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PTI threatens to block NATO supply


No, KPK represents the anger and disgust all of us feel about the drone strikes. Yanks must stop killing our people,the message is loud and clear.
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This is the beginning of ending US influence in Pakistan.

Imran is clever, this is not just against the physical presence around drones, it is the control apparatus set up in Pakistan by the US which dictates to the govt.

Dear M2S,

You can review our recent history and see that it was Pakistan’s decision to block the NATO supply route, and ultimately, it was their own decision to reopen the routes. And please keep in mind the supply routes were blocked for seven months. It would be simply false to imply that the U.S. “dictates” Pakistan. It is no secret that we did not see eye to eye in the past, but our nations continue to communicate and coordinate in order to prevent past mistakes from recurring. We must remain positive in regards to the future of our relationship and continue to build on our improving relationship. We’ve seen and experienced the negatives of staying on the opposite sides of the fence. We reiterate what former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said then: "The Foreign Minister and I were reminded that our troops -- Pakistani and American -- are in a fight against a common enemy. We are both sorry for losses suffered by both our countries in this fight against terrorists. We have enhanced our counter-terrorism cooperation against terrorists that threaten Pakistan and the United States, with the goal of defeating Al-Qaida in the region. America respects Pakistan's sovereignty and is committed to working together in pursuit of shared objectives on the basis of mutual interests and mutual respect. Our countries should have a relationship that is enduring, strategic and carefully defined, and that enhances the security and prosperity of both our nations and the region.” Pakistan's Former Ambassador to the United States, Sherry Rehman, responded: "I am confident that both countries can agree on many critical issues, especially on bringing peace to the region."

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

No, KPK represents the anger and disgust all of us feel about the drone strikes. Yanks must stop killing our people,the message is loud and clear.

Unfortunately such is the mentality of our follow countrymen who are quick to label you a taliban supporter/sympathiser if you speak against drones.

These are the same people who objected to us changing the name of our province to afghania, they argued that such name will encourage Afghanistan to lay claim to this land, discouraging the fact that we are the most patriotic and loyal people, unlike those who say Hindu Muslim is same, same eating habits, same people just separated by a boundary it is ok for them to have their province called punjab, hypocrites they are by birth.

No Pakistani will feel pain of a pukhtoon as much as another pukhtoon, we have learnt that over the years, therefore blood is thicker then water.
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PTI is wasting time on drones.....they should talk with army on this, if army refuse to stop collaborating with america, then they should accept the decision of faujis and focus on other issues.

Drones is just one chapter of war on terror, it is not root cause of any thing. Drones troubles TTP, hafiz gul bahadur, haqqani network, IMU , alqaida and other terrorists....while they are less of a concern for common tribals.
Unfortunately such is the mentality of our follow countrymen who are quick to label you a taliban supporter/sympathiser if you speak against drones.

These are the same people who objected to us changing the name of our province to afghania, they argued that such name will encourage Afghanistan to lay claim to this land, discouraging the fact that we are the most patriotic and loyal people, unlike those who say Hindu Muslim is same, same eating habits, same people just separated by a boundary it is ok for them to have their province called punjab, hypocrites they are by birth.

No Pakistani will feel pain of a pukhtoon as much as another pukhtoon, we have learnt that over the years, therefore blood is thicker then water.

Why you are expecting sympathies from others?.........dont be so sentimental, there are many nice non-pakhtun pakistanis who have good opinions about pakhtuns and would stand side by side with you...while there also bad apples among pakhtuns who would harm you more than any one....and blood is thicker than water is not true for pakhtuns, they behave like baradran-e-yousaf with each other.
Why you are expecting sympathies from others?.........dont be so sentimental, there are many nice non-pakhtun pakistanis who have good opinions about pakhtuns and would stand side by side with you...while there also bad apples among pakhtuns who would harm you more than any one....and blood is thicker than water is not true for pakhtuns, they behave like baradran-e-yousaf with each other.

I don't expect sympathy, what i expect is pukhtoon revolution.
I don't expect sympathy, what i expect is pukhtoon revolution.

Pakhtun revolution?......we saw communist saur inqilab and witnessed deaths of three million pakhtuns in Afghanistan....then we saw extremist taliban revolution which degenerated into terrorism....go back to past little further, there was surkh-posh inqilab of khudai khidmatgars, they ended up as traitors of pakistan...

We dont need a revolution, we need "islah", corrections and guidance and good leaders to lead us.
I wish if PTI could had won majority of seats

I am sure JFT would have now a confirmed kill of 1 Predator by now.


PTI has no mandate to decide over drones so take it easy, just public consumption colours & bubbles.
Pakhtun revolution?......we saw communist saur inqilab and witnessed deaths of three million pakhtuns in Afghanistan....then we saw extremist taliban revolution which degenerated into terrorism....go back to past little further, there was surkh-posh inqilab of khudai khidmatgars, they ended up as traitors of pakistan...

We dont need a revolution, we need "islah", corrections and guidance and good leaders to lead us.

The revolution i seek is education, business, health, cutting edge technology, top notch infrastructure, power of financial might and influence, a belonging, a land we can call our own, where i don't have to call my self a pukhtoon but just a Pakistani, land where i don't get treated differently, a land where all are same, all are equal, a land that protects its people, a land where i don't have to feel a minority, a land where my blood is not cheaper then my fellow countrymans.

Our message is clean and simple,to you and to those working 'for you' in our establishment and political structure. Stop drone strikes on our soil,it only breeds more terrorists.

When you suggest that the US doesn't 'dictate', given the history of the US Pakistan ties it sounds more like a cynical joke than anything else.

Pakistani govt has been acting as a stooge to the capital hill. They have been busy in undermining our national interests in order to serve 'The champion of freedom and liberty'.

You are fighting a war of revenge upon Muslims,regardless how strongly your highly effective media tries to hide it. You claim to kill 'militants' in one Muslim country and support 'Millitants' in another Muslim country,if and when it suits your agenda and strategic objectives.

Neo Colonialism has limits, one day Pakistanis are going to come out on the streets and no puppet,no drones,no military aid,no golf tours to generals,no engineered elections,no arab monarchy is going to be able to send them back...

Any way it means nothing to you,as youre doing what you have got to do to get the pay cheque.

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What exactly will the federal government do? They have people power to back them, they can't send the Army to attack a provincial government either.

We discussed this issue so many times and you know that federal government will not do that even if they want because drones are not one sided action as Pakistan also involved for its own interests. There are two acceptable scenarios where PTI has to proceed rather then such maulajut type fires in the air;

1. Help and negotiate with federal government to draw this hidden missions on paper as agreement which can be acceptable for all sides and getting surety from involved partied to avoid any innocent casualties and more over convince people in favour of drones used only to eliminate terrorists.

2. While PMLN in federal government means facing much national & international complications so one ever should play beyond the line of compromise and it could be PTI and PMLN will directly and indirectly follow the way which was also inner voice of all Pakistanis & politicians including PMLN and i think it will push federal government to be free from chronic traditional mode of dealings.
Yes if they don't take it through KPK then nothing can be done... But you're assuming there is only one supply route, there are two.


The Kabul Supply route can be blocked. At least KPK people won't facilitate the enemies of Pakistan, if the other provinces want to continue their anti-Pak activity they can. PTI can't do anything about it.

I have seen NATO trucks carrying military vehicles, at mianwali - talagang road!
This route is not given in your map!

Anyway, in no circumstance Pakistan shall use its taxpayers money to fuel Indian contractors and consulate in Afghanistan.
All petrol going to Indian contractors shall be closely controlled and shall be charged to Indians same as Pakistanis are charged.
Enough with subsidies.
I have seen NATO trucks carrying military vehicles, at mianwali - talagang road!
This route is not given in your map!

Anyway, in no circumstance Pakistan shall use its taxpayers money to fuel Indian contractors and consulate in Afghanistan.
All petrol going to Indian contractors shall be closely controlled and shall be charged to Indians same as Pakistanis are charged.
Enough with subsidies.

It's just some random map I searched over google images. And don't say no way - its yes way. Nato Supply route is the future's Indian supply route. Aagay agay dekhiaye, hum thallay lagnay ki new new heights hit kareinge.
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