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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Imran Khan address outside Zaman Park...

level hai apnay bhai ka @Marshmallow

Just exactly what is it that you are trying? The same old hooliganism and forcing elected governments from power? It has not worked before, and it will not work now either.

before? :lol:
Ohh sure, you are starting a civil war & telling us to cool down?
We are NIAZI- we are going to revenge it!
Then we will, say the same

Vekhi jai gi".

This emotionalism is cancer for nation, tell me who is denying to negotiate and who is presenting fabricated evidences and who is spreading anarchy in country on Independence day?

You are victim of hidden power's brainwashing so something to deliver you is useless.
People who haven't logical ground ever defeated and exactly is going to happen with IK.

before? :lol:

Many governments have been illegal deposed by such orchestrated street protests. What came after the change was worse than before the change. It will be the same case again.
This emotionalism is cancer for nation, tell me who is denying to negotiate and who is presenting fabricated evidences and who is spreading anarchy in country on Independence day?

You are victim of hidden power's brainwashing so something to deliver you is useless.
People who haven't logical ground ever defeated and exactly is going to happen with IK.

Islamabad district administration says 'no' to PTI march - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Here it is , noora king denied the basic rights to protest in every democracy in the world?
Now it's you, who have been , noora-rized by the Noora , s gullu butts?
Without such permission, the street protests would be illegal.

You think idiots that want to support innocent dying, people who want to destroy public and government property and topple the government without a proper reason and dialogue care about permissions? The entire world is watching it, the Western media is declaring Taliban Khan a danger to your nuclear weapons and I entirely agree with it. If this is how violent these idiots can be towards their own country, they will have no mercy for others. Its unbelievable to see destruction on its way and a push back to the 90's in a few days, all the progress would be lost and Pakistan will remain the hell whole its been. All due to two idiots who people call "leaders"....one will go back to Canada and the other one will go back to the UK to be with his kids and to support their political future in the UK. Pakistani's will remain in the dark cloud they've been in for decades.
You think idiots that want to support innocent dying, people who want to destroy public and government property and topple the government without a proper reason and dialogue care about permissions? The entire world is watching it, the Western media is declaring Taliban Khan a danger to your nuclear weapons and I entirely agree with it. If this is how violent these idiots can be towards their own country, they will have no mercy for others. Its unbelievable to see destruction on its way and a push back to the 90's in a few days, all the progress would be lost and Pakistan will remain the hell whole its been. All due to two idiots who people call "leaders"....one will go back to Canada and the other one will go back to the UK to be with his kids and to support their political future in the UK. Pakistani's will remain in the dark cloud they've been in for decades.

I agree with what you have said. I am saying the very same thing. Illegally deposing an elected government is not going to be the answer these delusional fools think.
Many governments have been illegal deposed by such orchestrated street protests. What came after the change was worse than before the change. It will be the same case again.

firstly your whole conspiracy theory brushed with illegal word is not helping your theory.. as apart from Kakar intervention, all were legal ways, its only because our governments are not elected but come through rigging or settlement..

PTI being the only force that had a genuine mandate and that was stolen from us, we demanded our democratic and constitutional right of probe into 4 constituencies for 14 months, the tribunals opened 14 of our requests other than our demanded ones, and there we found massive rigging, what exactly will completion of this tenure will bring good upon us? same was said that its a great achievement that democratic govt has completed its tenure, what good did it bring, another Zardari like idiot who rigged elections? and now wants to complete his tenure to loot and plunder the country?

you cry whatever you wish, you bring whatever conspiracy theories you wish, we will voice against injustice.. and will try to change the way things work..
I agree with what you have said. I am saying the very same thing. Illegally deposing an elected government is not going to be the answer these delusional fools think.

I know you are saying the same thing. The sad part is, these people are after destroying their own country and that's wrong. It doesn't make sense to harm 200 million people's work, well being, education and the economy and more than anything, innocent lives.
I know you are saying the same thing. The sad part is, these people are after destroying their own country and that's wrong. It doesn't make sense to harm 200 million people's work, well being, education and the economy and more than anything, innocent lives.

The pursuit of power is a selfish endeavor in Pakistan, obviously. Who cares about the country? The self is above all else.

firstly your whole conspiracy theory brushed with illegal word is not helping your theory.. as apart from Kakar intervention, all were legal ways, its only because our governments are not elected but come through rigging or settlement..

PTI being the only force that had a genuine mandate and that was stolen from us, we demanded our democratic and constitutional right of probe into 4 constituencies for 14 months, the tribunals opened 14 of our requests other than our demanded ones, and there we found massive rigging, what exactly will completion of this tenure will bring good upon us? same was said that its a great achievement that democratic govt has completed its tenure, what good did it bring, another Zardari like idiot who rigged elections? and now wants to complete his tenure to loot and plunder the country?

you cry whatever you wish, you bring whatever conspiracy theories you wish, we will voice against injustice.. and will try to change the way things work..

What mandate? That is only a claim. PTI never had enough seats to form a government, even with recounts.
The pursuit of power is a selfish endeavor in Pakistan, obviously. Who cares about the country? The self is above all else.

What mandate? That is only a claim. PTI never had enough seats to form a government, even with recounts.

tou bhai ham tou 14 months say keh rahe hain jhota sabit karo... kyon nahi kartay? its about principle not forming govt, we could have been an effective opposition, but that too was given to NRO partner PPP.

so that is why we have risen against rigging and for electoral reforms... and unearthing this conspiracy of rigging by ex-CJ, Najam Sethi and Nawaz group.
What is happening is not good for Pakistan, that is the problem.

And let me clearly say one thing:

Just as I said that PTI will not win the elections, I am sorry to say that even if it now is able to force a new government of its liking into power, all the issues that it has promised to resolve will still remain. The mechanisms for delivering on such promises by anybody simply do not exist in Pakistan anymore.

@batmannow @Leader
IK is now controlled by Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Tareen ets, IK itself has no writ on Party matters so we are watching this day when PTI denied to listen opposition leader too. Just like that Qadri is controlled be exiled PMLN memebrs and Ch. Brothers so in fact old rivals against each other. Question is here, what will be future of young and talented followers of PTI who joined to do sth and for Naya Pakistan? I am sorry to say that IK made so many promises and revolutionary ideas to bring change in KPK but did these old habitual political scum allowed IK to do what he wants?

Being a little sympathizer to PMLN i supports them for better and prosperous Pakistan but it doesn't means that he is saint and many time i am criticizing his policies, mode of government and lack of share of power with parties having people mandate.

I believe that IK and his early formed PTI is the 3rd upcoming political party after PPP & PMLN but it's grabbed by corrupted politicians in second front row.

As situation is developing, emotional counter measures are natural but i believe that PTI should adopt constitutional way where every person of this nation get a model to behave in political assemblies and it will be your success.
tou bhai ham tou 14 months say keh rahe hain jhota sabit karo... kyon nahi kartay? its about principle not forming govt, we could have been an effective opposition, but that too was given to NRO partner PPP.

That burden of proof is on PTI to prove its mandate, not for others to prove its claim wrong.

The ECP is the certifying authority for the election, and that is where redress lies, not on the streets.
firstly your whole conspiracy theory brushed with illegal word is not helping your theory.. as apart from Kakar intervention, all were legal ways, its only because our governments are not elected but come through rigging or settlement..

PTI being the only force that had a genuine mandate and that was stolen from us, what exactly will completion of this tenure will bring good upon us?

you cry whatever you wish, you bring whatever conspiracy theories you wish, we will voice against injustice.. and will try to change the way things work..

WTH are you talking about??? Where you win (KPK) it was all legal (because of IK's Pashtun ethnicity) and where you lose (elsewhere in the country), it is rigging? What is wrong with you guys? You can't have ONE decent fact based argument for over 15 minutes and then propaganda without basis kicks in.
You guys were never in the shape to win the entire elections and you never will. Cheating and violence is your motto and the constant lies on here and everywhere else tell sensible people the kind of meat you guys are made out of. And it's not in the best of your country at all.

You'll scare off investors, you'll hit bankruptcy and you'll then take the country back with your violent tactics. Even if you came to power, you'll still blame others for what you can't do. Your leaders are inept.
How is this that IK wanted to talk to murderers (Talibans) who've barbarically killed thousands of people across the globe. But IK wanted to be friends with them and "discuss" peace as they have a huge Pashtun population. But here, as a responsible leader he can't talk to the democratically elected leaders to resolve this issue and to avoid innocents getting killed (so many have already been killed in the recent days)????

Leaders always make sure their people are safe and the country can move forward. People that threaten the country, its institutions for their own purposes and for the hunger of power, aren't leaders. They are traitors and murders of innocent people that got killed in violence that IK is spreading. Jail should be the ONLY place for anyone who harms public safety and risks innocent lives and a country's progress. Either you need education or psychiatric help to stat seeing things with common sense!

Also, show me a list of projects in KPK with status and how they have helped people since IK got elected. And I'll give you a list of projects, investments and the work done so you can see the difference. IK can't bring an individual savings account from overseas unless its his wife (And from what I know, she hates his egoistic guts too). But show me progress, not propaganda and lies!
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