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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

Aitizaz Ahsan reaction
*Why they hate Imran Khan? A Short Note. Haider Mehdi. 1 Sep 2023*

He took away religion from the Molvis.

Took away Spirituality from the Sufis.

Took away intellectualism from the intellectuals.

Took away social welfare from the socialists/ leftists / communists.

Took away patriotism from the Military.

Took away machismo from the so called hulks.

Took away fame from the rich and famous.

Every man, father, husband, brother hates him because their wives, sisters and daughters fell madly in love with him! 😇

He left everybody without their pretentious personas.

Except the poor.

To whom he gives dignity and compassion and well being.

And the Youth to whom he gives hope and pride.

And the Nation to whom he gives self respect and honour!

He's a rare one. Value him. Save him. Fight for him. Sacrifice for him.

Salaams and Prayers
Haider Mehdi
I wonder if Imran Khan knows this song and sings it?

*Why they hate Imran Khan? A Short Note. Haider Mehdi. 1 Sep 2023*

He took away religion from the Molvis.

Took away Spirituality from the Sufis.

Took away intellectualism from the intellectuals.

Took away social welfare from the socialists/ leftists / communists.

Took away patriotism from the Military.

Took away machismo from the so called hulks.

Took away fame from the rich and famous.

Every man, father, husband, brother hates him because their wives, sisters and daughters fell madly in love with him! 😇

He left everybody without their pretentious personas.

Except the poor.

To whom he gives dignity and compassion and well being.

And the Youth to whom he gives hope and pride.

And the Nation to whom he gives self respect and honour!

He's a rare one. Value him. Save him. Fight for him. Sacrifice for him.

Salaams and Prayers
Haider Mehdi
I always had doubts about 6 Sept. Read a few old articles in the Washington public library...but all contradict what is shown in our media ... I would say war is game of win or lose or stalemate..... if you initiate then own it , the nation stands with you...even you lose.. Courage and decision count... .. the wrong decision is better than no decision.

Chairman Imran Khan's lawyer Latif Khosa Amazing Speech at Lawyers Convention​

With every age group , ...

I'm feeling the 2014-2018 PTI era of social media edits. That era was simultaneously so eerie and simplistic.

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