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Proud of India, says Palestinian envoy

Don't test them my friend if they stop selling you weapons and military hardware you will be in trouble.
Besides this thread isn't about Pakistan so chill out

I know it is not about Pakistan but the mindset behind a Pakistani asking an israeli about their relationship with India. Why will they not sell to us? So tomorrow they'll stop trading with all the countries that voted against them. Israelis are very pragmatic. And India would have expalined their vote to israel before hand through diplomacy. So you take a chill pill, and try to get some credit at least from Palestine. They seem to be value our relationship more.
Buddy, it's going to take long, long time for that to happen. Sometimes I think the definition of success [private and public] is knowing what you real self interests are. It all boils down to that.

Bronx you say? I will take my "threesome" somwhere else. Me thinks.
My british friends love new york but definitely hate that place. Every 2nd to 3rd person is like charles bronson. That's right charles bronson. :-)

India's duplicity is well known...and they call it diplomacy.
India always voted for Arabs in UN. No one cares.
These votes are just for the sake of it. People keep forgetting that international diplomacy is too complex to be decided by just a vote at the UN. India has always maintained status quo even before there was any bilateral ties with Israel, so suddenly you cant expect a country to take a u turn on its decades old stance just to 'prove' your friendship. I am sure India and Israel strategic partnership is much beyond the vote. Ans leta give it time, soon we'll see how much these votes actually matter.
Looked after your interests? Then why cheer lead here for israelis? Why bash arabs? Pick a side already hypocrite and get over unhealthy obsession with Pakistan already. We don't rely on others to fight wars.

Tell me this. Why would India piss off a bunch of Islamic countries? What's that gonna' do for us? Israel doesn't make foreign policies based on emotions so that's barely a factor.

The "yindoo zionist" alliance is exaggerated beyond belief on this forum, that doesn't translate to the real world quite as well as you might believe.
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A lot off off topic posts and posts that violate the rules. Please follow the rules else membership will be taken away.
I know it is not about Pakistan but the mindset behind a Pakistani asking an israeli about their relationship with India. Why will they not sell to us? So tomorrow they'll stop trading with all the countries that voted against them. Israelis are very pragmatic. And India would have expalined their vote to israel before hand through diplomacy. So you take a chill pill, and try to get some credit from at least from Palestine. They seem to be courting India more.
What mindset? It's called a discussion. If indians can talk about Pakistan and china relations then what's wrong with me talking about Israel and india relations?
Tell me this. Why would India piss off a bunch of Islamic countries? What's that gonna' do for us? Israel doesn't make foreign policies based on emotions so that's barely a factor.

The "yindoo zionist" alliance is exaggerated beyond belief on this forum, that doesn't translate to real world quite well as you might believe.
Tell me this why does india try to piss off muslims from Islamic countries online? What will that do for you?
No it certainly doesn't
Well done india

Have to give india credit this time

The jews have got their claws deep into the U.S and the U.S is jumping through hoops putting its own prestige and influence on the line for the sake of israel

They needed a slap and rebuke which the world provided

Considering how much the indians suck israeli balls you would expect them to abstain like cowards or at least support their israeli friends

But no, india made the RIGHT CHOICE and sided against Israel/U.S
What mindset? It's called a discussion. If indians can talk about Pakistan and china relations then what's wrong with me talking about Israel and india relations?

Sure. I'll reserve the right to respond.
Seriously, I see no problem if he thanked India fro their Vote. Diplomatic norms for supporting each other on international level.

Questions is, what USA envoy said....any news????
Tell me this why does india try to piss off muslims from Islamic countries online? What will that do for you?
No it certainly doesn't
There's a difference between india and indians. I dont see any govt offical twitter account pissing off anyone but Indians with their antics.
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