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Protestors Should Raid Avenfield House

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They won't because overseas Pakis are law abiding goodie two shoes who want to live in the luxury and order of the west while us dirty natives must fight a civil war and break the morale of our jawaans for their entertainment.
Those overseas Pakistanis send tens of billions of dollars in remittance. Money that virtually run Pakistan... How about people in Punjab, KPK and Balochistan start paying tax? Karachi pays more tax than the rest of the country combined despite only having 10% of population.
Seriously there's over 300 protestors outside. Just raid the entrance and find where those کتے are hiding inside.

What to do after is at your own discretion. If it was me they'd all be hung out on the balcony but that's just me.

After that you find out where that son of a w***e Junaid lives and do the same.

Punish these Amritsari scum
Why not you come over here and try it yourself by booking one way ticket from canada to London. UK is not Pakistan where you have free license to destroy any state or public property or to beat police worker in protest to save your political messiah.
Those overseas Pakistanis send tens of billions of dollars in remittance. Money that virtually run Pakistan... How about people in Punjab, KPK and Balochistan start paying tax? Karachi pays more tax than the rest of the country combined despite only having 10% of population.
Yes, overseas Pakistan remittances run Pak ...over 32 billion a year. Otherwise Pakistan has zero export right now . Now we have to feed more families in Pakistan compared to few years back and randomly send money to friends kid on eid ... we all expat Pakistani do that ....
Faujeets triggered and crying like dogs.

Some of them are literally defending drone terror attacks.

This is how shameless you faujeet dogs are.

Lanat on GHQ. Lanat on PDM.

That there says it all, don't it?

It doesn't matter to your precious generals what you think. Their dollar is more important than your opinion, yet you are here proclaiming them as the lords and saviours.

Oh yeah? Then send in 10bln USD, each of you. And keeping sending in the same every year.
Yes Pak Army suddenly became Dolar army since Imran is out from power otherwise all was well and every institution was patriot and was performing great before and also on same page lol

Did not PTI took a “U-turn” on its anti US rhetoric and even hired a private US consulting firm, Praia Consultants, to promote the party image and improve ties with the US.
Some of them are literally defending drone terror attacks.
You would be surprised to see how many actually do that on PDF. Pathetic shameless cucks with no self respect.
You would be surprised to see how many actually do that on PDF. Pathetic shameless cucks with no self respect.

I'm not even surprised anymore. These dogs are the biggest enemies of Pakistan.

Burn it all to the ground.
Indeed @Neelo

Believe in propaganda of the Mullahs.
Laugh at the misery of others.
Burn it all to the ground in the end.
Indeed @Neelo

Believe in propaganda of the Mullahs.
Laugh at the misery of others.
Burn it all to the ground in the end.

I believe the facts, not "propaganda of mullahs". Lmfao you think using American talking points is going to rub off on me faujeet boy?

Go beg for dollars again from daddy yankee and murder more of us civilians.
I believe the facts, not "propaganda of mullahs". Lmfao you think using American talking points is going to rub off on me faujeet boy?

Go beg for dollars again from daddy yankee and murder more of us civilians.

Kindly show these "facts."

I did not cite American talking points in my post but you are too brainwashed to understand well-documented facts from people who are privy to operations and background politics of the country.

The neverending war is due to the fact that the opportunity of defeating Taliban groups was missed when NATO was willing to help. Preference was given to talks that never worked.
@arjunk aka Arjun Kumar

Stop addressing Pakistanis as Pakis.

Overseas Pakistanis, majority of them are dual nationals or Pakistanis residing abroad. Their money dwarfs 220 million Pakistan’s exports.

Alot of them did a runner because the faujeets created a system that culminated this country into a banana republic.
War On Terror was a necessary initiative to save Pakistan but Taliban sympathizers have misled the Public with emotional rants:

Thanks to Taliban sympathizers, Pakistan has failed to curb the menace of terrorism:

Top Pakistani leaders, including then-Prime Minister Imran Khan, welcomed the Afghan Taliban takeover in 2021, apparently believing that a friendly regime in Kabul would promote Pakistan’s security interests. Khan said the Taliban’s return had broken “the chains of slavery”. High-ranking military officers, including Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, then head of the formidable Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI), hastened to Kabul to meet the new authorities, calling on them to either rein in the Pakistani Taliban or kick them out. Instead, the Afghan Taliban told Pakistan they would mediate in negotiations with the TTP’s leadership. In October, Khan confirmed that the military was holding talks with the TTP in Kabul “so that its members may surrender and reconcile in return for amnesty”.

Negotiations continued, mediated by the Afghan Taliban’s acting interior minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, who heads the faction perceived to be closest to Pakistan, even as the TTP kept staging cross-border attacks. The talks made little headway, as the TTP rejected Pakistan’s offer of amnesty, which required that they disband. The TTP delegation, led by Mehsud, would not back down on its own demands, either, though many of them were unacceptable to the Pakistani side. These included reversal of Islamabad’s May 2018 decision to merge the Federally Administered Tribal Areas – rugged borderlands that were previously under a special legal regime – into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has extended Pakistani state law to those areas. The militants want the Pakistani army to pull out of these border regions and the government to impose Islamic law in all Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan’s Pashtun belt. Lastly, they demand a blanket amnesty, as well as release of their detained commanders and fighters, while still refusing to lay down their arms.

The Pakistani high command, then headed by Qamar Javed Bajwa, backed by Khan, reportedly bowed to some of the TTP’s wishes, deeming them confidence-building measures to advance the negotiations. More than a hundred TTP prisoners, including two top leaders, were released from Pakistani jails. Authorities also allowed hundreds of armed Pakistani Taliban fighters to come home from Afghanistan. In return, Pakistan got a tenuous and short-lived ceasefire. First put in place in November 2021, it ended a month later, as the TTP stepped up attacks in a bid to pressure Pakistan into accepting its remaining demands. Nonetheless, with the Afghan Taliban still adamant that Pakistan resolve its differences with the TTP, the talks went on.

Insecurity spread in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa over the summer of 2022, though the TTP had announced a unilateral “indefinite ceasefire” in June. Militants were much more visible in the province, setting up checkpoints, extorting fees from travellers, kidnapping police and army officers, and killing government officials as well as political and tribal leaders who spoke out against them. According to one estimate, by August, a year after the Afghan Taliban takeover, militant attacks in Pakistan had increased by 51 per cent, with more than 75 per cent of them taking place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The province’s police chief has since disclosed that 105 officers were killed in 151 separate incidents over the course of the year. Calling for action to tamp down resurgent militancy and violence, civil society activists and politicians led mass protests throughout the province – from Malakand in the deep north to tribal districts, including North and South Waziristan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, bordering Afghanistan.

The top brass became increasingly convinced that the TTP had little interest in a negotiated settlement. The first sign of their unease was the August transfer of Lieutenant General Hameed, who had moved from being ISI chief to being corps commander in Peshawar, to the Bahawalpur corps in southern Punjab. Until then, Hameed had remained the main interlocutor in the talks with the militants. In mid-October, with TTP attacks claiming the lives of scores of police officers and soldiers, the defence minister told a meeting of the National Security Committee, the country’s apex security body, that the talks “bore no concrete outcomes”.

On 28 November, a day before Asim Munir took over from Bajwa as chief of army staff, the TTP’s central command formally called off the ceasefire, which in any case had existed only in name. It insisted that it had taken this step because Pakistani forces had not halted their operations; the statement added, “now our retaliatory attacks will … start across the country”.

It is these Taliban and their terrorist brethren who are killing Pakistani civilians and troops from time to time.

I have given my vote two times in my life and each to Imran Khan. And I am deeply disappointed in his view of War On Terror and Anti-American positions due to which Pakistan finds itself in such a mess today.

PTI should NOT talk about troop morale at all. PTI politicians are all millionaires and billionaires trying to charm people with misinformed rants while Pakistani Police officers and troops continue to die fighting terrorists. How many families have lost their sons due to political blunders of Pakistani politicians and their favorite picks among generals?
Yeah that's why TTP was revived and let back in multiple times since.

Of all the drone attack killings in Pakitsan which numbered in the thousands, only a handful were ever traced back to terror activities, the rest were all innocent civilians killed with such brutality as "double taps" i.e. the brave drone operator with full approval and gratitude of GHQ sepoys will light up a wedding procession, and when nearby people came to rescue, he would light up the vicinity to maximize the killing of innocent civilians. Hence the massive backlash against the sepoys in FATA, where the sepoys are being killed off to this day.
Kindly show these "facts."

I did not cite American talking points in my post but you are too brainwashed to understand well-documented facts from people who are privy to operations and background politics of the country.

The neverending war is due to the fact that the opportunity of defeating Taliban groups was missed when NATO was willing to help. Preference was given to talks that never worked.

I showed it in another thread.

Kindly show these "facts."

I did not cite American talking points in my post but you are too brainwashed to understand well-documented facts from people who are privy to operations and background politics of the country.

The neverending war is due to the fact that the opportunity of defeating Taliban groups was missed when NATO was willing to help. Preference was given to talks that never worked.


NATO? You mean this help?

An ape with a computer could show you the massive civilian casualties of drones. But you're a faujeet so....guess you can't.

a flash mob of 100 or so people could theoretically break in, throw some stuff around, and run out. Police can't capture everyone.
The neverending war is due to the fact that the opportunity of defeating Taliban groups was missed when NATO was willing to help. Preference was given to talks that never worked.
The CIA was arming the TTP you are talking about. You really think a bunch of cavemen had access knowledge such as the precise info on our AWAC location or carry equipment that jams our gunship's targeting systems? Lol...
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