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Drones are just there because, political govt wasnt strong enough to fight terror in that region, thats the basic fault which it cant undo now?I think establishment in Rawalpindi, which is a partner in this unnecessary war in on terror, must be listening to these statements.
I want KPK government to succeed and deliver on promises but as soon as KPK government even intends to take such step, establishment will come into action and with the manipulation in the assembly, will unseat PTI government.
If you cant clean your mess, nobody is going to accept it in the world instead with all the powers in thier hands, the will be doing all they can in thier own way, thats what is happening right now in KpK?
Political parties like PTI needs to tell peoples of KpK that with terrorism they cant stop drones bazzing in the skies, & anyone of them willing to stop drone attacks, should surrender himself to the provincial police, instead fighting it?
Decesion to be with US in the war on terror was wrong? Really criminal?
What should musharaf could hve done thn, declaring war against USA & 42 other countries?
Accepting mullaha omar & OBL amir,s of pakistan?lol
Unnecessary war OBL found in abotabad ?even long after musharaf gone?
Should be colabrated with alqaeada in war of terror, back thn?
Its really funny!
Do you want bait-ullha- mehsood the new CM of KpK & your khattak khan as his political secretry?
Establishment didnt stopped the damocrazly elected govt to even give up swat, it only took it back from the mullha FM was thats the crime of the establishment?