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Protests break out in India over Quaid-e-Azam's portrait

Nothing is more important than the nation. NOT EVEN RELIGION. Its the people who keep religion above the nation, are the real danger.. in the longer run, I see them getting extint due to their narrow mindedness than the nation India, because India has survived wounds incomparable to any wound on any nation on the face of this earth and it still survives. If you go through the history of India, you will laugh these incidents (or the phase ) off.

I dont need to go back too long, only 70 years ago the country was divided in to two . 1100 million people ( i.e 1.1 Billion ) people in India earn less than 6 dollars day. Given the resources India had, even at the time of partition, the journey so far has been shameful to say the least. I like your optimism, but would appreciate if you have realistic approach to things.
such an insecure cuntry, threaten by a dead man's portrait.

like it is doing now LMAO
Changes come slow when most of the population is backward in mindset and want to stick to their religious and cultural norms.
He's not an ape, do not insult someone worth more than you and probably your whole family.

okay, I leave attack on my persona aside, but what made you think THE WHOLE RSS consist of apes?

I know there are crazy af guys in it, but there are few things which are good in their ideology. (hatred against muslim is not a good ideology, trust me)
I dont need to go back too long, only 70 years ago the country was divided in to two . 1100 million people ( i.e 1.1 Billion ) people in India earn less than 6 dollars day. Given the resources India had, even at the time of partition, the journey so far has been shameful to say the least. I like your optimism, but would appreciate if you have realistic approach to things.

Lol. How was partition bad for India ? It was a blessing in disguise it was partition that that actually paved the way for India to grow. We did not only get rid of the people who were not aligned with the longer vision of prosperous , united India but also it helped India to be always on its toe under the fear of attacks. This led to the growth. Oh wait.. did you say being realistic because 1.1 billion India earn 6 dollars a day ? such foolish statement sir, do you even know the currency in India ? evaluating INR against dollars ? if earning 6 dollars a day cheap in your country, 6 dollars a day in India will easily give them INR 12000 a month. But whats laughable is your figure of 1.1 billion and you talk about having realistic approach. LMAO. And wait what you call optimism, that my friend is called belief. You get that once you are living in an independent state without the need of a master state always on your head even after 70 years ;)
Nothing is more important than the nation. NOT EVEN RELIGION. Its the people who keep religion above the nation, are the real danger.. in the longer run, I see them getting extint due to their narrow mindedness than the nation India, because India has survived wounds incomparable to any wound on any nation on the face of this earth and it still survives. If you go through the history of India, you will laugh these incidents (or the phase ) off.
In that case do you sikhs believe in religion more or country?

Specially after the mass (rather public supported) insurgency that was started after 84 Op Blue Star and subsequent riots?

Also you being from panjab weren’t really part of Hindustan for most of our history.... from Persian empire till the panjabi state... so which wounds do you talk of? Ashoka butchering kaling?

That was a good dialogue but has no historic significance or basis.
When the British came you had almost 700 kingdoms in the subcontinent...
Jinnah or no Jinnah the land that is Pakistan was always going to return to its original form.

Check the below link and excerpt.


Why would you say that? Baccha Khan supported a united India.

Bacha Khan never had the support of his people, he was a no body, why would we be with India people who are racially, culturally different to us.

Jinnah was not even a Pakistani ethnically, he was a Gujju Baniya from Kathiyawar as far as i know.

Jinnah was a Lawer, he fought the case for Pakistan, he got us the result that’s about it, when you are looking for a good Lawer you don’t look at his ethnicity but his ability.

To us Indian Muslim or Hindu is the same, they are a same or similar racial group be it North Indian Muslim and Hindu or South Indian Muslim and Hindu, religion plays no factor here but race, so no love for both.

But had Pakistan been not created, Muslims would be ruling the entire Subcontinent. That was a lost opportunity. Even Jinnah used Pakistan as a bargaining chip but Nehru did not budge. Nehru was too ambitious and was worried that Jinnah would overshadow him.

Muslims never ruled the subcontinent but the Turco Iranic people did.
Muslims never ruled the subcontinent but the Turco Iranic people did.

Islam is religion while Turko-Iranic is ethnicity.

Islamic rulers ruled the subcontinent for 1000 years but now ended up having a small piece due to the big blunder made by Jinnah to create Pakistan.
Lol. How was partition bad for India ? It was a blessing in disguise it was partition that that actually paved the way for India to grow. We did not only get rid of the people who were not aligned with the longer vision of prosperous , united India but also it helped India to be always on its toe under the fear of attacks. This led to the growth. Oh wait.. did you say being realistic because 1.1 billion India earn 6 dollars a day ? such foolish statement sir, do you even know the currency in India ? evaluating INR against dollars ? if earning 6 dollars a day cheap in your country, 6 dollars a day in India will easily give them INR 12000 a month. But whats laughable is your figure of 1.1 billion and you talk about having realistic approach. LMAO. And wait what you call optimism, that my friend is called belief. You get that once you are living in an independent state without the need of a master state always on your head even after 70 years ;)
I can dissect your comment an reply to each argument but that would be waste of time on my part.

Here is my source. Do the maths. See the number of people earning less than 6 dollars a month. This report was published in 2017. Source : https://www.livemint.com/

The second graph below shows indian middle class , less than 5% of total population. There is a reason why thousand commit suicide in india as they cant sustain life.

Now stop being shameless Indian for a minute and see the chart at the top. This is not republic TV where you come and distort fact. We all know the reality of India, and the pain that India has from division of subcontinent is very obvious.

Now dont quote me again in your filthy posts. You are a waste of time. Another BJP IT sanghi.
Islam is religion while Turko-Iranic is ethnicity.

Islamic rulers ruled the subcontinent for 1000 years but now ended up having a small piece due to the big blunder made by Jinnah to create Pakistan.

That ethnicity ruled the religion never did, how can an Indian Muslim claim that to be their rule or for that matter some Pakistanis, that glorious history belongs to the turco iranic people way before Islam as well from kushans to huns and so on.
That ethnicity ruled the religion never did, how can an Indian Muslim claim that to be their rule or for that matter some Pakistanis.

Islam does not recognize caste or ethnicity. All the Islamic rulers whether they were Persians, Turks, Afghans, Mughals or South Indian have all ruled the land as per sharia as their guiding principle. Muslims could have continued to rule the subcontinent today had Jinnah did not create Pakistan. That was a great loss.
Islam does not recognize caste or ethnicity. All the Islamic rulers whether they were Persians, Turks, Afghans, Mughals or South Indian have all ruled the land as per sharia as their guiding principle. Muslims could have continued to rule the subcontinent today had Jinnah did not create Pakistan. That was a great loss.

Pakistan was the best thing ever, no Native Muslim ruled the subcontinent, no one native did, islam does recognises castes it doesn’t recognise one being better then other.
Yes we Indians thank him too for creating the present day Pakistan

Believe me, we don't want to mingle with you folks either.

okay, I leave attack on my persona aside, but what made you think THE WHOLE RSS consist of apes?

I know there are crazy af guys in it, but there are few things which are good in their ideology. (hatred against muslim is not a good ideology, trust me)

I only attacked you since you called him an ape, remember that.

The RSS are crazy, they have no good in them.

Muslims never ruled the subcontinent but the Turco Iranic people did.

Asalamu Alaikum

Those Turco-Iranic people were Muslim, so yes, Muslims did rule the sub-continent.

It's more of a Muslim than ethnic achievement since these Muslim rulers incorporated multiple ethnic groups into their fold, ranging from Turks to Bengalis.

no Native Muslim ruled the subcontinent, no one native did,


Did you forget about the Mughals?

Also, you do realise literally every major Muslim dynasty in this region intermarried with locals, right?
I can dissect your comment an reply to each argument but that would be waste of time on my part.

Here is my source. Do the maths. See the number of people earning less than 6 dollars a month. This report was published in 2017. Source : https://www.livemint.com/

The second graph below shows indian middle class , less than 5% of total population. There is a reason why thousand commit suicide in india as they cant sustain life.

Now stop being shameless Indian for a minute and see the chart at the top. This is not republic TV where you come and distort fact. We all know the reality of India, and the pain that India has from division of subcontinent is very obvious.

Now dont quote me again in your filthy posts. You are a waste of time. Another BJP IT sanghi.

Your dumbness now crosses the next level. Let me show you how shamefully you are countering without even reading. Shows your not only immaturity but the growing frustration of not being able to handle India's growth. Let me show you some of your obvious shameless errors that you made while hurrying into posting these figures and replying to my post....

The chart you presented is from Krishnan/ Hatekar report . The report itself shows that the largest bracket of our population is divided in the middle class (upper/ lower). Not only they represent the biggest bulk of the consumer but also are the fastest growing bracket. Oh Mr. dumb, one more thing and one more time..let me try to teach you... if you care to understand... the bracket of 2- 10dollars is the middle class. an earning of 6 dollars a day in India would mean earning INR 400 a day. By your same logic, those 1.1 billion (lol I am not even verying that, sparing you ) people are actually earning good in terms of middle class. But alas, you will remain a shameful citizen of whichever country that you are trying to hide by not showing your flags ;) , I forgive you.. have an enlighting day. and do your research before posting please. and yes mr. embarrassed flag hider, you can quote me as many time as you want.. I pity your kind so always there to help you ;) ..now you may start quoting me with your filth.. :D
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