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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.


یہ کیسی یہودی لابی ہے ؟ جو ماؤں کو یہ ترغیب دے رہی ہے کہ اپنے بچوں کو ترجمے کے ساتھ قران پاک پڑھائیں؟ نظریہ پاکستان کو سمجھنے کے لئے اقبال کو پڑھیں ؟

لعنت ہے ان جاہل ذہنی غلاموں پر جو صرف میٹرو بس اور سڑکوں کی باتیں سن کر ہی خوش رهتے ہیں

Why would the angel do that? Considering Nawaz being nurtured by those same angels? Hint: Zia-ul-Haq being his political-father.

IK say truth
every Muslim family read Holy Quran with Urdu or eve language & read Iqbal for Pakistan ......
Is any Jew like if we do these things......
So the angels are in to save their nurtured-mamu from the wrath of public?

The "Angels" will win it all, just you wait and see. NS will play in his sandbox as he is told or he will be found guilty of the Model Town killings. The case will drag on as long as needed to ensure his meek compliance.
It doesn't matter now. The circus is on its Final Act anyway:

Nawaz close to reaching deal with Army: WSJ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

i think this is not circus coz there are middle class and educated peoples in PTI & Qadri march.
If we assign them as joker than we own Master , Mphil or PHD degrees...

If fake degree ruling on us why we not make strategies for our future.

We are free to chose our own way, our life's, our destinations,

So we found our elder and parental support in all imp decisions so we dont making joke.

Why we do not see Pakistan as energetic country, some time i am very upset on it , why we do not compete or lead on other countries why
think about it ,
leave your personal affiliations coz you have enough for you self but this country is our life line.......
i think this is not circus coz there are middle class and educated peoples in PTI & Qadri march.
If we assign them as joker than we own Master , Mphil or PHD degrees...

If fake degree ruling on us why we not make strategies for our future.

We are free to chose our own way, our life's, our destinations,

So we found our elder and parental support in all imp decisions so we dont making joke.

Why we do not see Pakistan as energetic country, some time i am very upset on it , why we do not compete or lead on other countries why
think about it ,
leave your personal affiliations coz you have enough for you self but this country is our life line.......

Sorry if it offends you, but all these people were just part of the three ring circus that is being wrapped up now. That is the sad truth.
Its not the matter of whether the government will allow or not allow. its what they are offering. and they have offered key positions to PTI in the committe to do the investigations under their supervision. you have to give a chance to these things.

also, to get to what you are asking, resignation of NS will not help. government has to go, because you cant guarantee investigations under the government.

furthermore, same rigging happened in sindh/karachi. that means MQM/PPP will loose everything. but they are very aligning themselves with IK demand. the question is, why? why would they allow investigation into rigging? Geo made videos of rigging and ballot stuffing in karachi.

also, IK came to power in KP based on the same elections. why did he accept that mandate and made his government?

finally, the question is, why the quest for one person removal? this is what is extremely shadowy. now, army is pushing government to resolve this quickly instead of telling *both* of them to be flexible.

this is not about election rigging. this crisis is made elsewhere and for a different purpose.
That is just your opinion, it doesn't mean it's true that it is happening for a different purpose.

IK and Dr Qadri are meeting with army chief now so lets see what happens.

I would rather have IK as prime minster instead of Nawaz, but if you think otherwise then you need to open your eyes.
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