas me muzaakraat se kya me NS se muk muka kr lun" Imran Khan
7 minutes ago.

Aren't they all together now? We all know PAT brought lot more people than PTI.
will Supreme Court decides fate of IK+PAT+NS any balanced decision acceptable to all parties???
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will Supreme Court decides fate of IK+PAT+NS any balanced decision acceptable to all parties???
Supreme Court shouldn't intervene in political matters, intervention here would make the court controversial, let the politicians sort out their differences politically.
Iam Disappointed............I will commit SUPOKO if IK retreat without Success.....:suicide2:
All Internet Warriors are busy here defending him...instead of be with him....at that Crucial time
Its CLEARLY photoshoped, check the differences between those in front and in the back and check out the size of the man standing on the left platform then check the size of people immediately right to him :lol:

It's not photoshopped. The guys standing on the platform/trucks on the left are at a higher level hence why you can see their whole bodies and they look bigger. Compare their head size to the heads in the crowds and you will see they are the same size.
The people standing closest are standing on this side of a fence of some sort so are not closely packed. Those standing behind are closely packed and only their heads are visible. The head sizes get progressively smaller in the distance as you would expect.

I saw it live on tv and the crowd actually was very big. I don't expect NS lovers to accept it though as I've seen Geo news constantly trying to show figures of about 8000 people...what a joke that channel is. I thought the media was supposed to be impartial.
As much as the PTI-ians will deny it, hide it.. the REAL reason for this March. And all other PTI events is IK's unwavering dedication to ensure that all single guys are able to hook up with a girl.
Bachian hi Bachian!!. .. Tabdeeli is in your relationship status on facebook. ..

NObody sees that angle. @Hyperion @Aeronaut @Armstrong
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