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PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

Oh bhai inkay saaray bosses, Army's upper cadre are all traitors. You can't be naive enough to think they are some rogue officers doing things without Mir Bajwa, chor commanders and that gawal mandi dalla Nadeem Anjum's knowledge.

You have misread my post. I didn't say that "only" these 2 are traitors. Of course, many many others are as well.
Imran Khan names Bajwa and the Corrupt torturing Generals and Faisal Brigadier like never before!.... Seems like Imran Khan is ready to face the fire this time... He is on 🔥 in this BBC interview....

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His naming shaming and saying no deal only his interested in election date.

The election needs to be soon not in 2 years. Otherwise asking for a date is worthless.
Pakistanis at Azadi March take collective oath that only supreme power is Allah سبحانه و تعالى ‎, we will not prostrate in front of false gods. We will follow constitution, protect Pakistan's sovereignty and do struggle (jihad) for Haqeeqi Azadi side by side with Imran Khan

Azadi March Day 3 will start from Muridke (in sha Allah)




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Sea of people heading to their destination

Clip from Imran Khan's interview last night on 92news

View attachment 889961

This is what the enemies fear. These fvckers would have already taken Imran Khan out of the equation a long time ago. They can't because Imran Khan has such massive support on the streets.

Imran Khan names Bajwa and the Corrupt torturing Generals and Faisal Brigadier like never before!.... Seems like Imran Khan is ready to face the fire this time... He is on 🔥 in this BBC interview....

The Pakistani army under the leadership of Bajwa has revealed its true self. A horrendous bunch that rule like an oppressor. An oppressive and tyrannical army is what the Pakistani army represents. A stooge army of Donald Lu.
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showbaz is on TV now telling reporters the army nurtured and propped up IK..imgaine a sharif saying that will keeping a straight face
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