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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

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February 23, 2012

Imran Khan vows to hold talks with Taliban to end war on terrorism

Cricketer-turned-politician hosts fund-raising dinner in Dubai


Imran Khan during the fund-raising event for the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust at the Atlantis Hotel. Khan said it was important for Pakistan to get out of the war on terrorism as the country had already lost $50 billion (Dh183.6 billion) in the last ten years leading to the economic crisis.

Pakistan's new political sensation Imran Khan has said that he can negotiate with the Taliban to end the "so-called war on terrorism" if he is given the mandate to do so.

"I can talk to them [the Taliban] if the government and parties concerned sanction this and ask me to get involved. I am ready to talk to them in the best interest of the country because this war is ‘burying' Pakistan," Khan told Gulf News on the sidelines of a fund-raising dinner for his Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (SKMT) which runs a cancer hospital in Lahore. The event was held at the Atlantis Hotel on Palm Jumeirah in Dubai and was attended by more than 1,000 people from different nationalities, mainly the Pakistani elite in the UAE.

Reacting to a question about the Taliban's move to open an office in Qatar, Khan said there was no harm in it as it was the first positive step towards holding talks with them. "I told the world some eight years ago that there was no military solution to this problem as the only way out is to hold talks and settle it politically but at that time they called me ‘Taliban Khan' but now they all agree with me as they could not win this so-called war on terrorism," he said.

Solution in talking

Khan said it was important for Pakistan to get out of the US war on terrorism because the country had already suffered losses to the tune of $50 billion (Dh183.6 billion) during the last ten years leading to economic crisis, poverty and instability. "The sooner we get out of this war, the quicker Pakistan will get back on its feet," he added.

He said he could find a solution by talking to them because he knows the areas and the people.

Khan, who is also chairman of his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) or Justice Movement, strongly condemned the tabling of a bill earlier this month in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to ‘recognise the right to self-determination for Balochistan. "The US has no right to talk about this issue as it is sheer interference in Pakistan's internal affairs and I strongly condemn it," he said.

Khan is holding talks with Baloch leaders including the separatist groups who want to see a separate Balochistan.

"We have understood each other and I will give a package to resolve the Balochistan issue in my public rally scheduled to be held in Quetta, Balochistan, on April 10," he added. Khan, who is vying to win the next general elections, said that his youth revolution which he termed a "tsunami" will sweep the next general elections.

He has strongly emerged as a third political option in Pakistan and has become a household name after his two mammoth rallies in Lahore and Karachi.

Khan slowed down his political campaign after a December 25 rally in Karachi because his party was busy preparing a new constitution and policy papers on key issues in Pakistan, he said.

He said he was also restructuring his party and doing re-organisational work appointing office-bearers all over the country and deciding about candidates for the next general elections. He will present his first policy paper on energy at the energy conference to be organised by his party on February 26.

gulfnews : Imran Khan vows to hold talks with Taliban to end war on terrorism
The Express Tribune
Switching allegiance: PTI's Tahir Rasheed switches over to PML-N

MULTAN: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) caused a stir among the likes of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and the Pakistan Peoples Party, signing their lieutenants and even some generals left right and centre, however, it continues at the cost of bleeding some of its own members.

Tahir Rasheed, a former member national assembly had joined PTI about six months ago from the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q). However, after coming into the party fold, he did not like the way the party operated, ultimately contributing to his resignation from membership. He announced his decision to switch over to PML-N in Multan on Friday.

Rasheed blamed Imran Khan of playing politics of hypocrisy. He claimed that Khan had been adding corrupt leaders in PTI and has been defaming the slogan of change.

He said that it was the wish of his mother to be a part of PML-N.

Sources close to Rasheed told The Express Tribune that he wanted Javed Hashmi’s spot after the veteran politician resigned from PML-N late last year. Rasheed had decided to switch over to the PML-N after spotting this space on the PML-N platform in Multan.

Rasheed had started his political career from PML (N) before joining PML-Q. He then joined the PTI late last year.

Incidentally, he had been nominated for contesting a seat for the Punjab assembly in the next general elections and the executive council was expected to finalise his ticket for PP 194 to contest elections on behalf of PTI before he made the switch.

PML-N’s Hamza Shehbaz welcomed the Tahir Rasheed’s decision.
Switching allegiance: PTI’s Tahir Rasheed switches over to PML-N – The Express Tribune

Now That's Intresting...!!!
PTI appeals to people to boycott by-polls
Last Updated On 20 February,2012 About3 minutes ago
PTI leaders appealed to people to boycott by-elections to be held on February 25.

In a joint press conference in Multan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders Javed Hashmi and Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that politicians were protecting their own interests and were giving priority to self instead of national interest, therefore people should boycott the coming by-polls.

Javed Hashmi said that all political parties agreed on his name as presidential candidate but Nawaz Sharif did not accept it. Hashmi said that PPP and PML-N were using backdoor policy.

Vice Chairman PTI Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that President Zardri negotiated with him after calling him to the presidency but he did not sell his self esteem.

Both the leaders strongly condemned the human rights violations in Balochistan and voiced for limited role of army in the troubled province.
Dunya News: Pakistan:p:TI appeals to people to boycott by-polls...

Now...Let's See how Strong 'Tsunami' Call is....
February 23, 2012

Imran Khan vows to hold talks with Taliban to end war on terrorism

Cricketer-turned-politician hosts fund-raising dinner in Dubai


Imran Khan during the fund-raising event for the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust at the Atlantis Hotel. Khan said it was important for Pakistan to get out of the war on terrorism as the country had already lost $50 billion (Dh183.6 billion) in the last ten years leading to the economic crisis.

Pakistan's new political sensation Imran Khan has said that he can negotiate with the Taliban to end the "so-called war on terrorism" if he is given the mandate to do so.

"I can talk to them [the Taliban] if the government and parties concerned sanction this and ask me to get involved. I am ready to talk to them in the best interest of the country because this war is ‘burying' Pakistan," Khan told Gulf News on the sidelines of a fund-raising dinner for his Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (SKMT) which runs a cancer hospital in Lahore. The event was held at the Atlantis Hotel on Palm Jumeirah in Dubai and was attended by more than 1,000 people from different nationalities, mainly the Pakistani elite in the UAE.

Reacting to a question about the Taliban's move to open an office in Qatar, Khan said there was no harm in it as it was the first positive step towards holding talks with them. "I told the world some eight years ago that there was no military solution to this problem as the only way out is to hold talks and settle it politically but at that time they called me ‘Taliban Khan' but now they all agree with me as they could not win this so-called war on terrorism," he said.

Solution in talking

Khan said it was important for Pakistan to get out of the US war on terrorism because the country had already suffered losses to the tune of $50 billion (Dh183.6 billion) during the last ten years leading to economic crisis, poverty and instability. "The sooner we get out of this war, the quicker Pakistan will get back on its feet," he added.

He said he could find a solution by talking to them because he knows the areas and the people.

Khan, who is also chairman of his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) or Justice Movement, strongly condemned the tabling of a bill earlier this month in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to ‘recognise the right to self-determination for Balochistan. "The US has no right to talk about this issue as it is sheer interference in Pakistan's internal affairs and I strongly condemn it," he said.

Khan is holding talks with Baloch leaders including the separatist groups who want to see a separate Balochistan.

"We have understood each other and I will give a package to resolve the Balochistan issue in my public rally scheduled to be held in Quetta, Balochistan, on April 10," he added. Khan, who is vying to win the next general elections, said that his youth revolution which he termed a "tsunami" will sweep the next general elections.

He has strongly emerged as a third political option in Pakistan and has become a household name after his two mammoth rallies in Lahore and Karachi.

Khan slowed down his political campaign after a December 25 rally in Karachi because his party was busy preparing a new constitution and policy papers on key issues in Pakistan, he said.

He said he was also restructuring his party and doing re-organisational work appointing office-bearers all over the country and deciding about candidates for the next general elections. He will present his first policy paper on energy at the energy conference to be organised by his party on February 26.

gulfnews : Imran Khan vows to hold talks with Taliban to end war on terrorism

I still think he lacks strategy to bring an end to this war. I mean what should we do for the traitor Hakeemullah Mahsud who does not want to talk.

But I still support Imran Khan. Everyone should who believes in change.

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"All our national life stooges of the past and present colonial masters have led us. Their contribution has been merely to mortgage our children's future and short change our dignity by making compromises under the guise of the much-abused supreme national interest."

Our Ideology

As a nation we cannot progress as long as our economy depends on handouts from international lenders and donors. The policies of international lenders have strangulated the capacity of the ordinary citizen to live a life of dignity. We must strive for self-reliance. The goal of self-reliance does not in any way imply that we isolate ourselves from the global economy. It only shows our conviction that by restoring the trust of the people in public institutions we can harness their potential and mobilize them for a better tomorrow.

We offer a new and credible leadership that is committed to restoring Pakistan's political and economic sovereignty by building a new bond of trust between the government and the people. Only through the active participation of the people can we collectively mobilize our human and material resources to forge ahead on the road to a confident and self-reliant nation.

We are committed to political stability through credible democracy, transparency in government and accountability of leadership. We believe in federalism and functional autonomy to the provinces.

We strive a moderate society that banishes hatred and religious bigotry. We are focused on addressing the root causes of religious extremism, which are injustice, poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy while Islam and the Two-Nation Theory remain the bedrock of Pakistan's foundations, religious dogma must not be used to whip up passions to create fear in society. On the contrary, a truly Islamic society advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one's choice without fear. Sectarianism is a curse that must be eliminated from society.

Our family values bind society. We must preserve and strengthen them, as they are our strengths for the future. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice, it is the structure of the family that keeps the social fabric intact. Mere passing laws do not change ground realities that force parents to send their children to work. We cannot ignore the present dismal of the children in terms of their right to healthcare, nutrition, and education. Our mothers need to be healthy and educated to properly nurture our young.

An Islamic Society must care for its senior citizens who are most vulnerable. They need special attention and care as not only are they vulnerable, but also most valuable and yet most neglected part of society.

Pakistan is a great experiment in nurturing and sustaining political unity among diverse people based on common ideology. Despite the common strands of national unity, we have rich and diverse cultures, including those of the religious minorities. Cultural and ethnic diversity doesn't bring discord but makes our society rich and tolerant. We must nurture and allow every opportunity for this diversity of culture and traditions to flourish.

Our Mission

To establish a just society based on humane values while continuously upholding the self-esteem of the nation. The PTI will restore the sovereign and inalienable right of the people to choose political and economic options in accordance with our social, cultural, and religious values. We are broad-based movement for change whose mission is to create a free society based on justice. We know that national renewal is only possible if people are truly free.

Our leadership approaches the people with sincerity and a sense of history and we pledge to commitment to:

Freedom from Political, Economic and Mental Slavery - A self reliant modern Islamic Republic
Freedom from Injustice - Inexpensive and quick dispensation of justice
Freedom from Poverty - 50 percent increase in per capita income in 5 years
Freedom from Unemployment - Two million new jobs every year
Freedom from Homelessness - 2.0 lac new housing units every year and complete ownership right to millions living in Katchi Abadis
Freedom from Illiteracy - Full literacy in 5 years
Freedom to Generate Wealth
Freedom from Fear - Complete Freedom of thought and expression
Freedom for Women - Free education up to Matric for girls from poor households.
Equal right for minorities - no religious discrimination

Hope a better Pakistan - JOIN US:

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I think we may look on Mr Imran Khan as a future leader of India+Pakistan (may be including Afghanistan also). he has been a dreamed cricket captain of Indian continent and may lead India+Pakistan both in future. :cheers:

I do believe that Indian leaders like Mr Gandhi or Mr Nehru were the losers who lost cultural cities like Lahore and the place of origin of 5000 years old Indian culture, The Sindhu Ghati Culture, including Pak's part of Kashmir. Mr Jinnah might have some reasons for a separate state of Pakistan but Mr Gandhi also had good reasons why there might not be any partition of India. and I think till loosing Bangladesh, it was alright, but the time Pakistan comes in the position to lose any more part, (say Baluchistan, or north west states, or Pakistani Kashmir or even Karachi with its near area for Muhajir.), they would better declare Pakistan as a failed state after that. Mr Jinnah might have won over Mr Gandhi by getting a separate Pakistan but new generations of Pakistan have failed his dream, and in fact making Mr Gandhi winning over Mr Jinnah this way :meeting:. and the time it reachs its extreme, one more partition of Pakistan, it would then be better for today's pakistan to try to get united with India. but it may take over 10 to 15 years even if we start the process from today :agree:

but Im not really fan of Bangladesh, its overly populated and very poor. I won't like to see Bangladesh with India :no:. and also there is a religious equation of India which their leaders won't let get changed. Population of 'non-religious' India is 1.2bn with around 200mil muslims. and even if we add Pakistan+Afghanistan to India, total population of India would then be raised to 1.4bn with around 400mil muslims but it will come with too many strategic locations of Pakistan and Afghanistan, like Pak's Kashmir/ Sindh with Sindhu Ghati, with strategic location of Baluchistan and Afghanistan. but inclusion of Bangladesh in today's India would be rubbish :undecided:

but its only my opinion. also here, Pakistan's nationals will first have to dream for a state like Kazakhstan and dream to be very liberal like them and want to be like them. As, if Pakistan can become a good Islamic nation then they would continue as it is but if they can't help themselves from extremists, they would prefer to come with India with 'non-religious' dreams, I personally believe.............:meeting:

(I was encourged to make this post as we have exmaples of many Pakistani nationals who came to India and don't wish to go back. many Pakistani film stars, businessmen, cricketers, singers etc. its not just Mr Altaf Hussein who says partition of India was a mistake, but also many other like Veena Malik, Adnan Shami etc, I guess we do can imagine an India with Pakistan (also may be with Afghanistan?) and I would like to see people like Veena Malik, Adnan Sami etc as part of India :tup:

Adnan Sami

"Until then, yes, I do hold a Pakistani passport. Does that make me a Pakistani? We've an example of a very important and beloved leader (Sonia Gandhi) coming from Italy," he adds.

"How Italian would you consider this beloved leader who is dedicated to Indian politics?

Nationality is a state of mind. I am Indian. I dare anyone to prove otherwise," he says.

I think we may look on Mr Imran Khan as a future leader of India+Pakistan (may be including Afghanistan also). he has been a dreamed cricket captain of Indian continent and may lead India+Pakistan both in future. :cheers:

I do believe that Indian leaders like Mr Gandhi or Mr Nehru were the losers who lost cultural cities like Lahore and the place of origin of 5000 years old Indian culture, The Sindhu Ghati Culture, including Pak's part of Kashmir. Mr Jinnah might have some reasons for a separate state of Pakistan but Mr Gandhi also had good reasons why there might not be any partition of India. and I think till loosing Bangladesh, it was alright, but the time Pakistan comes in the position to lose any more part, (say Baluchistan, or north west states, or Pakistani Kashmir or even Karachi with its near area for Muhajir.), they would better declare Pakistan as a failed state after that. Mr Jinnah might have won over Mr Gandhi by getting a separate Pakistan but new generations of Pakistan have failed his dream, and in fact making Mr Gandhi winning over Mr Jinnah this way :meeting:. and the time it reachs its extreme, one more partition of Pakistan, it would then be better for today's pakistan to try to get united with India. but it may take over 10 to 15 years even if we start the process from today :agree:

but Im not really fan of Bangladesh, its overly populated and very poor. I won't like to see Bangladesh with India :no:. and also there is a religious equation of India which their leaders won't let get changed. Population of 'non-religious' India is 1.2bn with around 200mil muslims. and even if we add Pakistan+Afghanistan to India, total population of India would then be raised to 1.4bn with around 400mil muslims but it will come with too many strategic locations of Pakistan and Afghanistan, like Pak's Kashmir/ Sindh with Sindhu Ghati, with strategic location of Baluchistan and Afghanistan. but inclusion of Bangladesh in today's India would be rubbish :undecided:

but its only my opinion. also here, Pakistan's nationals will first have to dream for a state like Kazakhstan and dream to be very liberal like them and want to be like them. As, if Pakistan can become a good Islamic nation then they would continue as it is but if they can't help themselves from extremists, they would prefer to come with India with 'non-religious' dreams, I personally believe.............:meeting:

(I was encourged to make this post as we have exmaples of many Pakistani nationals who came to India and don't wish to go back. many Pakistani film stars, businessmen, cricketers, singers etc. its not just Mr Altaf Hussein who says partition of India was a mistake, but also many other like Veena Malik, Adnan Shami etc, I guess we do can imagine an India with Pakistan (also may be with Afghanistan?) and I would like to see people like Veena Malik, Adnan Sami etc as part of India :tup:

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