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PTI Karachi Jalsa - Discussion.


My brother is there in the Jalsa right now. He just sent me a What'sApp message. I told him to 'Please Stay safe. I don't support Imran Khan anymore and neither do I support the Opposition'.

I had seen very large political gatherings in Karachi in the 1980s where another demagogue Altaf Hussein would address millions--I mean I recall THREE MILLION people! And Altaf would say something like 'After I say 1 - 2 - 3 you all would be silent?' And indeed there would be a pin drop silence! I had stopped my support for Altaf soon because I correctly and early saw signs of Fascism in him while he was on the zenith of his power. Fascists like him and Imran don't appeal to me!

Of course you loyalty is with USA so it's understandable.
I think Jalsas are not gonna cut it.
In Lahore he should give a call to do sit -ins in the whole country

Pak politics is a very very dirty game. The more time you give these crooks, the less chances of getting success.

But if you are a believer... Allah always helps!
No doubt its the biggest jalsa in Karachi for a very long time. Now these jalsa's need to be translated into revolution.

Patwari's after consuming Khota nihari, Only 40-50 people were there at Jalsa, its not a Jalsa but jalsi :rofl:
Mate trying to reason with Godfather minions is like banging your head against the wall.
This is the latest in the long list of narrative that has been built against him:

- Tanga party. Will never come to power
- Yahoodi agent
- Taliban Khan
- PPP’s B team

And do on and so forth… and now he is a fascist🙃

I never called him those names. But, yes, he is a Fascist! ;)

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