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PTI Karachi Jalsa - Discussion.

For that matter every Pakistani'''''
Pakistan is for every Pakistani.
Nonsense talk. Please do not threat other country fellows.

Sir...I never threatened anyone nor I am capable of.

@Farah Sohail @Bilal. That pro Khan journalist said/implied that Powers that be want SS to be PM till Oct at all costs even if country gets split/break up.....So, I was wondering how country would break up if SS remains in power till Oct ? Some Khan followers are acting weird since this whole crisis - didn't they burn flags/passports? read somewhere.


Anyone who wants to leave Pakistan - can leave.

@PakSword I said that in general sense - directed towards all those who are talking of balkanization/ethnic nationalism since the ouster of Khan.

Nothing is forever. Including Imran Khan, Pakistan, rest of the world, plus you, and me.

I get what you tried to say here :)

It's massive indeed! MQM is likely finished now.

A Karachi based Journalist/Political Analyst Mazhar Abbas has said recently today.

If MQM gets failed in making PPP implement that agreement (Local Bodies and job quota) then MQM will be hit very hard.
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