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PTI protests against NW operation !


Sep 7, 2010
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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has warned the government for extending military operation in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) terming it fatal for the integrity and security of the country.

Addressing the demonstrations in front of the Parliament House on Tuesday evening, PTI leaders demanded of the govt to halt the operation forthwith. They also alleged the govt for working on foreign agenda for their petty vested interests
it is likely that Pakistan army may not conduct ground operation but rather on intelligence sharing with USA, pursue Air strikes as probably dictated by Mullen...
By govt. does IK mean the PA/ISI, because its these institutions that took the decision.
Sometimes I feel Imran Khan is just an attention wh*re .
Plz dont get me wrong

what will you about your own interior minister what is the name of that fu"***** bastard

---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Sometimes I feel Imran Khan is just an attention wh*re .
Plz dont get me wrong

and cut the habit of trolling the topic
the people that have created havoc (killed thousands of innocent people) in the country organize and train in that region, if PTI had any sense of right or wrong they would support their army and nation to kill those bastards instead of b!tching about everything

Btw great patriotism imran khan -_-
Instead of supporting our troops and the armed forces in their hour of need this lunatic (Imran Khan and his charade) is blabbering recklessly in support of barbaric, insane and inhumane animals. This shows how competent this fool is on matters of national security.

We all need to support our troops FFS. They are going in to battle for our country's tomorrow.
Sometime I believe IK is just like CPM in India, they are always on the wrong side.
in this time we cant stretched our forces further. we have a worst enemy waiting at eastern border and TTP in SWA plus Bla in balochistan. this operation in NWA would be a sucidal for Pakistan in these conditions.
i agree IK on this point.
Pakistan must launch NWA operation but time must be decided very carefully. Nato on the other hand is supporting , helping these terrorists when we attack them they scape to afghanistan. so pak army have to keep these points in mind before surrendering any order from AAQA america.

Cut the crape will you? How many did your loving American and British have killed in thirst of imperialism, you can't blame them because they've provided you a luxury life and you as a citizen of that country don't give a damn whatever happens in other parts of the world and humanity? Are you?

Pakistan was a peaceful country but as soon as the Americans landed in Afghanistan they made a hell out of our country. And these operations has never bearded any fruits for our society. People becomes IDPs, they get stressed, oppressed, and harrassed on the name of Aid which they don't get as a result their men in hunt of food starts making crimes, and the families who's guardians become lost/dead in these operations, their women starts doing nasty things in order to feed her kids - becomes a greater menace for the society as a whole.

You and the likes don't know a jack about the ground realities and suddenly jumps to conclusion. You come to Peshawar and see these IDPs have taken protection and see how miserable life they are living. There were use to be a few beggars on the street, nowadays there are thousands of them, now how come this number increased in the past 2-3 years is the result of those bloody operations,. The international community gives aid but this aid doesn't reach these people.

Before spewing any of your venom, I dare you and the like to come visit these tribals areas and the condition those people are in will give you a clear picture of what these operations do to these people. But the corrupted hypocrite media only shows one side of the image that the area has been cleared off the crooks hiding what really has/had happened to the citizens.

The tribals knows one thing - you kill my brother, I kill you - if I can't kill you, i'll go for your son, brother, father, cousin one way or the other I'll have to take revenge and since America is far far away from here and they don't have the resources to reach there, they go for the people who made it possible for the Americans to kill his brother, and that is Pakistan who made it possible for the Americans to kill his brother, so ultimately they go after Pakistan and Pakistanis.
Any operation on American orders will be a complete failure.
Forget American orders for a moment and think about the acts of terrorism taking place inside Pakistan. This is OUR war.

People in tribal regions are mainly responsible for giving shelter to all kinds of social rejects (terrorists) from Afghanistan and other nations under their ancient custom of mehman nawazi. The entire nation is now paying the price of this mehman nawazi.

These terrorists have taken full advantage of mehman nawazi and anti-American sentiments of local people and played havoc inside Pakistan.

It is time for Pakistani nation to realize its mistakes and do something about terrorism. Military operation in North Waziristan is 100% justified.
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